Franco just doesn’t get it, does he? Some people really don’t know when enough is enough.
July 16, 2012 at 11:57am
The Times reports this morning:
Nationalist MP Franco Debono said today that he will consider his position in the Nationalist Party unless he is given a date for a meeting to review the decisions taken by the party Executive against him.
He is also insisting that he must be granted the same rights and respect for natural justice which the party is stressing with regard to Richard Cachia Caruana.
He also reiterated that he will not support the government in the Budget for as long as Austin Gatt is in the Cabinet.
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Hiarious. Is he saying his vote in parliament is simply alleged to have happened?
“He is also insisting that he must be granted the same rights and respect for natural justice which the party is stressing with regard to Richard Cachia Caruana”
Richard Cachia Caruana is facing wild allegations, so he gets a chance to defend himself.
There’s nothing to prove or defend in Franco’s case. He DID vote against the government. It’s a matter of public record.
So much for his supposed principles and belief in democracy and justice.
He won’t the government unless Austin Gatt is removed.
He won’t support the government unless he is made Prime Minister, and please be quick because he wants to get there before his Form IIC nemesis who sits on the Opposition benches.
He’s says he’s sorry for the way he voted last November.
Doesn’t that imply he attached conditions to his vote?
This man is completely nuts and he is going to bring down the government and he seems to see nothing wrong in that.
I am really sorry for Dr. Gonzi – it seems that the only way out is an early election because this guy and the other two are hellbent on continuing to threaten the leader of their own party.
I find Franco Debono a perplexedly hilarious character.
This is a man who keeps on stating that the evil GoNeZiPN is totalitarian in nature and that the Prime Minister has constantly shown dictatorial qualities, especially after the PN Executive condemned Debono and subsequently banned him from being a PN candidate for next election.
Yet he can’t see beyond his own nose to the extent that those comments that he constantly states about the PN are actually more apt with regards himself.
To be honest, despite being a “Nationalist through and through” (a la Franco, God bless him), the more time passes, the more I wish the election comes. It’s true that we’ll be stuck under a pitiful opposition for the next five years, but there’s no doubt that that might be the lesser of two evils at this moment in time.
May characters such as Debono, and of course JPO and Mugliett, fade into political obscurity as soon as possible.
Can anyone put a huge illuminated sign on the door, so that Franco Debono can find the EXIT and leave the rest of the country in peace?
“…what a chourus of groans, cries, and bleatings! What a rag-bag of singular happenings! But surely the most valuable hunting-ground that ever was given to a student of the unusual.”
– Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventure of The Red Circle
Franco, which part of YOU ARE THE WEAKEST LINK, GOODBYE don’t you understand?
This report in The Times proves what I said here on Saturday.
That was, that yesterday, Sunday, Debono should have been stripped of his PN membership.
The party can ill afford to have him within its ranks for a further hour.
Franco Debono and JPO may not be aware that they personify the Drama Triangle.
Their characters switch between one of three roles: victim, rescuer and persecutor.
In the drama triangle each role (victim, rescuer, persecutor) needs one of the others to perpetuate their dysfunctional relationships.
To find out more Google Karpman Drama Triangle.
Definition of vote: a formal expression of opinion or choice, either positive or negative, made by an individual or body of individuals.
Nowhere does the dictionary define “vote” as saying exclusively yes or no. Does anybody get it, knock knock.
[Daphne – Vote Labour, do you? What do you think ‘formal expression of a choice, either positive or negative’ means if no ‘yes or no’.]