Jeffrey’s move to Labour intensifies – now he’s changing his name
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s real, legal name is Jeffrey Pullicino. That is how he is listed in the electoral roll.
His father’s name is Pullicino, his mother’s is Orlando Smith.
Jeffrey simply tacked on half his mother’s name and uses it, but it is not registered at law as his actual surname.
That is why his first wife, Marlene, was Marlene Pullicino and not Marlene Pullicino Orlando.
Guze Orlando Smith, his maternal grandfather, was a prominent Labour politician in the 1940s. It is a name that has strong historic associations for the Labour Party.
Last week (14 June), Jeffrey filed a suit in the First Hall of the Civil Court to have his surname officially changed from Pullicino to Pullicino Orlando Smith, the whole hog.
Court Civil Court, First Hall – Malta
Judiciary Joseph Azzopardi
Names Pullicino Sive Pullicino Orlando Smith Jeffrey Vs Direttur Tar-Registru Pubbliku
Registration Date 14/06/2012
You can see where this is going, and why he is doing it now after all these years. In August, he marries a woman who is already working for the Labour Party and who has further political aspirations within it.
It will serve those aspirations better if she is able to identify herself as Carmen Pullicino Orlando Smith, taking the surname of a historic Labour politician, rather than as plain old Carmen Pullicino.
It is also significant that Jeffrey has chosen this period to dig out and polish up his Labour family roots by taking advantage of his maternal grandfather’s surname. That is quite apart from the fact that the Labour Party in the 1940s had little or nothing to do with the current version.
But more to the point, from what I am told of Guze Orlando Smith, he would have been truly ashamed of his grandson.
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Jeffrey’s brother, Trevor, has always been known as plain old Trevor Pullicino.
People who knew Jeffrey since he was in short pants could not understand the sudden “Orlando” tagged onto his surname in the 1980s/early 1990s, and many had (wrongly) assumed that it was to “hang on” to the then popular politician, Lorraine Schembri Orland.
Ghandu demmu Laburist se jghidilhom, u jaccettawh ma’ Fredu Sant u l-ex mara tieghu Marlene, li insejt kunjomha issa.
Farrugia, li huwa (kumbinazzjoni, xejn izjed) l-istess kunjom ta’ dak li tghix mieghu.
Mhux jaghmel xi xenata kif jaf hu?
Ha nghidlek, Marlene haqqha sympathy vote, mqar tuffieha.
I remember Guze Orlando Smith as a rather self-effacing, quiet-spoken, man; a gentleman who was well respected by all. Nothing like the hollow, unprincipled, and opportunistic attention-seeker that is Jeffrey Pullicino.
Mill-ward johrog ix-xewk.
So it’s all about keeping a spot in the limelight, is it? Well, the pity for Jeffrey is that it shows him up to be king of the dung heap.
He’s always been a POSer.
It’s just a rebranding exercise.
But wait until Ms. Ciantar becomes Mrs. Pullicino Orlando Smith for Joseph Muscat to push her forward as “another Star Candydate” for his party, together with Yana Daughter of Dom Mintoff.
This move by JPO exposes him for what he is. A seeker for attention basing himself on appearances rather than merit.
But then I could be wrong, and “there is nothing personal” in his motivation.
Jeffrey, your name as Pullicino Orlando was quite a mouthful. Adding Smith to that will be an achievement in wasted time.
JPOS. It has a certain ring to it when pronounced as a word in Maltese.
Well, if (a big if) Labour will accept such people in its skip, then it is true that Labour is really scraping the barrel
Guze Orlando Smith would have been ashamed of Joseph Muscat and the whole PL line-up, not just of Jeffrey.
Carmen Pullicino Orlando Smith is probably too much of a mouthful for the average Labour voter. They’ll simply know her as “il-mara ta’ JPO”.
This is the pits. Reminds of the long running case of Leonard Balzan who filed a myriad of applications in the Second Hall to have his name changed to Nardu Balzan Imqareb.
It was a big joke in court. I guess some people simply do not know when to stop making fools of themselves.
Carmen Camilleri Ciantar Pullicino Orlando Smith: one of John Bundy’s “Nisa ta’ Success”, along with Karen Mugliett, il-mara ta’ Jesmond.
Maybe he added the Orlando to distinguish himself from the other Pullicino in the PN – the one’ that’s still loyal to his Party’s values.
Even the late Archbishop Gonzi was a member of the old Labour Party (before the split from Boffa).
Some of the botox injected in his forehead must have leaked into his brain.
Pullicino sive (meaning known as) Pullicino Orlando Smith – False. He’s known as Pullicino Orlando.
I wonder whether he will declare under oath that he is known as Pullicino Orlando Smith.
In the UK, you may see quite a lot of hyphenated names include a common surname like Smith, Jones, Brown, etc.
Often a woman will not want to be known as Mrs Smith (her new husband’s surname), so she will use her maiden name and add it with the hyphen.
This is more likely among the upper and middle classes.
If he manages to change surname he will change his number plate to JPO569
Is Carmen Camilleri Ciantar going to be known as Carmen Camilleri Ciantar Pullicino Orlando Smith as from August? How very naff.