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6 Comments Comment
Err, Silvio, it’s not very clear which team you are referring to.
They are all very confident of winning all of a sudden. What happened in Dubai?
Silvio, you are not going to win because you are in the best team, but because of the PN incompetence and arrogance in office.
The electorate will have to put up with your team after.
Said the England coach.
He’s probably referring to the Euro Cup.
This should read: Ok sinjura, tista tifflaxxja..il pirmli f’idejn sodi qedin.
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Err, Silvio, it’s not very clear which team you are referring to.
They are all very confident of winning all of a sudden. What happened in Dubai?
Silvio, you are not going to win because you are in the best team, but because of the PN incompetence and arrogance in office.
The electorate will have to put up with your team after.
Said the England coach.
He’s probably referring to the Euro Cup.
This should read: Ok sinjura, tista tifflaxxja..il pirmli f’idejn sodi qedin.