Resolution taken by the Nationalist Party this evening and released to the press

Published: June 20, 2012 at 10:33pm

Riżoluzzjoni tal-Eżekuttiv tal-Partit Nazzjonalista approvata unanimament fis-seduta tal-Eżekuttiv tal-PN l-Erbgħa, 20 ta’ Ġunju 2012

Dan il-Kumitat Eżekuttiv imlaqqa l-ewwel darba wara il-mozzjoni ta’ sfiduċja mressqa mill-Partit Laburista kontra Carm Mifsud Bonnici u Richard Cachia Caruana, liema mozzjonijiet ġew approvati bil-vot ta’ tlett deputati tal-PN:

1. Isellem lil Carm Mifsud Bonnici u Richard Cachia Caruana u jirringrazzjhom tax-xogħ ol kollu li għ amlu għal ġid ta’ Malta fis-snin li għaddew;

2. Iheġġiġhom biex minkejja l-attakki personali fil-konfront tagħhom ikomplu jagħtu sehmhom biex pajjiżna jimxi ‘l quddiem;

3. Jikkundanna lid-deputati Franco Debono, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando u Jesmond Mugliett għal kif ivvutaw fuq il-mozzjonijiet imsemmiha.

Frank Psaila
Direttur Informazzjoni PN

33 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Fl-ahhar. Prosit.

  2. maryanne says:

    Glorja, fl-ahhar.

  3. Allo Allo says:

    About time. What are they waiting for before suspending them from the party?

    [Daphne – No offence, but the general and widespread ignorance of our democratic system floors me sometimes. If the Nationalist Party kicks three of its MPs out of the party, or withdraws the whip, it will have two seats fewer than the Opposition, meaning it is no longer entitled to govern. A political party cannot remove an MP from parliament, but only from the party. So Franco, Jeffrey and Jesmond will continue to hold their seats as independents.]

    • @ Daphne

      You’re right in saying that the three musketeers can’t be given the boot from the party at this juncture, but that’s hardly the problem.

      I can’t understand why, in the name of democracy, it has become desirable to hang your dirty linen in public. What does democracy have to do with the internal workings of a political party, where the principles should reign supreme?

      The PN should not “accept” somebody who embraces leftist or liberal policies. Nor should it be polling its “members” to see what policies to come up with. Everything it does and says should be done and said in the light of its “founding principles”. There should be no room for opinion in the sense that “opinion” is widely understood.

      [Daphne – That is in fact the case with the Nationalist Party. It is the Labour Party which is doing what you describe here, hence Joseph Muscat’s talk of a “movement” embracing all the colours of the rainbow, which is patently ridiculous, as you say.]

      Government is different. The party has mapped its road and published it for evaluation by the public. If the public likes what it hears it will vote the party in. If it doesn’t, hard cheese.

      The public needs to be assured that if it has trusted party A to run the country, party A will stick to its proposals as much as possible. This is where, I think, “democracy stops”. You have been chosen by the people to do a job. You need reliable people, not trend setters and intellectuals, *ahem* at this point.

      [Daphne – Yes, exactly. I agree. And that’s why I find this version of the Labour Party even more worrying than the last.]

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      Franco, Jeffrey and Jesmond will continue to hold their seats as independents only as long as the Prime Minister does not pull the rug from under their feet by calling a general election.

      With Nationalist Party “friends” in parliament actively decimating the worthier members of that party, Dr Lawrence Gonzi does not need to look for any other enemies.

      The Nationalist Party cannot afford to continue to appease a subsersive fifth column within its ranks bringing it into disrepute directly and also indirectly by creating an image of a political party that condones this treasonable plotting.

    • Steve says:

      Agreed, but despite the fact the P.N. is expected to lose an election if it is called now, I would go to the electorate sooner rather than later.

      I’d admit that I (or rather my party) made a mistake in choosing these individuals to represent my party and ultimately my country, and that we would rather not govern than be blackmailed.

    • allo Allo says:

      And that is the reason I questioned why they haven’t been suspended from the party.

      They will still remain members of parliament.

      When voting it’s not exactly going to make any difference. Within or out of the party they are still voting like loose cannons.

  4. Lilla says:

    About friggin’ time.

  5. WhoamI? says:

    Fl-ahhar!! I said it once, I’ll say it again. If I were Lawrence Gonzi, I would embarrass these three twats, publicly throw them out of the party, ban them from the PN (tesserati, delegati, jidhlu gol-kazini, kollox), make them an object of hate, and call an election.

    I think that if he proves to have those par idejn sodi with this lot, he stands a good chance of re-election.

  6. C Falzon says:

    About effing time – but still too little and too late.

    The first point is very true, could not have been said better but at the same time was very easy to say.

    As for the second point, unfortunately the Prime Minister has spent the last few months devaluing the meaning of ‘personal attacks’ making it sound somewhat hollow. It’s like all they are saying is that bloggers shouldn’t write anything critical of Carm Mifsud Bonnici and Richard Cachia Caruana, because it upsets them.

    As for the third point, whereas they usually make condemnations too vague to actually mean anything here they have gone to the other extreme being so specific as to condemn only what is obviously condemnable.

    It seems that they still lack the courage (not sure that is the right word) to condemn the behaviour of these ‘three musketeers’ throughout the past few years.

    When I saw the headline I thought that at last the PN was going to do the right thing and put these three in their right place but it was not to be.

    In any case it is always much better than issuing no condemnation at all.

  7. Dee says:

    It’s good that the Nationalist Party finally put its foot down and meant it.

    Enough is enough and no one can accuse Dr. Gonzi of not having the patience of a saint when dealing with these sick individuals.

  8. FP says:

    Prosit? Fl-ahhar? About time? Put it’s foot down?

    I call this a rizoluzzjoni bla bajd.

    We lost a good minister and the best EU Ambassador Malta could ever hope for because of these three, not to mention the great detrimental effect on the party as a whole. And all we get is a cuddly “kundanna”?

    I expected the hashest of condemnations, listing each of the three MPs separately, with a full explanation of why what they did is out of line, vengeful, unbecoming of honourable members of the house, and above all plain WRONG.

    This is not even politics of appeasement, as Dr Mario Demarco said. I call this politics of cuddly bears.

    • Angus Black says:

      And, with one seat majority, what would you have done, three years ago, two years ago, one year ago and now?

      How much work has been done in the last four years IN SPITE of the three turncoats?

      Would you have trusted Joseph to keep Malta’s economy floating on an even keel?

      Quite often a ‘wish list’ differs greatly from the ‘To-do list’.

  9. GD says:

    If those three individuals had any sense of honour, they would be relinquishing their parliamentary seats forthwith and make way for others more disposed to using their parlamentary seats for the benefit of the country and not as a boxing ring to settle old scores.

    Shame on them for clinging on to their seats no matter what.

    • Helen Cassar says:

      Honour? They don’t even know how to spell it. They should be ashamed of themselves as they have a duty towards the people who voted for them.

      The real honourable one is Dr. Lawrence Gonzi as he continues this long and hard battle and honours the oath he took so as to continue his hard work till the very end, even though surrounded by a pack of Judases.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Sense of honour? These three despicable insects could not even spell the word. They have no interest in the progress of the country. Their only interest is revenge, headlines and payback.

      The little dwarf has cuddled up to them, naively (as usual) thinking they’re ‘on his side’. Bend over, little Joey, they’re only in this game for themselves.

    • maryanne says:

      They are proving Salvu right when he says ‘m’ghandnix kultura ta’ rizenja’.

      Given the one-seat majority, Lawrence Gonzi is taking the right decisions but we can put pressure on these three fannulloni to make them resign.

  10. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Fatta la zorba.

  11. Chris Ripard says:

    Election “unterwegs”, my friends. There is no way anyone with even the minimum of b * * * * will back a party that condemns him (let alone four of ’em). I know I wouldn’t.

  12. Cock fighter says:

    What’s all this fuss? I’m more than sure that Silvio Parnis can easily replace Richard Cachia Caruana and do a good job, if not better. So what’s the problem exactly?

    • Riff Raff says:

      The problem is that you’re asking too much of Parnis. It’s either the EU or the Sawt, and he’s already committed to the Sawt.

  13. Vanni says:

    Why do I get the feeling that none of the three will lose any sleep over this condemnation?

    In an ideal world, JPO will have his personal belongings from his MCST office dumped on his doorstep in a carton box at the crack of dawn.

    Ditto FD ‘s belongings from his parliamentary assistant’s office.

    Unfortunately this is not an ideal world, and these three gentlemen will continue to enjoy their swansong, for the time being.

  14. Stacey says:

    An extract from a comment posted by Jenny Pullicino Orlando under your post “Amorality” PUBLISHED: MARCH 2, 2008 AT 5:29PM

    What about Jeffrey’s “unprecedented lows” and all of his appearances on Super One?

    Jenny Pullicino Orlando says:
    MARCH 3, 2008 AT 12:20 PM
    Dearest Daphne,
    Thank you for shedding a human light on the situation.

    I am now at home, unable to attend University in peace, because I know that if I do I will be bombarded with questions. To add insult to injury, Labour journalists are adding me on Facebook, in an attempt to scrounge up some dirt, no doubt.

    I call for these people to leave me alone, let me be. Let us be. I was enraged when they used your son for political gain. I was also targeted by Super One on the same day- they filmed me for a substantial amount of time, so much so that I was prompted by my friends to stop gesticulating wildly.

    Obviously, using clips of me showing public disgust at Sant’s behaviour could not be used on Super One, especially once I put glasses on, which made me look all the more like my mother, a candidate for MLP.

    Hats off to your son for telling them off! You should honestly be proud of him. The unprecedented lows that they have reached- using children for political gain and infantile propaganda, has only attracted disgust!

    • Jozef says:

      Interesting to note how not even her mother, a Labour MP, could stop the assault. To think their owners will be in office any time soon.

      Will these methods continue, or are we to expect officious statements issued by the department of information instead?

      Here we all are, enemies of the state to be resuscitated by Saviour when the need arises.

  15. elephant says:

    I would not prefer to joke on this: Cachia Caruana did golden work – and the opposition knows it. But envy and “hdura” put Christ on the cross. Can you expect better from these Judas?

    • ciccio says:

      Comparing “these” to Judas is actually not fair to Judas, who realised the mistake he committed, returned his compensation money, and hung himself up a tree.

      “These” are still lurking and may seize any other opportunity. They might even wait for PAYBACK.

  16. FP says:

    From the Times, this morning:

    FD: “Is this the gratitude I get for spending all my time pushing and implementing reform which others should have done?”

    Has this guy got an MP3 player for a mouth, or what?

    JPO: Dr Pullicino Orlando also hit out at Mr Cachia Caruana, who, he said, decided who should be promoted by the party and who should be sidelined-or worse. “I would have thought that the Executive Committee of a Christian Democratic party would have served the party interests better had it focused on this serious situation rather than condemn those, such as myself and Hon. Mugliett, who refused to accept it,” he said.

    The opposition’s motion had nothing to do with all this. The more you open your mouth, the more you prove the point that your vote was an exercise in personal vendetta.

    JM: “I regret that the Executive was so selective in its condemnation of personal attacks.”

    Oh, so you are confirming that these were personal attacks, and not “a difficult stand in the interest of society” or any “conviction that Parliament deserves greater respect”.

  17. Stacey says:

    I agree with Patricia Mifsud’s comment on

    “Patricia Mifsud
    Yesterday, 19:38
    Mrs Caruana Galizia certainly doesn’t need me to defend her, but, for the sake of precision:

    Would Albert Fenech and Eddy Privitera kindly pick up a good English dictionary and look up the word ‘cavort’?

    One cannot ‘cavort’ unless one is physically in the presence of another.”

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