Another Bloated Hypocrite transmission

Published: July 24, 2012 at 2:12pm

Anybody younger than 45 is not going to get the full extent of this man’s unbelievably falsity. The rest of us remember him as one of the most awful ministers in the cabinets of Dom Mintoff and Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici. And that’s quite something, given the stiff competition he was up against.

26 Comments Comment

  1. Neil Dent says:

    He’s clearly living on another, strange planet, or old-age has seriously affected his brain.

    He neither knows, nor remembers a single soul who entertained/entertains such thoughts? Please!

    And is it just me, or is he trying to imply that the ‘cutting off of heads’ comments could be referring to the actual physical act?

  2. The Phoenix says:

    It looks just like some kind of stage-managed commentary by a Gaddafi acolyte, which isnt far off the mark actually. As for “program independenti”, pull my other foot. The man is, was and always will be, a jerk.

    We forget that his sons were given some properties in Pembroke to turn into discos – Raffles, for instance. That’s how the Grima empire started, with a good dose of nepotism in the Golden Years.

  3. maryanne says:

    Joe Grima started off by saying: “Ha nehles minn bicca mbarazz.”

    But then he didn’ slide under the table.

  4. Matt says:

    Boffa was a gentleman. After he was kicked out of the MLP, the party went downhill. Vindictiveness and jealousy became the modus operandi.

    And then we got people like this man, Joe Grima.

  5. The chemist says:

    ‘Hemm programmi indipendenti bhal taghna’. Int blajthom jew?

  6. ron says:

    iva niftakar il-meetings tal-Labour li semma.

    Kienu l-vera sbieh, tassew.

    Barra l-bnadar kienu jgorru gebel u flixken xi jwaddbu u jissuttaw bihom.

  7. ron says:

    Kemm sar skrupluz u jrid jilghaba tal-vergni.

    Mela mhux bhal fi zmien li kien ministru, ghax hu kien wiehed li ma ridx icedi biex il-maggoranza tiggverna fit tmeninijat.

    Over my dead body, kien jghid.

  8. A. Charles says:

    Nauseatingly too long.

  9. Georges Bonello DuPuis says:


  10. carlos says:

    Incredible. All this from one of Dom Mintoff’s and Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici’s ministers, who used to compete with Lorry Sant. Maybe he thinks we are all under the influence or, like Joseph Muscat, that we were in infants school back then.

  11. Stingray says:

    I do not remember anyone of you breathing one word of dissent when Joe Grima was on NET

  12. anthony says:

    Selective retrograde amnesia – an epidemic.

  13. Phili B. says:

    After calming down and coming to my senses after watching such verbal vomit from this vermin, one thing consoled me.

    This programme is not watched by undecided voters, but by their own staunch and gullible followers.

    So why should we worry? Let them stew in their own juice. Let them sulk over the doom that’s looming over our country, and wish for a new Labour government.

    I look forward to the beginnings at long last of a counter offensive from the Nationalist Party, not with fiction but with the truth that has ruled for the past 25 years.

  14. pocoyo says:

    Ghandi inqas minn 45 sena, imma il-hnizrijiet ta’ meta Grima kien ministru niftakarhom sew.

    Niftakar Dar il-Mediterran fl-86 ippakkjata rgiel ta’ kull eta, mid-distrett ta’ Grima, impjegati mal-gvern qabel l-elezzjoni. In-numru tant kien kbir li it-turisti bilkemm kienu jkunu jistghu jghaddu minn nofshom.

    Il-hin kienu jqattghuh jilghabu l-karti, jixorbu l-birra u jittantaw ix-xemx ghaddejja. Il-pagi taghhom baqghu mazzra m’ghonqna sallum.

    Lil Grima kelli ix-xorti niltaqa mieghu fuq xoghol iktar recenti. Mhux ta’ min jirrakkomandah bhala klijent, u huh ta’ l-istess pezza.

    Li tghaggibni fihom dawn in-nies hi in-nuqqas ta dinjita`. Fi zmien Roger de Giorgio (illum sid ta’ Malta Today) man-Net TV, Joe Grima kien jilghaq kemm jiflah lil Eddie Fenech Adami u jghid kontra Alfred Sant li keccih il-barra mill-Partit Laburista.

    Illum elogji lil Muscat u l-erba akkolti ta’ madwaru.

  15. Mickey Mouse says:

    So funny to hear these words from such a person. Mulej ghinna.

  16. Christian says:

    The man clearly thinks he can sweep his dreadful past under the carpet and get away with it.

    He’s probably right and will succeed. He has found fertile ground to rehabilitate himself in a vast desert of ignorance.

  17. lola says:

    Indipendenti, my foot. Dawk li ma jaqblux mal-linja lanqas biss jithallew jisvolgu l-argument. Jaqtalhom fin-nofs. U fuq stazzjon tal-partit tista tkun indipendenti?

  18. Claude Sciberras says:

    But I think the PN is slightly to blame.

    Remember that for a considerable period of time this person was running a talk show on the Nationalist Party station. I always felt uncomfortable with this. I think this is one of those pacts with the devil.

  19. silvio says:

    What really amazes me is how the P.N. welcomed him by giving him his own show on Net TV.

    It seems that even the P.N. has its own, what you like calling SKIP.

  20. Tony says:

    Qatt ma kont nobsor li xi hadd jista jkun falz daqshekk.

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