Comment of the night
July 6, 2012 at 2:02am
Just back from our sixth form reunion, and uploading the night’s comments while “listening to Enya” (no Earl Grey – can’t stand it). Here’s the comment of the night, posted by Pepe:
Not to be outdone by a turtle, JPO decided that he wants his eggs under guard too.
Hysterical. Goodnight.
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Very good observation.
Are you also a builders’ tea from a glass drinker, Daphne? It’s the cosiest of comfort ‘food’ for me.
[Daphne – Builder’s tea, yes, it’s the only sort I drink – but not in a glass. For a start, we have no Pyrex glasses in the house.]
In Spain they drink tea in a glass like in Maltese bars, maybe that’s where the Maltese copied it from.
In Indonesian bars tea is served in a glass of the same size and shape it is served here in Malta, and the taste is identical to that in Malta (with canned milk).
Herbert Ganado wrote something about this in his book “Rajt Malta tinbidel”. I forgot what it was.
Could it be we copied the Indonesians? The plot thickens.
This must be something lost in translation; a cup is called tazza in Italian.
In an Italian restaurant in Paceville, I was served tea in a glass with a handle after a meal a few weeks ago. I thought it was quite quaint.
Perhaps he can have a quick word with Michelle. She might even get him a bouncer this time round.
And who said that the Maltese do not have a sense of humour – assuming that Pepe is indeed Maltese. I do hope JPOS will not be offended and cry or send his Labour bodyguard to punch us and break our jaw.
At least the turtle sought to protect its eggs from predators by burying them in the sand. Jeffrey placed all his eggs in one basket and deposited them with the enemy.
Couldn’t have put it better, well done.
The enemy was the basket.