Labour reasoning: “They’re just Arabs, so why bother sending a bozza tal-elf?”

Published: June 14, 2012 at 1:01pm

Why do I get the impression, from this photograph, that Tecom are praying for the Nationalist Party to win the upcoming general election?

Let’s say that the sole purpose of this Muscat-led delegation was to impress the owners and operators of one of Malta’s largest development projects with Labour’s immense suitability for government, and the fact that it is safe for business.

Why, then, would Muscat have thought it a brilliant idea to be accompanied by Michael Farrugia and Joseph Cuschieri? Is he so racially blind and prejudiced, such a backwoods billy, that he imagines “Arabs” can’t spot a useless person or a stupid one when they see him?

If he couldn’t afford the jaunt without Cuschieri paying for it out of his MEP allowance – and we need clarity on that – then he shouldn’t have gone at all.

And if he needed to soothe Michael Farrugia’s nerves because there’s a tussle with Franco Merciecea over who gets to be health minister, then he should have found some other way of doing it.

I feel embarrassed for them. The thing is, they don’t feel embarrassed for themselves. They quite clearly feel superior to mere “Arabs”, hence anything goes. I’m dying inside at the thought of Cuschieri’s table manners and his idea of lunchtime conversation.

Xi dwejjaq ta’ nies.

9 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Why does Joseph Muscat always look like he’s concentrating hard for the cameras but not really listening?

  2. Jozef says:

    He thinks Smart City could do with more restaurants.

    Some time ago another delegation, Joseph, Charles Mangion and, if I’m not mistaken Karmenu Vella, met up with Insurers and members of the local financial services industry.

    The questions they asked, I’ve been told, indicated they weren’t even aware of the turnover this sector makes, nor the number of companies setting up their back office in Malta. They sounded fascinated.

    Heaven help us.

  3. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    These are the Tecom executives who Michael Farrugia, Joseph Cuschieri and the Great Leader met in Dubai.

    The conversation must have been scintillating,

  4. Mrs M says:

    JMu needs to start paying back some favors to JCu. Wasn’t he the one who resigned so that JMu can have his seat in Parliament?

  5. ciccio says:

    The One news item embedded here ends by mentioning “…Joseph Cuschieri illi qieghed fid-delegazzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew ghal-penizola Gharbija.”

    Leaves little doubt that this jaunt was paid for by the EU. Including the dhow trip on both sides of the creek and the visit to the lobby of the Burj Al Arab for tea at something like Euro 250.

  6. Paul Bonnici says:

    I bet you these Arabs have MBAs from top universities. Arabs are very shrewd in business.

  7. C Falzon says:

    Is it just my laptop playing tricks on me or is the Leader winking continuously in the video?

  8. toyger says:

    “And if he needed to soothe Michael Farrugia’s nerves because there’s a tussle with Franco Merciecea over who gets to be health minister, then he should have found some other way of doing it.”

    I think the biggest tussle will be between Franco Mercieca and Chris Fearne if they are both elected. I really don’t see Michael Farrugia appearing anywhere in the health ministry equation.

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