A life of tuna toast at Cafe Cordina awaits our man Franco

Published: July 12, 2012 at 11:45pm

Bye, Franco. Here's a couple of euros - have a cock on me. Or some tuna toast.

I don’t think any of us wants to be one of Franco’s cocks tonight. Msieken. Min jaf kif se jinfex fihom.

Imagine that: the ultimate insult. He’s been struck off the party list and his arch-rival (as he sees it) Manuel Delia is on it.

Franco has spent the last year or more making terrible scenes and issuing threats each time he got the slightest inkling that Delia was meeting constituents in what he thinks of as His District, or that Delia planned to stand on the PN ticket there.

Poor old Delia even had to roll over and play dead, to keep the cocky jerk from throwing a major tantrum and bringing down the government.

Mugliett and POS have been deselected, too. Shame they couldn’t have been fed to the crocodiles a long, long time ago.

POS actually had the dream-on nerve to suggest that he will be back on the PN ticket once there’s a change of leadership. Is he nuts? (Don’t all answer at once.)

He cannot in all honesty believe that anybody is going to vote for him, even if the changed guard at the Nationalist Party in some years’ time drops a couple of mental screws and thinks ‘Hmmm, that Jeffrey. We know him somewhere. Nice guy. Let’s take him on.”

I think he’d better get used to the idea that his life of pseudo-bodyguards (one of whom weeps in public) and throwing his weight around is almost over.

From here on in, it’s all pulling teeth, botoxing desperate housewives, parties with Consuelo (who will have no further use for him) and Sicily “with the lads”.

18 Comments Comment

  1. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Finally…..some balls……

  2. Village says:

    Jeffrey, your political career is over.

  3. The chemist says:

    Maybe the continous information leaks will stop now. Well done PN. Ci voleva un paio di coglioni.

  4. Harry Purdie says:

    They got off far to lightly. They should have been tarred and feathered (Franco might even like that) and rode out on a rail, nuts crushed, then put in the stocks.

    Oh, forgot, that is a Labour policy. Apologize to the civilized real blue.

  5. Surprised says:

    If the PN does not want to end up once again with a Labour mole in its midst in the next legislature, whoever is vetting possible PN candidates would do well to have yet another closer look at the approved list so far.

    A close family connection of one particular candidate is very actively Labour.

    • Not Tonight says:

      That’s not enough to strike him/her off.

      Zammit Dimech had a brother who contested with the MLP, yet there is no shadow of doubt of Zammit Dimech’s loyalty to the party.

      Having said that, I agree that each and every one of those on the list need to be vetted scrupulously, not just for close connection with the opposite party but also for ‘Franco Debono’ traits of perceived superiority.

      Especially, anyone caught dissing other candidates from their own party should be struck off immediately. We need hard-working team players, not demented ego maniacs and loose cannon balls.

  6. Whoami? says:

    L-aqwa li Franco libes polo shirt with a massively oversized logo ha jkun cert li kulhadd jinduna li jaffordja jhallas €200 ghal polo shirt.

    What a stupid prat.

    Franco, so happy that the PN flushed you down the loo of political history.

    • Mister Fixit says:

      $98 dollars from the Ralph Lauren website, and cheaper in the United States. Pity it’s two sizes too small. Too much tuna toast? Bye bye, Judas.

  7. pazzo says:

    Ghall-erwieh, fl-ahhar. Ilni aktar minn sena nistenna biex innehhi din l-ghoqla min fuq l-istonku tieghi.

    Afdajnieh b`hames voti tal-familja u hara fil-qalziet miskin.

  8. canon says:

    Franco Debono’s wounds are self-inflicted. With a different personality, he could have made it to the top.

  9. edgar says:

    In politics, timing is very important and Dr. Gonzi chose the right time to get rid of the three stooges.

  10. Matt B says:

    It’s amazing how even before the PN Executive meeting, Franco found it pertinent to comment about himself and his reforms.

    It’s always about him.

  11. Sarah says:

    Did Franco Debono really walk into the Executive Committee meeting wearing flipflops and a polo shirt with the massive Ralph Lauren logo? Was he trying to convey how relaxed and unfazed he is by all of this?

  12. Lomax says:

    I have to admit I’m rather surprised that Franco didn’t see it coming.

    Is it really possible that he believed that he would be retained? Possibly I don’t know human nature well enough but it takes anybody with half a brain to realise that he would no longer be wanted.

    After all they put the government and the PN through, I would have stoned them publicly, real stoning, mind you. Of course, this is hyperbolic but fact is what on earth was Franco expecting?

    The mind really does boggle.

  13. Angus Black says:

    Great picture, by the way.

    Couldn’t wait to see this guy’s back while he strolls towards his sunset.

  14. Marie says:

    If tuna toast is what Rolex Franco fancies, I’ve been put off tuna for life.

  15. PG says:

    Al long last – they all got what they deserved. Prosit PN.

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