The height of self-delusion

Published: June 4, 2012 at 9:02pm

Exactly who attempted to “destroy others”?

And he thinks that last Wednesday’s travesty of democracy “re-established parliament as the highest institution in the land”, instead of turning it into one member’s latrine.


What had happened on Wednesday, Dr Debono said, re-established parliament as the highest institution in the land.

This country was not run by blogs but by its representative parliament. Unfortunately because proper laws had not been enacted, some people had attempted to destroy others, but they would not succeed. This should not be taking place, certainly not with the blessing of the prime minister.

5 Comments Comment

  1. Manuel Camilleri says:

    He is definitely trying to buy the PM’s confidence.

  2. Joe Borg says:


  3. Michelle Pirotta says:

    I would say the PM ‘mesah l-art’ with Joseph today.

  4. Jozef says:

    Delusional and scary. The disdain for anything other than what he calls the highest institution tastes of extreme right.

    How he deems a country should run itself betrays his idea of where public opinion stands.

  5. Botom says:

    The best joke was when Franco said in Parliament that 90% of the Maltese people agree with him. If this is so, it’s tough luck for me. It seems that all the people I met so far came from the remaining 10%.

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