THIS is a resignation matter, Sur Franco
Franco Debono is arguing with people online beneath Victor Calleja’s blog-post on He talks about advisers to the prime minister and cabinet members who he has decided have been under psychiatric care, without mentioning names of course.
In the sort of democracies with which I am most comfortable, that would be a matter for resignation.
It would also mean a very public reprimand by the prime minister – whose duty and remit, I feel I must point out, is the behaviour of his MPs and not the behaviour or choices of journalists who write newspaper columns and on the internet.
Those who vote for the Nationalist Party fully expect the prime minister to now wipe the floor with Franco Debono after having allowed Franco Debono to wipe the floor with him for four years.
The vague and non-confrontational words he spoke last week were highly unsatisfactory in terms of assuaging public irritation and anger.
If that doesn’t happen, it is the prime minister who will suffer the consequences, and not just the Hal Ghaxaq monkey on his back.
Franco Debono and the Labour Party have dragged the level of politics in Malta back to pre-1987 days. Together, they have used a tool of democracy – the parliamentary vote – to execute an anti-democratic lynching of somebody who stands in their way.
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Kemm hu bniedem baxx u kattiv.
Yet he expected to become a minister.
Will Joseph Muscat condemn him publicly?
What, when the history of the MLP/PL has been nothing but baxx u kattiv for the past five decades or so?
Besides, apparently he translated (literally) the italian expression ‘variante impazzita’ to mean ‘crazy’ or ‘mentally unstable’ which is not the case. It means ‘loose cannon’ as Andy Farrugia explained in a reply underneath.
A variante impazzita can also be an established dissenting mechanism to create an antithesis strenghtening concepts.
Franco is just a destructive force.
Well done for the screenshot, as he’s probably already been on the blower to the Times, insisting they delete the thread.
This blundering blustering filibuster from Hal Ghaxaq seriously expected to become senior minister and then leader of the Nationalist party and eventually Prime Minister within the space of three short years.
It’s about time he faced reality and set his sights on a realistic target. Sindku?
Segretarju tas-sottokumitat tal-Kumitat tal-festi esterni tal-banda ta’ San-Bati?
If Franco Debono has some shreds of sanity and dignity left and wants to save himslef and his family further embaressment, he would call it a day and resign his parliamentary seat immediately.
Who’s sane? Franco Debono? He obviously needs help.
It is high time Lawrence Gonzi asserted his position as :
Leader of the PN
Head of the executive and Prime Minister of Malta.
There is a groundswell of support both within the party and all over the country for him
I,for one, have had enough of his pussyfooting.
My trust in him remains unconditional.
My admiration unflagging.
Yes I agree, but you left something out: Leader of the future opposition.
I know something about the past and a lot about the present.
I have not been bestowed with the gift of prophecy.
Not yet.
I wish people would stop calling him the lawyer from Hal Ghaxaq, and referring to his village, like location has anything to do with his instability.
The ultimate gentleman, Dr Ugo Mifsud Bonnici is from Bormla. Not only is he gentillity personified, he introduced Systems of Knowledge, bringing a spot of culture, philosophy and thinking to all sixth form students.
I agree with you 100 per cent. Franco is a shame for all he writes and says especially because he has no respect for others.
I believe that you have to challenge and get the best but this is not the way to do it. He attacks all that moves and implies things that he cannot prove.
This is not politics of persuasion but politics of destruction. Thumbs down to this, Franco.
All the antics by PL have little to do with anything Carm Mifsud Bonnici did or did not do. If there is a problem with the police force, it’s the police commissioner who should resign, but you’re not going to demand that because as a criminal lawyer you depend on his cooperation.
Fully agree. The village has nothing to do with the insanity of one of its residents.
As for Debono and his mean and base comments I do not expect anything better.
Once a peasant always a peasant.
(The word “Member” should be taken to apply to both the masculine and feminine gender. A copy of the Register referred to in paragraph 5 is shown as an Appendix.)
1.A Member of the House of Representatives shall at all times, both inside and outside the House, conduct himself in a manner which reflects the status and dignity of the House of Representatives.”
Dr. Debono, you are an embarrassment to the dignity of the House of Representatives. You should resign from your position.
This reminds me of a certain top student in Malta:
Narcissim Traits and Signs:
1. Flattery towards people who admire and affirm them (narcissistic supply)
2. Detesting those who do not admire them (narcissistic abuse)
3. Using other people without considering the cost of doing so
4. Pretending to be more important than they really are
5. Bragging (subtly but persistently) and exaggerating their achievements
6. Claiming to be an “expert” at many things
7. Entitlement: Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves special. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority, and the perpetrator is considered an “awkward” or “difficult” person. Defiance of their will is a narcissistic injury that can trigger narcissistic rage.
Kemm hu baxx.
Crass stupidity. And he wants to emigrate to Italy when he can’t understand the Italian translation of ‘loose cannon’.
But that’s not enough – his discussion of his colleagues’ supposed psychiatric treatment reinforce my belief that he is a megalomaniac and the sooner he’s out of parliament the better.
Isthi Franco, waqajt fil-hmieg. Jekk taf taghmel hekk, kont taf thammeg lil Schiavone, daqs kemm taf tinfexx fil-kandidati l-godda li ser jehdulek postok.
Intant ma’ tigikx f-ilsienek li ssemmi n-nies b’isimha, forsi ghax taf fejn wasalt. Ghalija, wiehed bhalek jibqa’ lura ghax kull ma’ jghaddilu minn mohhu hu li jaqla’ xi libell.
Ma’ xbajtx tinbex pajjiz, tiggakbina li min ghamlek, min emmen fik u min afdak bil-prerogativa demokratika tieghu, jigifieri l-vot.
Ghamejt b’fernezija li tellfitek kull sens ta’ decenza u hsieb. Nsejt ghalfejn qieghed hemm, qed tigi titnejjek mill-weghda li ghamilt li taqdi ir-rwol istituzzjonali tieghek u wrejtna kemm hallejt l-ghira, id-disprezz lejn il-proxxmu u l-hsieb mahzun jirkbuk.
Cuc int, ghax bil-Malti hxejtha. Bhallikieku in-nies ghajnejha mhux f’wiccha, jew ghadek tisthajjel li ser terga’ taghtik cans iehor biex tibqa’ tberren kif tahdem lil haddiehor? Xi hsibtha n-nies?
Ghax m’hemmx min jahdmek. X’minghalik, li tghaddiha minn fuqek u ninsew?
Rajna bizzejjed issa, miskin int jekk tahseb li min ma’ jiftahlekx halqu qed jiggustak. Ibza’ minn dawk li jibqghu ikebbsuk, ghax kif jinqdew jarmuk. Lilna nsina.
If Joseph Muscat’s election-winning strategy is to ride on the back of a megalomaniac power-hungary nonentity, then I pity our country if he is elected prime minister.
There is nothing wrong in having mental health problems and seeking help. Franco as an MP should be ashamed of himself to write such a comment which continues to fuel stigma and suffering for patients with mental health problems.
He should be responsible enough to apologise for saying this.