Even after being deselected, Franco Debono can’t stand the competition

Published: July 16, 2012 at 2:59pm

Exactly the sort of image Ralph Lauren had in mind for his company.

Franco Debono has renewed his rampaging fury against Austin Gatt. But it’s not about Austin Gatt, is it? It never was.

It’s about his assistant, Manuel Delia, who has been selected as a PN candidate and who has been campaigning in the district that the Cock Fancier considers his personal fiefdom.

His mad rage against Minister Gatt in parliament some months ago was not about Arriva or Gatt’s performance. It was triggered by the news – to Franco – that Manuel Delia was knocking on doors in Franco’s territory.

With all this going on, I’m surprised he finds the time to feed his 400 captive, caged birds.

18 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Franco Debono wants others to do justice with him but he doesn’t want to make justice with those people who voted for him as PN candidate. It is only one way with him.

  2. Dumbledore says:

    I think that Manuel Delia being on the PN list is not good news but I guess that’s beside the point.

  3. Dunstan says:

    He may well find time to feed the birds but has made a disservice to POLO!

  4. Mark says:

    Franco qisu pitirross – dawk jimmarkaw it-territorju u jekk jigi pitirross iehor jaghmlu minn kollox biex igerrxuh.

  5. Pisces says:

    Am sure mama or papa will feed his birds and the cock.

  6. JP says:


    I am a very liberal person and a floating voter but please do consider that declarations being made by Gonzi on parliament are not of a democratic state. Debono (being right or wrong) has every right to do what he feels right. Party loyalty can never become higher than Parliament. If such declarations are made by PL, they will be compared to dictatorship. I think that PN did a wonderful job on the international scene and on the economical level but a very lousy job when coming to national matters that effect people and this is where Franco is right. Cannot understand how situation got so out of hand.

    [Daphne – ‘Guy’, in a parliamentary democracy like ours and Britain’s, if you are elected on a party ticket, you vote with the whip or pay the price. And Britain’s is the oldest and greatest democracy of them all. Literalament m’hemmx fejn tasal izjed. In Italy, they MPs what they please. But Italy is one of the least democratic countries in Europe. A free-for-all among MPs is a sign of a weak democracy, not a strong one.]

    • Anthony says:

      I really don’t believe that it is a full democracy where a person is forced to vote what the party believes, democracy is meant to give power to the people not shame them if they fall out of line. We can see the problem with this that once you have one rogue MP the government is in a state turmoil, or at least that is what some would like you to believe

      But this is besides the point, Franco and co. knew how the Maltese government works and knew what they are getting themselves into which makes them nothing but traitors to the party who chose to have them represent the party and to the very people who voted for them.

    • A Grech says:

      While I agree that an elected member of a specific party should vote and support his party in voting in parliament, I think there should be exceptions when someone feels that an issue is going to be detrimental to the country.

      [Daphne – Exactly how was Richard Cachia Caruana detrimental to the country? Or Carm Mifsud Bonnici, for that matter?]

    • Leonard Ellul Bonici says:

      JP, saying what you want in parliament is one thing but voting with the opposition and criticising the government, on One TV and other media, is were free speech crosses the line.

  7. allamana says:


    Jaqaw skappa mid-delegazzjoni li kien tellghu il-Prim biex imur jixtri flokk?

  8. john says:

    Franco looks like “a security” in this photo. But I don’t see Jeffrey.

  9. Scoobs says:

    Even more worrying now for Franco is the fact the Dr. Mario Rizzo Naudi, a family doctor from Hal Ghaxaq, is on the PN ticket.

  10. JPS says:

    Man Steals 21 statuettes…. http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20120718/local/man-steals-21-statuetes.429092

    With such an ending, I’m also presuming that Franco Debono defended him.

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