Just look at this brazen tart – what ARE these people?

Published: June 5, 2012 at 1:22am

This is Aaron Farrugia, former Chief Elve at Forum Zghazagh Laburisti, current chief of Labour think-tank IDEAT, and the man who has been appointed to write Labour’s electoral programme for 2013, following Il-Guy’s failure to deliver.

This is one of his electoral promo videos, set in Brussels as a messagg f’Jum Ewropa.

Not only is there absolutely no mention of the Labour Party, but he actually uses footage of the European People’s Party logo (the EU parliamentary group to which the Nationalist Party belongs) and not of the European Socialists (to which his Labour Party belongs).

What in heaven’s name are they trying to do? Trick people into voting for them by mistake?

I just don’t get it.

And that is quite apart from the brass neck of this individual, going on about Ewropa u l-aqwa fl-Ewropa. What is Aaron Farrugia going to tell us next: that he voted Yes and followed it up with a vote for the Nationalist Party in 2003?

Or will he scream about abuse and harassment and invasion of privacy if we ask him that question, like Marlene Cacciattolo Mizzi did?

25 Comments Comment

  1. Lupin says:

    Did he borrow Joseph Muscat’s shirt from the previous post?

  2. Randon says:

    The ‘European’ and ‘modern’ image he is trying to project is in conflict with his actual provincial stupidity, narrow mindedness and envy. A man trying to impress beyond his means and intelligence.

    I hope the PL realises his dubious worth before it is too late.

  3. Randon says:

    By the way he is also a good friend of Marco Cremona. Need we say more?

  4. Galian says:


  5. Neil Dent says:

    Forever Alone!

  6. Carmel Said says:

    What a plonker.

  7. Ghar u Kasa says:

    Incredible. Which option did he choose in the EU membership referendum? Did he abstain, scribble over his ballot sheet, or vote No? Those were his party’s instructions.

    We can take an educated guess that the one thing he didn’t do was vote Yes or for the PN a few weeks later. Typical Labour.

    As the saying goes, ‘Hobz il-biezel kielu l-ghazzien’.

    Mur kul torta tal-makku qalb il-baleni f’xifer ta’ rdum, purcinell.

  8. Nicky says:

    Daphne, do you totally exclude the possibility that he doesn’t even know which parliamentary group the Malta Labour Party belongs to?

  9. Herman says:

    Aaron Goes To Brussels: coming soon to a cinema near you.

  10. sasha says:

    They are people who don’t have foresight, vision or intelligence and who are incapable of delivering anything positive. They are the “Cut, Copy Paste” individuals, in reality just opportunists.

  11. sasha says:

    “What in heaven’s name are they trying to do? Trick people into voting for them by mistake?”

    That is exactly what they are trying to do and I can see exactly who is behind it.

  12. Jozef says:

    What’s really sick is the two volumes in the foreground as he’s typing away. 1.57

    The one on top is about immigration and integration in the European union. Barely a year ago, his leader was voicing his approval, indeed demanding Malta do the same, at one of the most xenophobic political group’s decision to force immigrants out at sea to turn back.

    His leader also used the oldest trick in the book, scoop up the grumbling and call it generalised fear, stoking an exceptional situation at Marsa.

    These individuals are slimey and double faced. Yesterday’s racket in parliament shows how empty their house of cards is.

    It will be worth watching the old guard standing its ground when they’ll realise Joseph doesn’t have the grassroots in mind. He’s betting on an EU program still in the making, proposed by the Socialists. His pledge will depend on a vote taken in Brussels. Tell that to Marie Louise Coleiro and Joe Debono Grech.

    ‘Il-gopps mal-gvern jigu jekk tghaddi mill-Ewropa’. As if Malta can afford some deficit spending on an unkown experiment. Another IPSE in the making.

  13. xmun says:

    How much time does he spend working? He certainly spent too much time walking about, aimlessly

  14. Amanda Cortis says:

    He’s a silly little twat. End of story.

    I have great fun regularly wiping the floor with him on his Facebook page.

  15. C Calleja says:

    Illajs kemm hu inteligenti! … and he walked a lot for this video clip :)

  16. kev says:

    Insejt l-isfida li l-Unjoni tirkibna u taghsarna, Aaron, hi.

    Izda tikkonfondi xejn, l-ghazla ga saret: se nikkrollaw ilkoll flimkien f’bahar ta’ dejn tal-flus tal-karti biex fl-ahhar (daqt) tidhol ghalina l-Unjoni u l-Bank Centrali tal-kartell li holqu l-krizi in the first place.

    Nahseb ghalxejn nispjega ghax l-istilel lil kulhadd wercu hawn u qas irridkom tghajruni talli ma tafu xejn.

    L-aqwa li kollox “fil-kuntest ta’ Malta l-aqwa fl-Ewropa” – dik importanti, Aaaron. Prosit tassew. Issa ghandi ghazqa u xkora nebbieta u nghidlek x’issarraf int meta tipprova.

    L-inhawi tac-Cawl jghodd ghalik? Hamrija hamra hemm. Ghal qalbek tkun, u hallik mill-kuriduri ta’ Brussell.

    • Jozef says:

      Ghid lil Sharon issellili ghal Borghezio Kev.

      Ghadu jqajjem lill-Afrikani minn posthom fuq xi tram biex jimsah is-seats bid-dizinfettant?

      Jew thajjar jitfa’ flusu it-Tanzania bhal Bossi?

    • La Redoute says:

      I’m sure there’s room in the world for boring old farts, but why do you have to invade this space too?

  17. The chemist says:

    I really think he’s too thick to notice the difference. It seems to be a common trait with the ‘elves’.

  18. Min Weber says:

    “Membri Stati” – that says it all.

    What? Are there “Membri Individwi”, “Membri Kumpaniji”, “Membri Knejjes”, “Membri Ghaqdiet”, “Membri Unions”?

  19. m busuttil says:

    Tgħidlix li issa qed jistħu jgħidu li jagħmlu parti mill-grupp soċjalista wkoll hux?

    Aaron, il-Partit Nazzjonalista hu membru tal-EPP u Labour tas-Socjalisti.

    issa jekk lanqas taf id-differenza waqt li qed taħdem hemm, għandek problema enormi.

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