Istja, kemm hu cool Leo Brincat
June 14, 2012 at 2:03pm
Dawn tal-Labour il-vera hip u fihom a blast. Joseph Muscat says that Malta’s burning, but Leo Brincat rocks on.
And it’s not just any old rock, because if it’s Old Labour, then it must be intellectual. It’s esoteric French rock.
Here’s our Leo, in yet another Facebook post designed to convince himself that even though he’s collected his bus pass and spends his days living the life of a constipated accountant with political aspirations, he’s still – let’s use a word he’ll understand, shall we? – GROOVY.
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French rock?
Herr Flick must be starting to feel at home in Rene’s cafe in Nouvion.
Old hippies never die, they just become old farts. Just in case tkun ghaddej l’hawn nhar is-Sibt, Leo:
[Daphne – Take a good look at the people in the front row at Robert Plant’s feet. Completely different from the girls tearing off their clothes only a couple of years later. Leo Brincat was never a hippie. He always looked a constipated accountant fashioned from wax, with a Nazi hair-cut.]
Totally agree. That was a bit of self-reflection and I would never refer to Leo Brincat as an old fart, of course.
But he did like Led Zeppelin (had a programme on Radju Malta), even though he always looked the San Remo/Canzonissima/Herr Flick type.
Are you saying Leo Brincat had a music programme on radio?
Well, he isn’t disabled.
What does he know of brains?