Would you buy a used car from Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando?
I wrote this blog-post last October, after listening to Pullicino Orlando perjure himself in court.
I think it is worth reproducing now so that you can read it again in the context of what transpired last night.
And remember that when I wrote this last October, and spoke of the fact that the real cabal is made up of Jeffrey, Malta Today and the Labour Party, I didn’t yet know that the woman Jeffrey will marry in August, Carmen Ciantar, is once more a Labour Party activist who is working and campaigning for the imminent election of the Labour Party.
It is now legitimate to ask whether he is serving the interests of the woman he sleeps with, or serving those of his party.
Also, at this point it is no longer possible to avoid the question of whether Labour has struck a deal with Pullicino Orlando: a juicy reward for his second wife with a Labour government, or better still, the reactivation of the Mistra project.
I would not put anything past a slimeball like this. As for Labour, they always stank of corruption – and bear in mind that corruption doesn’t necessarily involve money.
My blog-post from last October is below.
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando lied under oath this morning when he said that Richard Cachia Caruana had asked me to attack him, and that I had told him this.
I said, also under oath, that Richard Cachia Caruana had asked me to do no such thing, that nobody tells me to do anything, still less Richard Cachia Caruana of all people, and that even if he had done so, I would never have told Pullicino Orlando, who I barely knew from Adam at the time, about it.
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando was called back to the witness stand and he went one further with his lying.
He said I had told him that if I were ever asked about this publicly, I would deny it.
I could see the wheels turning in his mind: “Damn it, she’s said under oath that Richard Cachia Caruana did no such thing. So now what do I do? I know, I’ll say that she said she would deny it.”
The man is abhorrent. He is not insane; he is a cornered rat.
Do I strike anyone who knows me as the sort of person who would say “Look, I’m going to tell you this, but if you ask me about it publicly, then I’ll deny it”?
As I told the court, if I am known for anything, it’s for saying and writing exactly what I wish to say and write and paying the price for it.
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando is so cavalier about perjuring himself that he thought nothing of saying – which is what he effectively did – that I was the one committing perjury and, worse still, telling him in advance that I would commit perjury.
The man needs to get a grip or take a trip. Whatever his problem might be, he needs help with it, and fast.
I have no doubt that he felt it necessary to lie under oath because he had lied already to Malta Today editor Saviour Balzan, who was there with him, as was Labour Party deputy leader Toni Abela, wearing his hat of defence lawyer to Balzan.
If he told Saviour that lie, then he was going to have to perjure himself to back it up, or risk Malta Today’s wrath once again. So he perjured himself.
I am willing to bet that the scummy little toad hasn’t told his other scummy little toad friend, Balzan, or that puppet-loving idiot, Toni Abela, that after the general election he and his girlfriend Carmen Camilleri Ciantar invited me and my husband to supper at their home in Haz-Zebbug. The other guest was Richard Cachia Caruana, the man he would have us believe was ringing people to tell them to attack him.
Perhaps he’s in the habit of inviting his enemies to supper so that he can keep a close watch on them as they phone journalists to suggest that they demand his resignation.
Or maybe he’s just crazy. Who knows.
I think we’ve understood over the last three and a half years that Pullicino Orlando will do anything to stay in the limelight. If you look back, you’ll realise that he’s invented one thing after another to stay in the headlines. One thing after another. When the limelight ebbs away, he does something else to grab at it.
Yes, even perjure himself.
As I told him in court (under oath), he prides himself on being a gentleman but he doesn’t even understand the meaning of the word. His behaviour all along has been reprehensible and utterly dishonourable, not gentlemanly.
I regret helping him, I regret sticking my neck out for him, and I regret voting for him. He lied to me, lied to the prime minister, lied to all those who went out of their way to help him because they thought he was a victim, and now, he has lied to the court. Under oath.
He belongs in Labour’s skip, along with Saviour Balzan and that cheap and tacky pond-life Toni Abela. They deserve each other.
The irony – the oh so delicious irony – is that all three of them stood there in court this morning colluding with each other to depict some kind of cabal between those they perceive to be their enemies.
The reality is that they are the cabal: the deputy leader of the Labour Party acting as lawyer to the editor and owner of Malta Today, plotting with political lost soul Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando who just so happens to have a seat on the other side of the house and hates Lawrence Gonzi as much as they do.
And then they say that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Unless those three have had a sex-change we haven’t been told about – LGBT Labour, anyone? – God save us from nasty little men who are vexed.
I told Pullicino Orlando (under oath) that he must have no self-respect at all to plot with those who tried to harm him – the Labour Party in the form of Toni Abela, and Saviour Balzan who hounded him as a liar three years ago (see one of Saviour’s front pages here) – to stab in the back those who went out of their way to help him.
Maybe the man is just plain stupid.
But not as stupid as I was for believing the lying scum.
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Joseph Muscat’s opportunism is becoming more evident.
In RCC’s case the victim had not one possibility of making him resign but two.
I wouldn’t be surprised that the backstabbers agreed not to gang up together against RCC or one of them knew how the others were going to vote. One stab was enough.
The last time I saw JPO behaving badly in parliament was when he opposed (RCC’s ) St John’s Museum project. Malta lost on that occasion all thanks to the Mistra Boy’s vengeful behaviour.
“Perhaps he’s in the habit of inviting his enemies to supper so that he can keep a close watch on them as they phone journalists to suggest that they demand his resignation.”
Typical Borgia style. It is to be expected from a bitchy shit.
They cannot get you, so they get your friends.
What happened to the libel case with Dr Sant?
JPO disgusts me. I too regret believing and supporting him at the time when the Mistra fiasco came up.
I felt betrayed when I discovered the truth, and even more so when his parliament antics started after the last election.
Instead of keeping a low profile, being grateful that people still voted for him, and knowing that he almost cost his party the election, he backstabs his voters and Prime Minister. The man is a creep and anything but a gentleman.
I’m looking forward to election time to have PN purged from such misfits.
Leave aside the immediate consequences of what happened yesterday in parliament.
Does Joseph Muscat think and believe that his party is seen in a better light this morning? Not at all.
The feeling is that Labour is still the same opportunistic party, sorry it’s a movement now.
Joseph Muscat may be reaping some benefits but alienating those who may have decided to vote for him this time.
Joseph Muscat is a prime, political manipulator.
He has made it so obvious that he wants an election now and it is not because he wants to be prime minister but because he knows that he has a better chance now. Maybe il-Guy can confirm this for him. Give us your honest opinion, Karmenu Vella.
You’re too kind, maryanne. I don’t agree that Joseph Muscat is a “prime, political manipulator”, as you put it.
I think he is being manipulated and primed, rather stupidly, by the blood-thirsty relics which pass for legislators in this country and who he has found himself burdened with. He is of course too dim-witted to realise they are a burden.
My fear is that the electorate is also too foolish to notice this.
Malta Today special edition out today. I wonder why?
Xejn gdid, wara kollox, Ninu Zammit ghadda minn kalvarju gideb fuq il-barriera ta’ hdejn Hagar Qim, biex Jeffrey lahaq politiku ahdar tas-sena. J’Alla ta’ sena.
Maybe he’s looking after his own interests and trying to get a reward from PL by keeping him as chairman of the MCST if they’re elected.
I take he’s sleeping on the sofa, I mean, is Tonio Borg a liar now as well?
Another one doing his bit for the movement, must be hot in that bedroom as well.
Perhaps he should explain how it is his applications nearly always land his clients in trouble. He’s taken to fixing bollards and luminous adverts against church facades in Valletta now. Easier to pass the buck with a council.
The deal – Pullicino Orlando will retain chairmanship of the Malta Council of Science and Technology under Labour.
No. It will be a Mistra permit. Mark my words.
….plus xi blokk apartamenti ghall-Consuelo, f’Hal Lija jew x’imkien iehor.
And get permits for his Mistra open-air club… you know, ghax ghadu zaghzugh.
And guarantee his second wife some top position in a government entity minflok toqghod tbiegh l-advertising space mal-Yellow Pages.
Maybe she will be appointed chairman at Enemalta, under the Energy Minister Marlene Farrugia, her predecessor.
Daph, this is another feather in your cap and shows that you not only write what you feel, are consistent, but also that you have nothing to hide, and no hidden agenda.
As for Pullicino Orlando’s deal with with Labour, it could also include a lucrative chairmanship for him and his new wife. Like with like, scum with scum.
Franco Debono, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Jesmond Mugliett – were they in collusion on the Carm Mifsud Bonnici and Richard Cachia Caruana motions?
The tripod of evil – I hope they get what they deserve.
The fact that Franco Debono openly declared that he would support his party on the Cachia Caruana lulled the PN into a false sense of security; then out sprang JPO like a Jack-in- the-Box. Was this a coincidence?
And who will it be next time to further rock the boat?
The PN should stop wasting time on these egocentric mavericks and concentrate on getting the lost sheep back to the fold by clamping down on all the moles in certain authorities (well known to be vote-losers) who are making a mockery of rules and regulations by behaving like inflexible petty little constipated Hitlers, and in so doing deliberately increasing public dissatisfaction. (X’ma jcarratx halqu min widna ghal widna in neo-Mintuffjan Joseph Muscat!)
Dr Gonzi, please keep the promise you made last sunday on the media, of really listening to what people have to say and referring legitimate complaints sent to you ,to the competent authorities for prompt action.
If you do so, Judases like JPO, Mugliett and other likewise inclined rodents can go to hell because the voters will vote in the good old PN that always had at heart, the welfare of the every single Maltese.
Viva ix-XOGHOL, u mhux anqas, il-GUSTIZZJA u LIBERTA.
The Times, as usual is running one of its usual polls, this time about Richard Cachia Caruana’s resignation. Why do they put “Don’t know” as third option; if I do not have a Yes or No opinion, I just would not vote in any poll. Or is this for the perennial fence-sitters?
I was absolutely right that for the last 3 years I have lost faith in some PN politicians. As a 75 year old I have always voted PN , but next election I will not vote at all unless the PN makea a clean sweep of some known of scum politicians.
Mr. Frendo, your contribution to this forum is a stock declaration by “I voted PN but now I will vote MLP” clique, so I can honestly say I don’t believe you that you had voted PN in the past.
Mr Charles I admit that by not voting for PN I will be heiping the PL INDIRECTLY but I prefer my party to be in opposition. What I clearly stated is that I will not vote at all, though on the spur of the moment,
Actually, I would let them seek re-election if they have the guts to.
Then the people will show them what they think by not voting for them.
If the PN actually force them not to seek re-election the PL will use it as ammunition saying the PN does not accept dissenters.
Yes, those were the days, since today, MaltaToday has issued a Special Edition on the case.
Funny how this was done when Mr Cachia Caruana was the topic. I would have thought that the resignation of a minister would have merited it at least, just as much. But i guess, I am very ignorant. Or perhaps the monster’s green eyes are shining.
So, a good man bites the dust.
A difficult man? Oh, very, yes. But good in all senses too.
His forced resignation bodes ill – civil servants are notorious for trying to wriggle out of what they should be doing.
Now it will be legitimate for them to do even less if, with someone like Mr Cachia Caruana, you can get the boot in parliament for doing what you were instructed to do.
And Mugliett? The one who managed to flunk what is essentially a very simple ministry? Pullicino Orlando, whose backside Mr Cachia Caruana actually saved as is borne out even by the MT poster you display? Ah how green, how green.
So. Out with Richard.
This heralds a new age with old, old wine – the country will get the government it so richly deserves.
I couldn’t agree more with C Frendo: the PN needs to choose the candidates for the next election well. Otherwise a lot of PN supporters will just not vote should some politicians be left to contest again.
Isn’t there a Maltese proverb which says that it is foolish to keep a viper close to your chest, or up your sleeve
JPO’s pre-wedding present to his future wife: yesterday’s vote with her party.
PL’s pre-wedding present to JPO nad his future wife: we had better keep a close eye on MEPA applications in and around Mistra.
Vera wicchom imcappas bil-hara.
I can never for the life of me understand how a woman can stand this little twerp for more than 10 minutes, let alone marry him – jaqq.
At last you managed to succeed in taking revenge on Mr Cachia Caruana, Jeffrey, but the fact remains that you can only dream of ever achieving a fraction of what he has achieved during his career.
Mr Cachia Caruana is an extremely intelligent, dedicated, hard-working gentleman while you are nothing but a spiteful, dishonest, pompous, envious piece of shit.
Ghal-ragunijiet varji tlifna lil Carm Mifsud Bonnici, lil Richard Cachia Caruana u b’dispjacir ukoll lic-Chairman tal-BOV Roderick Chalmers.
Min mar minn taht? Jien nghid li Malta marret minn taht iktar issa li se jigi diskuss il-Budget li jmiss tal-Unjoni Ewropeja.L-aqwwa’ li jtiru l-irjus. Issa min sejkun lest biex jidhol ghal xoghol bhal dan?
Ha mur nara xi gowl forsi nderri ftit.