Labour/Tecom joint statement

Published: June 14, 2012 at 1:37pm

Given that the Labour Party has taken it as read that it will form the next government, it has issued a joint statement with the Dubai-based investment company that is developing Malta’s Smart City.

A close reading of the text shows that Tecom is actually nervous about Labour’s unreliability – not surprising, given its objection to and criticism of the project – and its general incompetence.

Let’s hope Labour’s ICT spokesman Michael Farrugia, a medical general practitioner like foreign affairs expert George Vella, actually bothered to do so some research before joining the delegation.

Some research, that is, beyond the dentist, festa enthusiast, antique dealer and property speculator Marlene Farrugia’s tactic – as Labour’s energy spokesman – of quickly Googling “info” about an energy company and its controversial project, before going on prime-time TV to discuss it.


One Comment Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    ‘Partit Laburista urged Tecom to continue working to attract investment to Malta’.

    Should read;

    ‘Partit Laburista in government will continue working to attract investment to Malta ensuring Tecom’s success.’

    If I were Tecom I’d immediately write to Partit Laburista to clarify this minor detail, to please check the conditions of contract.

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