What do you expect from a man who listens to Enya?
June 20, 2012 at 11:46pm
The Nationalist Party issues a condemnation of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando tonight, and he plays it cool by going on Facebook to tell us that he finds Enya so relaxing, linking one of her tedious songs before wishing us goodnight.
Enya – the stuff they used to play on a loop at the beautician’s while I got my pedicure done circa 1998.
But I’m curious. Shouldn’t Jeffrey be getting something a little more exciting than a dose of Enya’s music at bed-time tonight, after all he’s done for Mrs Labour Pullicino Orlando Mk II’s party?
Quite frankly, if she fobs him off with a plate of spaghetti rizzi instead, and tells him she’s got a headache again, I can’t say I blame her.
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Oh, so he’s not stroking cats and drinking Earl Grey (from a mug…) tonight then, is he.
The content of your writeups in general is great.
The closing paragraphs, greater still.
Now he’s the only person I know who enjoys Enya without the benefit of having had a full frontal lobotomy… er, hang on…
Malta is truly a safe country to live. In another country a politician who betrays his constituents would not face a happy ending. Like Debono he is lucky to live in Malta.
Matt your statement is 100% right. Had these three been on the PL side, they would have needed police protection round the clock.
All three are lucky:
1. That they did what they did in 2012 and not pre-1987.
2. They belong(ed) to the NP and not the LP.
Quite apart from Enya, I find it fascinating that people like Pullicino Orlando feel the need to tell us what music they are listening to, what tea they are drinking, what they had for breakfast, that they are going to bed, that they have just woken up, and so on.
Do they honestly think that this information is of public interest?
[Daphne – It’s a fragile ego problem: you don’t exist unless you others can see you.]
Embarrassing himself more and more – wish I was a psychiatrist and could study him.
“I find Enya so relaxing….thought to share this with you…..”
Jeff, go to bed – it’s past your bedtime.
Must be that little dick again.
Might I suggest ELO, Jeffrey? “Illusions in G Major” or perhaps “Don’t Bring Me Down”
I don’t quite understand this. The PN issued a public comdemnation. So what? If it was meant to publicly embarrass them, it’s not going to work with these 3 individuals, that’s for sure.
What else can they do in reality? Expel them and give them a reason to bring down the government? That is what the PL wants.
I guess it’s better than lighting a cigarette.
What is spaghetti rizzi? I know of spaghetti con salsa di ricci.
Maybe it is be a new breed of sea urchins.
Oqghod hemm ha mahruqa! Issa naraw kemm ser tibqa hemm fejn int la jitla il-Labour! Jeffrey sewwa ghamel u jekk tahseb li bl-attakki tieghek ser twaqqaw, mhux ser jirnexxielek.
[Daphne – The usual illogical arguments from a Labour supporter. Why wouldn’t I still be here, writing this blog, when Labour is elected? What are your people planning to do, jail me without trial for the crime of laughing at the Labour Party and it fellow-travellers? Organise a hired assassin (no surprises there)? Abuse its power in government to deprive me of an internet connection and ban me from owning a laptop? Your attitude is so revealing. “A Labour government is elected and acquires the power to stop criticism against it”. Well, I don’t blame you. You’ve been listening to MPs who claim that the prime minister can and should stop journalists from writing certain things. Ghadek bil-mentalita ta’ zmien Mintoff. As for Jeffrey, he’s there to stay until the next election. Then he can go and canvas for his wife no. 2 in the Labour Party. Ghamiltu akwist u twekkejtu bih intkom.]
Mulej, ahfrilhom.
dejjem theddu n-nies bir-rebha tal-Labour. Donnha xi haga tal-biza’.
Jien nigi nitmellah altament x’muzika jkun qed jisma’, x’te jkun qed jixrob u liema qattusa jkun qed imelles.
Li jimpurtani hu kif membru parlamentari suppost Nazzjonalista ma jghidx kif se jivvota lil-partit tieghu.
B’harsa mill-boghod malajr tinduna kif qdejnieh mill-koxxa ghal-kull ma ried u ghad irid jiehu.
Dan kollu ghax ftit granet qabel l-elezzjoni Alfred Sant ried jaghmel ‘scoop’- jew ahjar Terrinata, biex jirbah dak is-siggu. Idefendejnieh ghax kien se jtellifna l-elezzjoni minhabba dak li ghamel u kien behsiebu jaghmel.
Milli nista’ nara u nifli, il-Partit Laburista irid jitla’ mhux ghax hu tajjeb imma ghax il-partit oppost kellu jtella’ mieghu nies li ma jixraqilomx jissejhu Nazzjonalisti.
Kultant certa genwinita fil-hsieb naraha bhal fil-mozzjoni ta’ Franco fuq il-gustizzja u l-intern, imma tpattijja personali kontra nies ta’ integrita’ hija ghalija hsara ghal-Malta.
Ma nsemmi lil hadd fil-politika. Insemmi lil Roderick Chalmers li sa ftit gimghat ilu, kelliema mil-oppozizzjoni kienu qed jitolbu rasu fuq platt minhabba il-VFM. Irrizenja minhabba li mietlu t-tifel, qal. Jien nemmnu ghax l-ewwel ghandha tigi l-familja.
Imma xorta nahseb li l-mewt tat-tifel kienet it-tibna li qasmet dahar iz-ziemel. Tilef il-BOV, tilfu l-azzjonisti u tilfet Malta.
Wara r-rizenja hafna biki tal-kukkudrilli: kemm kien kapaci, kemm kien integru, kemm ghallimna, kemm ta dividends, kemm gab il-bank ‘il-quddiem.
M’ilux attakkaw lic-chairman tal-MITA u fi zmien ir-referendum tal-Ewropa kienu attakkaw qatta’ bla habel lil-ekonomista Gordon Cordina, u qablu lil Marin Hili tal-Freeport. Dawn kollha telqu, u probabbilment qed jaqilghu flus u jkabbru n-negozju taghhom iktar minn meta kienu ‘impjegati’ f’entitajiet tal-gvern.
Issa u waqt il-parlament Jeffrey d-dentist qed jghidilna li RCC kien tajjeb f’xogholu imma xorta ghandu jtir ghax hu jikkmanda. Grazzi Jeff , ara tibdiex tispicca l-id-diskorsi tieghek b’ “Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox”
…Ghax tghid veru kollox qed jigi qabel Malta.
The prime minister should call the bluff of the conspirators and further have them removed from any government or party sponsored or representative posts immediately.
Now that Jeffrey slept over it, is he going to tell us that he intends to join Joseph Muscat’s skip?
The next step: JPOS crosses the floor.
For a second there I thought Jo Folini was telling Jeffrey to ignite (as in willfully induced spontaneous combustion). But then I realised she was only telling him gnite.
I’ve never been force-fed Enya, so I must admit I quite like to listen to her on occasion.
He should listen to Enya’s Sail Away (Orinoco Flow) forsi tispirah u jdabbar rasu.
The PN issued a public condemnation. How very democratic!
I think we still need to get used to this style of politics. Whoever screws up has to be accountable for it and resigns. Period. That is the only way forward.
We are the first to criticise the “mhux xorta” approach, but when someone acts against the “mhux xorta” approach we crucify them.
[Daphne – Whoever screws up has to resign, yes. But who screwed up here, exactly?]
How is issuing a public condemnation “undemocratic”? And hasn’t Franco Debono been begging for months for a public condemnation of Daphne Caruana Galizia?
It is because it shows how truly an undemocratic party really is. A condemnation for what? For voting against Carm Mifsud Bonnici so that he resigns?
[Daphne – That is exactly the sort of condemnation a party should make, John: of its own members for going against the party whip. This is a serious aberration which would warrant expulsion, and not condemnation, in situations where the party leader had the luxury of several seats to play with. What IS anti-democratic is the requests of those MPs – nay, demands with menaces – that the party, the government and the prime minister condemn journalists for criticising them. That is horrific.]
Oh wait, you’re going to tell me that Carm Mifsud Bonnici was brilliant at his job. I cannot really speak of the RCC case as I haven’t followed much of that, but I followed the CMB case and yes, I believe he had to be held accountable for his shortcomings.
[Daphne – You can’t really speak of the ‘RCC’ case because you don’t know much about it, and yet you just did, and you also passed judgement and offered your opinion.]
The fact that Franco Debono is begging for a public condemnation against DCG is something completely different. DCG is an independent columnist – silencing a journalist is censorship and against any forms of freedom of speech.
[Daphne – I’m glad we agree on that at least. And it’s not just Franco who did that. The whole gist of Jeffrey’s speech in parliament was about just that. He too thinks that the government should silence criticism of him and his associates, or suffer the consequences.]
@ johnusa:
Let me quote your exact words:
“The PN issued a public condemnation. How very democratic!”.
Now, again, in what way is issuing a public condemnation following a democratic vote in the Executive, undemocratic?
Oh God, stupid Facebook pages again. Madonna, don’t people go out anymore?
They’re afraid that someone might spike their drinks.
For a minute I thought you wrote “don’t people grow up anymore?”
I agree with Village. These persons who have been so happy to stab the PN in the back should not be allowed to earn extra cash from government appointments.
There is a rather vulgar Maltese expression “min ma jisthiex jahralek f’idek, tisthix iccappasuli ma’ wiccu”. The PN supporters expect some concrete reaction from Gonzi, not just a condemnation.
It is becoming quite evident that a fierce competition for the title of “d**khead of the century” between these three morons is in progress, with no indication of an eventual winner.
Joseph had better be careful now, because he faces having to form a coalition with these three. He’s an idiot, If he thinks he’s going to inherit their votes, if anything it will be the other way round.
Two of them won’t consider him as the natural interlocutor.
Not when strategy will be discussed over dinners in Siggiewi, and will spend his term in office wondering whether he missed one the previous weekend.
Chavs will be chavs.
I wonder why you are so much against this man ,his ex and his future wife.I think that there is something between you and Jeffrey which did not crop now,but from old days.Were you in the same group perhaps and never saw eye to eye? I wonder.There must be something personal.Why don’t you stop it ?
[Daphne – No, as if. We were never in the same group, not even remotely. He lived in another world, and might as well have been on another planet. Bit of a dork, actually. Malta was very different in those days. To quote his words back at you: “No, there’s nothing personal between us. It’s just that I can’t stand him.’]