Comment of the day
Posted by La Redoute:
The reason for Pullicino Orlando’s personal animosity towards Richard Cachia Caruana is blindingly obvious: he is jealous, in the way that only spitefuly, desperately insecure people can be jealous.
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has repeatedly reminded us of the many occasions he has ‘millitated’ – tiresome term – in the PN, that he was present at all the historic public demonstrations in recent history (unlike some people he could mention), that he plans to take a break from the PN until ‘the clique’ is removed and that he will make a comeback.
The man has more than a few screws loose. He would have us believe that the natural disappointments of middle-age are unique to him, that he somehow deserves better than the rest of us, that the only reason he did not get his just desserts (well, he finally did, if not what he expected) is because others have cheated him out of what is rightfully his, that ‘others’ (i.e. Richard Cachia Caruana) have done well undeservedly, that position is solely a reward for party loyalty (but only as he defines it), that he deserves (as opposed to needs) to have bodyguards and that they must be provided to him (because Richard Cachia Caruana has a couple), that his behaviour is perfectly normal and acceptable despite his artificial calm being only a fragile veneer for the seething jealousy and spite beneath, and that dignity and gravitas are old-fashioned values that have no place in his warped world.
He may need help, but the rest of us deserve deliverance from the best and worst of his excesses. The sooner he fades into private life, the better for him and all of us too.
And here’s another one, except this is from the comments-board on
George Cutajar
Today, 11:42
The more JPOS speaks and writes the more he is being sucked into the storm he has created with all the collateral damage possible for Labour.
The moment Joe Mizzi was mentioned as a witness in this farce I immediately realised that the allegation would centre around the manner in which the Sant administration ordered the removal of RCC’s police escort. As a matter of fact the escort was removed only to be re-instated after the intervention of the Ombudsman. If that was collusion than meaning of words is fast changing.
The allegations about the attempted removal of the Head of the Secret Service and the cocaine party on a boat are breaking news on the same lines of the Air Malta allegations.
Joe Mizzi is known as being one of the most fearless and outspoken members of parliament on the Labour side and hence I find it particularly strange that these two veyr serious allegations ( had they been true) are only seeing the light of day in 2012 when they occurred before September 1998.
Why is Joe Mizzi making these allegations now and did not use them in the 1998 Election campaign, or in the EU referendum campaign or during the election which followed shortly after? Furthermore does Joe Mizzi realise that his statement in connection with the alleged cocaine party directly implies a dereliction of duty on his part as it is clear that no action was taken against the alleged interference by RCC?
I honestly feel that the time has come for JPOS not only to be delisted as has thankfully happened but the PN should seriously consider expelling him outright from the party as it is now becoming clearer than ever that he is the one colluding with the opposition to foment problems with the Nationalist Party.
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Have I understood this correctly, RCC is supposed to have done some colluding with PL 15 years ago and it is being made public now so the PL can topple the government that has less than a year in office anyway?
Is that right?
When Jeffrey was made chairman of the MCST, my reaction was cool, although some tried to convince me he intended to restore his reputation, make a success of it.
I was right.
‘Does Joe Mizzi realise that his statement in connection with the alleged cocaine party directly implies a dereliction of duty on his part as it is clear that no action was taken against the alleged interference by RCC?’