Leo does it again

Published: June 13, 2012 at 4:59pm

That walking farce, Leo Brincat, won’t let up. Instead of hiding beneath some stone in embarrassment and shame at having been part of the governments of Dom Mintoff and Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici (and then he preaches about correct behaviour and how to govern), he seeks new and fresh ways to shove his idiocy in our faces.

As if Facebook were not enough, now he’s tweeting, too. Yesterday he tweeted that Rural Affairs minister George Pullicino failed to turn up for a meeting of the Eko Skola Parlament, and that this was the first time – as a result – that they had a “healthy debate”.

Pullicino didn’t turn up because he was burying his wife’s father yesterday. If Brincat knew and still tweeted what he did, he needs to get his head examined.

And if he didn’t know, and he doesn’t read the death notices himself, then he needs a personal assistant who does.

But there’s worse: Brincat’s tweet was carried on Joseph Muscat’s tweet site, too. Is it possible that NOBODY in the Labour Party knows what is happening?

Exactly why do they pay Marisa Micallef? She might not be good for much, but if there’s one thing for which she’d be useful, it would be alerting clueless fools like Leo and Joseph to the minefield of tweeting insults about people who are at family funerals.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Anthony Briffa says:


    This is what the Maltese will get in a few months’ time if they decide either to vote Labour or don’t vote at all.

    I have just read the AG’s presentation to the Foreign and European Affairs Committee and I just could not stomach the banal questions by George Vella and Luciano Busuttil after a detailed explanation what constitutes a treaty, which would require parliamentary ratification.

    They know that they painted themselves into a corner with the Richard Cachia Caruana motion and they persist in their gaffe.

  2. Mrs M says:

    Very disrespectful, shame on Leo.

  3. Hibernating from Malta says:

    Considering Herr Flick formed part of the same government who sent to the police to my mum’s house in 1979 as she didn’t turn up at school (she was a teacher in the so-called ‘Siberja’: where all Nationalist teachers were transferred) because her father’s funeral was that day, I am not surprised at all.

  4. Grezz says:

    Well said, Daphne.

    Maybe he just played the oblivious fool to pretend he didn’t know about the funeral.

    I mean, he couldn’t exactly turn up as a sign of respect, whilst his party – and their venomous anonymous site – are rubbishing the minister, could he?

  5. Charles says:

    No wonder this Leo Brincat has listed “Disney Pixar” as his favourite movie on Facebook.

  6. TROY says:

    Herr Flick does it again.

  7. ciccio says:

    Is that egg I see on the face of Leo Brincat’s twitter account?

  8. WhoamI? says:


  9. Anthony says:

    A dinosaur who has not learnt anything in over half a century does not even deserve that appellation.

  10. Marku says:

    What a f**king bastard.

  11. Chris Ripard says:

    Incidentally, while the knives were being stuck into Carm Mifsud Bonnici’s back (and apart from his recovering from a pretty major op), his mother’s sister was also dying.

  12. Jozef says:

    An apology is in order, but it requires a higher state of mind.

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