More dispatches from the other Malta

Published: June 13, 2012 at 4:32pm

Apparently, this is the new photographic trend: bride porn. And of course, it has zero sex appeal. It is actually quite frightening, the sort of thing that would make a man run a mile, unless he’s weird. But then perhaps in the other Malta, this is what they fancy.

22 Comments Comment

  1. Sandrine Attard says:

    She’s actually a man.

    • Phili.B says:

      Sanderine is right. 99 % chance it is a man. The reflection does not correspond to the subject. Note the position of the legs, cheeks and lighting. Photomontage at its best, well, sort of.

    • Neil Dent says:

      100% not 99% – I remember her as a young man.

  2. edgar says:

    Looks like she is coming straight out of Madame Tussaud’s gallery. Enough to put you off sex for life.

  3. Interested Bystander says:

    I didn’t know Photoshop had a “make your face look like something’s been left out of the fridge all night” option.

  4. il-Ginger says:

    If it exists there is porn of it

  5. La Redoute says:

    Is Wendy Agius married and what does Mr Agius think of his wife’s photo?

  6. Herman says:

    She is on Facebook and in the Boudoir section of, she’s completely naked. Please investigate.

    [Daphne – Please investigate? You cannot be serious. That’s a job for a desperate fellow like Saviour Balzan.]

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      Crassness aside, skandalizzawk żewġ biżżliet ħi?

      • Herman says:

        Le qas xejn ma skandalizzawni l-bizliet qalbi, imma jien nemmen li gisem attraenti ma jmurx ma wicc ikrah.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      [Daphne – Please investigate? You cannot be serious. That’s a job for a desperate fellow like Saviour Balzan.]

      Daphne, I fell off my chair laughing.

  7. heidi1015 says:

    Did you see the boudoir section at

    The intro says “Too many women try to bal­ance every­thing. Many women worry about work­ing, man­ag­ing the house­hold, tak­ing care of the kids, help­ing their own aging par­ents, never leav­ing any­time to breathe. But what if you had the oppor­tu­nity to be pam­pered for the day by a make-up artist, hair­styl­ist, pro­fes­sional boudoir pho­tog­ra­pher, lights, cam­era, and wardrobe con­sul­tant, which results in a gor­geous, sexy glam­our shot?”


    “Boudoir pho­tog­ra­phy is seiz­ing the essence of a woman’s beauty into a pho­to­graph. There is no size and you are never too old for this type of photo ses­sion”.

    Ejja, ghadni bic-cans mela, jien.

    • Neil Dent says:

      And that ‘vintage blonde’ with the scowl instead of a smile? U le.

    • Herman says:

      “Never too old for this type of photo ses­sion”.

      Issa ncempel liz-zija – ghanda 86, imma forsi tithajjar. Ghada slim kieku, jekk mhux anorexic.

  8. ciccio says:

    I thought that Marlene Mizzi had the ultimate word in ladies’ “saxy and glamarous” looks. She’s got competition now.

  9. A Montebello says:

    Call it morbid fascination, but I too am guilty of surfing the site because it just gets worse and worse.

    Three models with thunder thighs thinking der saxy… and a nanna with more melons than I’d know what to do with, and a come hither look.

    There are sections that are password protected. The mind boggles as to what other forbidden fruit lie beyond.

  10. Bunny Rabbit says:

    What are those bimbos doing? Practising for an interview for a job at ONE, reading the news?

  11. Hibernating from Malta says:

    Excuse me for the 4th comment Daphne. However I think we all got it a bit wrong here… This woman is actually a transexual.

  12. K Micallef says:

    is this the Maltese equivalent of Stiffler’s mum from the “American Pie” series?

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