Exactly who brought parliament into disrepute, Joseph the ex Super One reporter?
timesofmalta.com reports today:
The Labour parliamentary group this afternoon criticised the prime minister for having tried to ridicule parliament yesterday when he described it as “dan il-Parlament bravu tagħna” in a disparaging tone.
Dr Gonzi made his comment when he referred to the approval by parliament of the motion calling for the resignation of Richard Cachia Caruana, Malta’s permanent representative to the EU. He went on to describe the motion as unfair and as a political frame-up.
The PL group said that the rules of democracy demanded that the prime minister should respect Parliament and the people whom it represented. He should also respect its decisions and not try to ridicule the institution.
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It is not the Hon Prime Minister who ridicules our parliament.
It is those members of parliament who use its time, not to pass necessary laws and to solve the nation’s problems imported from outside, but who instead waste its time in airing personal grudges, venting their spite and settling personal scores in a despicable self-serving corroboration with an opposition in desperate need of another bash at power wielding.
How about those Labour MPs who use their time in parliament to post inane comments on their Facebook Wall?
And how about the Labour Party which uses Parliament as a kangaroo court or as one of those “Il Sogno” back-yard barbecues to grill public servants?
Nahseb li Joe Grima nesieh zmienu.
Don’t rock the boat too much, folks.
At least the PL group has not asked for an apology from the Prime Minister.
The respect Parliament was shown under Socialist dictatorships was exemplary especially with quotes from their intrepid leader, such as “Nigi nitnejjek mill-Kostituzzjoni”.
The Laburisti including the present ‘youngest PM in the making’ must be all suffering from an advanced stage of dementia.
“…u l-Kostituzzjoni karta ta’ l-incova”. Hekk kien qal is-Salvatur ta’ Malta.
Advanced stage of dementia? How about advanced and serious (patholigical) denial?
@ Lomax
A small correction if I may.
When is-salvatur used this illustrious description he was referring to diplomas and degrees from our uni.
In whatever context, it still makes you want to cry.
Unless he can go back in time, he’s already too old to be Malta’s youngest Prime Minister.
He’s a good prospect to become the Malta’s worst Prime Minister though, although KMB is a tough one to beat.
M’hemm l-ebda premju ghal min jaqta b’liema materjal imcappas wicc dawn in-nies li fosthom ghad hemm min kien joghxa jara u jisma il krema tal-marmalja fil-partit socjalista tghajjar u tinsulenta lil oppozizzjoni Nazzjonalista mil “Strangers Gallery fis-Snin tad-Deheb.
Is this article still on there? I can’t find it anywhere. It looks like it’s been replaced by another article on the same matter … which has 0 comments.
Correct me if I’m wrong about this.
I guess the above article generated quite some criticism about the PL that TimesOfMalta.com (the once impartial newspaper/portal) thought better to remove it and replace it with a more ‘official’ looking article. Un-freakin-believable!
“The PL group said that the rules of democracy demanded that the prime minister should respect Parliament and the people whom it represented”.
One would be excused for thinking this came from the “People’s Democratic Republic of China”.
Respect is earned, dear PL group.
I think this was a bit of a slip for the PM. I don’t think he should have said that.
I agree with him when he says that the PL is making opportunistic moves to make the PN look bad but he cannot blame them too much.
The real problem is not Labour’s opportunistic moves but the fact that the PN is now being hijacked by three mavericks who careless about the party that they represent.