Another star parliamentary question: this time it’s Jose Herrera, wanting to know why his sister isn’t invited to state banquets
July 10, 2012 at 10:07pm
Leġislatura XI Kategorija ORAL
Mistoqsija Numru: 34025 Data: 25/04/2012
Seduta: 467 – 02/05/2012 06:00 PM
Seduta Interim:
Titlu: maġistrati mistiedna għall-ikliet statali
staqsa lill-Onorevoli LAWRENCE GONZI (Prim Ministru):
Jista’ l-Prim Minsitru jgħid jekk il-maġistrati kollha jiġux mistiedna għall-ikliet statali jew le?
Bħala regola, le, il-maġistrati ma jiġux mistiedna għall-ikliet statali waqt żjarat minn kapijiet ta’ stati u kapijiet ta’ gvern.
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Stupid PQ from a below average MP.
These people are unbelievably ridiculous wasting parliamentary time with this sort of nonsense. The rules of protocol determine who is invited where. Why would magistrates be invited to a state banquet?
On state occasions, the Chief Justice is there to represent the entire judiciary, same way as the Brigadier represents the Army and the Archbishop represents the Church.
And in any case, the presence of certain magistrates would hardly lend honour to the occasion.
One would expect Jose Herrera to at least know that much.
Possibly she could be part of the ‘plate of tarts’ for all to enjoy with their drinks.