Can Jeffrey make it more obvious that he’s plotted all this with Joseph Muscat from Day One?
It is so bloody clear that Jeffrey has been working in tandem with Joseph Muscat all along, and with hindsight, not only on this issue but on so much more, including the divorce bill.
Just analyse the way they’re operating: like an old team with a well-reheased and scripted act. Each one knows beforehand what the other will do, and has then next step prepared.
It was obvious with Karmenu Vella and now it’s obvious with Joe Mizzi – they are scripting the way they’re releasing their lies in what they think is a strategic fashion.
So Joe Mizzi goes on Super One last night and says things which will almost certainly open him up to a major criminal defamation suit (I know I would sue in that position, because the accusations were horrifically irresponsible).
Then Jeffrey pops out this morning and writes to the president of the PN executive to say that there on Super One last night was his “evidence” against Richard Cachia Caruana.
I’ve reproduced both Jeffrey’s unbelievable email to Marthese Portelli and her reply below.
Dear Dr. Portelli,
I hope this e-mail finds you well. You will appreciate that it is difficult to compress the testimony of each witness into a few paragraphs. That was why I had suggested two sittings of the PN Executive Committee to begin with. I had imagined that the first sitting would deal with the accusations and the second would be reserved for the ‘defence’, so to speak.
Since you are insisting that I go into further detail via e-mail I will, however, do my best to comply.
I would like to start with Hon. Joe Mizzi’s allegations. Hon. Mizzi has declared, publicly, that:
Mr. Richard Cachia Caruana, via a high-ranking member of the 1996-1998 Labour administration, exerted pressure on Hon. Mizzi who was effectively the Minister of the Interior in those days to supply him with security officials for protection due to an assassination attempt on Mr. Cachia Caruana a few years earlier which was unrelated to his official position but was simply a case of personal vendetta.
Mr. Cachia Caruana tried to exert, via a high-ranking member of the 1996-1998 Labour administration, pressure on Hon. Mizzi who was effectively the Minister of the Interior in those days to replace the head of the Security Services for personal reasons.
Hon. Joe Mizzi has implicated Mr. Cachia Caruana in a clear case of criminal interference with the course of justice in relation to a cocaine party organised by individuals who were close to Mr. Cachia Caruana.
I have included a link to Hon. Mizzi’s declaration on public television to substantiate the above.
I will be amplifying on the testimony of my other witnesses in separate e-mails. I will also be sending a copy of this e-mail to the local press since it deals with a matter of public interest.
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando M.P. (P.N.)
Ghażiż Dr Pullicino Orlando,
Ħadt nota tal-email tiegħek dwar il-kaz li qajjimt inti quddiem l-Eżekuttiv u li dwaru fis-seduta tat-12 ta’ Lulju 2012 ġiet approvata unanimament mozzjoni dwar il-proċedura li biha għandu jimxi l-istess Eżekuttiv.
Ngħarrfek li minkejja li inqast milli tossserva dak li inti stess qbilt dwaru, jiġifieri li obbligajt ruhek, fost ohrajn, li sal-bierah il-Ġimgha 13 ta’ Lulju 2012 f’nofsinhar tipprezenta (a) L-akkużi bil-miktub fil-konfront ta’ Richard Cachia Caruana spjegati b’mod dettaljat u ċar u f’dettal biżżejjed sabiex ikun jista’ jifformula d-difiża tiegħu; u (b) Lista ta’ xhieda li beħsiebek itella’, indikati bl-isem u l-kunjom kif ukoll jindika liema xhieda ser ikun qiegħed iressaq għal kull waħda mill-akkużi u bi spjega dwar dak li ser ikun qed jintalab biex jixhdu dwaru, u minkejja li ġie estiz iz-zmien lilek biex tagħmel dan sallum fl-10.00 a.m., inti għal darbohra inqast milli ssegwi dak li tissabbilixxi l-mozzjoni approvata mill-Eżekuttiv tal-Partit.
Irrid nagħmilha ċara u nenfasizza miegħek li huwa evidenti li inti m’aġġixxejt in bona fide meta nqast milli ssegwi l-mozzjoni approvata mill-Eżekuttiv u minflok għazilt li tirrepeti biss dak li terzi persuni spekulaw fil-mezzi tax-xandir.
Tifhem li dan l-agir mhux aċċettabbli u jmur għal kollox kontra l-ispirtu li qbilna fuqu fl-Eżekuttiv, jiġifieri li fil-kaz kollu għandhom jiġu rispettati il-prinċipji ta’ ġustizzja naturali fejn l-akkużat għandu jingħata d-dritt li jagħmel id-difiża tiegħu bl-iktar mod xieraq biss skond akkużi definiti u ċari.
Għaldaqstant, u minkejja kull korrispondenza oħra li inti tista’ tkun qed tibgħat sas-seduta tal-Eżekuttiv li jmiss, ngħarrfek li qegħda minnufih nirreferi n-nuqqasijiet tiegħek lill-Kunsill Amministrattiv sabiex jikkunsidra u jiehu dawk id-decizjonijiet li jidhirlu xierqa u opportuni fiċ-ċirkostanzi.
Marthese Portelli
President Kumitat Eżekuttiv, PN
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So that was last night? I thought it was old footage.
Fancy that, a clairvoyant MP and gonziPN ignores him, tsk.
If Joe Mizzi didn’t go on Super One, what would have JPOS written in his letter to Marthese Portelli this morning?
I would be mortified if I were to receive such an email from the Executive’s president. However, Jeffrey seems to be undaunted.
All in all, in the midst of this mess created by our three responsible and honourable MPs, namely JPO, Franco and Mugliett, everyone’s forgotten what a Labour government really means, including it seems, Labour itself.
This has turned into a black comedy, where government MPs are voting with the opposition, accusing loyal MPs with their own misdeeds, and disobeying their Executive board.
On the other hand we have an opposition leader who is ashamed of his party’s identity and constituents, utterly blinded with the wish to govern our country and a very vague idea how to go about it. We also have Labour pensioner politicians vying for a ministry and demanding an early election since they think that a win for Labour is their god-given right.
Who, exactly, is Jeffrey’s audience?
He said – weeks ago – that he has a list of people who are prepared to testify, then he announces his witness without notifying them (except for John Dalli), then he says they will only provide evidence through an affidavit, then he says ‘look this witness will support that accusation’ but fails to show who of his witnesses will substantiate the second accusation.
Now he says that Joe Mizzi’s rubbish on Super One IS his evidence.
This sort of nonsense may be very entertaining to the racanc who vote Labour, but how, exactly, is this meant to persuade people like me that that ragbag of garbage calling itself a part is fit to run anything other than a dung heap?
So now JPO gets to be judged by a committee chaired by someone he called a “dork”?
Joseph Muscat and JPOS may very well be working in tandem but there is a master puppeteer directing the show. He is the mastermind behind all this and I am sure some day the truth will out.