Please, somebody, buy this man a session at an S & M club

Published: June 4, 2012 at 10:08pm

Out of my way. I'm looking for the party whip.

Now it’s not just him who’s suffering. Franco Debono said in parliament tonight: “My family and I suffered to bring about constitutional reform.”

Was I the only one who noticed that? It’s there in black and white, in’s report.

He has a family? I thought he only had a mother, and let’s be honest, she doesn’t seem much of a one to suffer for constitutional reform.

It’s not like we can picture them discussing constitutional reform together over the pastina bil-Bovril of an evening when he’s flustered yet again ghax ma tawhx cans miskin.

Mur arah fil-French Resistance, jew xi prigunier tal-Gappunizi fil-WWII.

Jew jahdem fis-slums ma’ Mother Theresa.

I’m beginning to think he has an S & M fetish, and you know, I’m probably right. Suggestion to prime minister: roll him up in a carpet and walk all over him. Can’t you see he’s crying out for it? People pay to have that done to them in dens of inquity. But a cheapskate like that will want it for free.

11 Comments Comment

  1. NotSuperOne says:

    Suffering? Maybe he had a close encounter with a beautifully layered cock called Manu M.

  2. Edmond Dantes says:

    It seems Italia Uno might be making a program based on our “favourite” revolutionary reformer:

  3. Angus Black says:

    Franco in the French Resistance?
    Yes, maybe as a double agent.

  4. Anthony says:

    The next thing we know he will be clamouring for the Nobel Peace Prize.

    After all Aung San Suu Kyi got it so why not Franco.

    He and his family suffered so much and she was no top student.

    If Lawrence Gonzi does not insist with the Peace Prize Commitee of five to award the 2013 edition to the cock fighter from Ghaxaq the PL will again vote with Franco to topple the government.

  5. Nick says:

    Wow Daphne you so easily turn against those you once praised. I am sorry for you, I came on to your blog to see why people are always so annoyed about you. Now I know this was indeed a waste of my time and why they are annoyed. I have heard children give more mature arguments. Oh well at least you can live happily knowing you are hated by many, and with commentaries such as this you seem as intelligent as a sack of potatoes, you don’t even do the PN any justice. I guess for you ignorance is indeed bliss.

    [Daphne – I have never praised Franco, and I’ve always thought him a jerk.]

  6. Riff Raff says:

    Wicc tad-daqqiet ta’ harta bhal dak, of course he’d be into S & M.

  7. A. Charles says:

    Franco Tabone should check this website.

  8. AJS says:

    If he were in the French resistance, I’d hope he’d say whatever he needed to say “only once”. Good moaning to you Dr D.

  9. Gahan says:

    Kemm batejt biex tajjart lil Schiavone, u wara biex tajjart lil-Louis u lil Helen wara li tlajt batejt biex intajjar lil Austin flimkien ma Delia, ma rnexxielix.

    Issa imma irnexxieli wara hafna tbatija intajjar ministru biex inpattiehielu, baqali lista shieha bhalissa jien u l-familja tieghi jigifieri ommi u missieri li ghadni noqghod maghhom tghidx kemm qieghedin inbatu biex intajjru lil Dafni jew x’isimha.

    Wara intajjar lil Charlo Bonnici tghidx kemm batejt biex najru fil-parlament, xejn personali u bir-rispett kollu.

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