Right-wing Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando SMITH has found his true political home

Published: June 21, 2012 at 7:11pm

The man who is suing the state to allow him to have three surnames, instead of just one or two like the rest of us, has found his true political home in Labour.

Malta’s Labour Party is that incongruous thing: socialists by name, right-wing totalitarians by fact and spirit.

The Nationalist Party is left-leaning and liberal, which is why people like those three jerks have found themselves at odds with it. But especially Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith.

They think that being liberal is all about sex and marriage. It isn’t. Not at all. The far-right party in the liberal Netherlands has no qualms about gay marriage and divorce, but its views on Turkish accession to the EU (all those Muslims, my God) and on immigration are identical to Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith’s.

Let’s not forget that Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith is the man who wrote an article for The Times saying that people trying to reach Malta illegally by boat should be towed back out to sea, given food and water, and left to the mercy of the heavens.

His views concurred with those of the Labour leader, who said that if Italy refuses to rescue drowning migrants, we shouldn’t be the heroes and rescue them ourselves, then get landed with them. In other words, let human beings drown while you go home and watch television.

Let’s not forget that a good part of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith’s rant in parliament last Monday was an attack on the Maltese government’s decision to support Turkey’s accession to the European Union. That decision was not for the government to take, he said. It was for parliament to take, and he disagrees with it passionately.

Because you know, the country is run by Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith and his likes, dislikes and grudges.

I suppose the man is too ignorant to know that a good chunk of the Turkish population looks just like him, though a lot taller of course, and is far better educated.

10 Comments Comment

  1. A. Charles says:

    How are we going to call Jeffrey, now that JPO is not enough? How about the American way of calling him J – POS, with a pronounced emphasis on the last three letters.

  2. Jozef says:


    The implosion you predicted, is here. On to the second marriage it is, with a prova d’amore thrown in for good measure.

    What if he wants to show his ex-wife, that he too, can be cool and Labour?

  3. innocent bystander says:

    As an outsider, it is clear to me that Labour are National Socialists. They are the only European ‘socialist’ party that are against EU membership.

    I am surprised they aren’t including taking Malta out of the EU in their manifesto.

  4. Adrian says:

    He is a racist and xenephobic liberal (sic). Shame on him.

  5. La Redoute says:

    Turks are not Europeans, eh? I wonder what he’d say to Amadeo Preziosi’s descendants. Wasn’t the man Maltese, born to a mother of French origin, married to a Greek in Istanbul, Turkey, where his grave still lies?

  6. Party animal says:

    Kemm hu tal-lajf, miskin.

    L-uniku wiehed bl-ghonq mahlul u bl-ingravata migbuda.

    Stenna ftit, dik ingravata hamra? Tsk …Tsk…

  7. P Shaw says:

    Hitler and Mussolini also called themselves socialists.

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