Comment of the day
Posted by A. Montebello:
Beyond any doubt I know that Jeffrey will be reading this whilst sipping his spiked Earl Gray, so this is an open letter to the little bastard.
Jeffrey, I’ve met you on a number of occasions because we used to have mutual friends.
I say “used to” because these people no longer consider you a friend.
Frankly, and i think many would agree here, you’re probably one of the most hated men on the islands.
The survey results on The Sunday Times this morning made my breakfast a little hard to swallow, but there was some respite to read that the public in general know that you’re a dirty little liar with a vicious and vindictive streak, and confirmed your political ruin.
I wish you were seeking re-election just to see the massive drop in the number of votes you’d get because, put simply, nobody in their right mind will trust you ever again.
My guess is we’ll have to wait six years for that pleasure when you come out on the Labour ticket, but we won’t forget.
Reading your exchange with Antoine Vella beggars belief. You read like an 11-year-old girl throwing a tantrum – and nothing like a 50-year-old MP.
You lash out blindly in a frenzied fit, even mentioning names of people who have nothing to do with you (Seb? In London? Really? How low can you stoop?).
Finally – and I’m no fortune-teller here, but I do know a thing or two about marketing and PR. You may experience a drop in clientele at your dentistry/botox operation at The Smile Clinic (who can afford botox anyway these days, bil-guh li hawn), and you will want to blame Daphne, Bocca, Lou, Fr Joe or Mary and Peppi tal-haxix. But deep down you will know that you’ve taken away people’s smile and brought this on yourself.
Goodbye, Jeffrey – and may you rot in obscurity.
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Just had my first swim of the year in a pool.
Thought Jeffrey might like to know.
Just levered out a type 3 on the Bristol scale, Jeff. Thought you would like to know.
Went for a swim, took a shower and now I’m relaxing reading Daphne’s blog. In case Jeffrey was wondering what I did this morning.
A night on the town with the lads. Woke up dazed and confused and slipped on the bathroom floor.
I do not think he is hated. I think he is despised, which is worse.
I would be very cautious about extrapolating from surveys, like the one carried in The Sunday Times today. With 40% non-response, the safest one can be is to assume a Labour lead, not to quantify it.
The 10-point lead by respondents (i.e. the remaining 60%) has to be weighed against the nature of the non-respondents. So, lead, yes, but by how much?
What are the hallmarks of a “comment of the day”?
This is scary.
[Daphne – I forget 95% of Maltese people don’t do irony.]
a) This has nothing to do with irony.
b) This is undiluted bile without going through the trouble of disguising itself as faintly witty.
[Daphne – No, Reuben. It is scathing scorn in the true, authentic British English idiom, especially the final line. This sort of lack of comprehension is the reason I, for one, rarely use my true and authentic voice, though I come close.]
I’m sorry, Reuben – would you have preferred it had I diluted my bile?
Unfortunately, that would be a problem because it tends to rise at the mere mention of Jeffrey’s name – and lately he seems to be everywhere.
For the record, I am one of the sorry f**ks who gave him my no. 1 vote last time round, and I have to live with that.
Now, every time he lies – which, let’s face it, is almost daily – more bile rises, so you’ll appreciate my predicament.
As for my last line, I could have used the word ‘fade” instead of “rot” into obscurity – but it wouldn’t have accurately described my feelings towards JPOS. And I try not to lie.
See? It’s bile. A.Montebello her/himself has said it.
The sentiment has nothing to do with authentic British English idiom about it.
You wouldn’t recognise irony if it dressed up like the purple teletubby with a flashing “Irony” sign, if you call this sort of thing irony.
Feeling strongly about a person is one thing, but allowing oneself to plumb such depths … oh well.
[Daphne – No, Reuben, it’s contemptuous scorn, a word that does not exist in Maltese, because it wasn’t needed, given that people in Malta guard against expressing themselves in this way lest there be comeback.]
That’s why they are all ‘creased’ with laughter at your blog.
The number of people leaving comments on Jeff’s petty wall-posts has diminished greatly, and those left seem to be really Labour – like that cheesecake Luciano Busuttil who puts the nation out of its misery by informing us that Jeff’s Sicilian hideaway is called Calamosche.
It’s like he hasn’t got many friends left.
‘Hate’ is too strong a word when referring to the public’s sentiments re JPOS. ‘Distrusted ‘and ‘dispised’ is more like it.