Jeffrey’s and Joseph’s next move

Published: June 26, 2012 at 1:20pm

Carmen Ciantar (in white dress) - the real cause of all these problems

That Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith and Joseph Muscat are working together is made more obvious by the day.

After JPOS voted with Labour on the deal he struck with them for the removal of Richard Cachia Caruana (and then walked out surrounded by Labour MPs), he told the prime minister there was no need to call a vote of confidence because he would support the government “until the end”.

This was just another Sicilian manouevre.

Now he has called on the Nationalist Party to expel Richard Cachia Caruana. Bang on cue, Joseph Muscat has issued a statement calling on the prime minister to prove that he has the majority to govern.

The next step is patently transparent. If the Nationalist Party does not expel Richard Cachia Caruana, JPOS will use this as justification for reneging on his commitment to support the government.

And he will have handed the general election to his new wife and her party leader, on a silver platter.

9 Comments Comment

  1. etil says:

    Let’s hope he will get a Sicilian type pay-back.

    [Daphne – No, let’s be civilised and take him for what he is: a drunk with serious problems.]

  2. Bubu says:

    The election is lost anyway.

    The PM should stop making himself a doormat for every Tom, Dick and Harry with a grudge to wipe his shoes on and start talking business.

    This is the time when he *really* needs a “par idejn sodi”. Personal vendettas have no place in parliament, especially when they constitute an embarrassment not only to the party, but to the entire nation.

    At this point he has nothing to lose and everything to gain by putting the upstarts in their place – making a show out of them if necessary.

    The language of blackmail appears to be the only language they understand after all.

    • Andre says:

      I tend to be of the same opinion. Much as I hate the prospect of a Labour government, I think it is about time the country got rid of people like JPO, Franco Debono, Jesmond Mugliett and all the other wannabes who have hijacked the political scene for the past two years or so.

      We are tired and bored.

      We don’t care about their reforms which are meant to give us a ‘stronger democracy’.

      We are tired with their personal grudges which are being fought about in Parliament.

      They have made a mockery out of the whole parliamentary system.

      They keep harping on about it being the highest institution in the country but they treat it like the school playground.

      The RCC/CMB debacle says a lot about the honour and the integrity of those two people but speaks volumes of the kind of vindictive politics the neo-Mintoffian party is promoting.

      I think it’s time we’ve relegated these not-so-honourable gentlemen to the dustbin of history.

      I don’t need to be preached to about democracy by people whose behaviour will land us with a party which has long been discredited in the field of democracy and decency.

  3. TROY says:

    A drunken dentist. Such a cliche.

  4. Issa Daqshekk says:

    I personally have had enough of this. Let’s call their bluff and call an election.

    If then the people want to elect blackmailers and a bunch of scoundrels to our Parliament, then let that be it and the people will get what they deserve.

    I am reliving the 70s and 80s again, and every morning am waking up thinking “What’s next?”

    We’ve all been there and we know the disastrous results. I only feel sorry for the next generation.

  5. Makjavel says:

    More proof of bed politics

  6. John Schembri says:

    In parliament JPO stated that he will back government in a confidence vote, and in his letter to Marthese he seems to be on Gonzi’s side.

    I say “Don’t trust him, he’s luring the government into believing that he’s got no more axes to grind.”

    He wants to do the maximum damage to the PN.

    This is an exact replica of the strategy he used with Richard Cachia Caruana.

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