I wonder who’s really threatening Jeffrey

Published: July 5, 2012 at 3:24pm

One other, not at all minor, point: Jeffrey says he’s being threatened, but he isn’t at all clear on the nature of the threats, or what sort of people are making them, or even how.

Do they ring him on his mobile phone? At The Smile Centre? Do they send him nasty letters?

Or does the home phone ring anonymously in the evening when he gets back from The Smile Centre and Carmen from Yellow Pages?

I’d say, through my long, direct experience of living with this kind of thing, that any threats he’s receiving are from Labour. They’re the ones who want him to do all he can to bring down the government and force an early election.

They’re the ones who really need to keep him in line with their objectives. So they make him feel threatened, and then they provide him with free security.

And they’re the ones with a clear history of terrible violence and using threats to get what they want.

Jeffrey earns a fortune from Botox and dentistry. He can more than afford to pay for his own security. But if you can get something for free…

His children’s mother, Marlene Farrugia, earns even more than he does. She has good business instincts and has made a fortune from wheeling and dealing in property. If this is really all about the 3+1 children Jeffrey claims he has at home, then surely their own real mother has an interest in protecting them, and will gladly pay the bills instead of letting her party leader strike a ‘free’ deal with her ex-husband’s second wife.

20 Comments Comment

  1. eldarion says:

    So PN voters never threaten anyone?

    [Daphne – If they were that sort of person, they would be voting Labour.]

    • eldarion says:

      I forget that the PN is made up entirely of pacifists.

      [Daphne – It’s not. It’s just that the sort of people given to violence, threats and intolerance tend to be attracted to Labour.]

      • Paul Bonnici says:

        I agree 100% with Daphne on this one.

      • maryanne says:

        Even if it weren’t made up entirely of pacifists, I am not going to believe it simply because JPOS said so.

      • eldarion says:

        Ah ok, that’s better, you made it seem as if the PN have never had any violent people. Thanks for the clarification.

        [Daphne – That’s not what I said at all.]

      • Francis Saliba MD says:

        Not only that. When Labourites are obscenely and sacrilegously violent they are praised by their prime minister as aristocrats of the Labour movement.

  2. B says:

    It is likely that what is unfolding is the stage-managed defection of JPOS to Labour.

    It is a classic scenario brilliantly explained in Yes, Prime Minister – see between 8:18 and 8:50 in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io841WQVM1M

    -“East German fire brigade crosses border to help…”
    -“The East German police come with them…”
    -“Then troops just for riot control they say…”
    -“And then East German troops are replaced by Russian troops…”
    -“Then the Russian troops don’t go – they are invited to stay…”

    • Edward Caruana Galizia says:

      B- I think you are spot on. And what’s more his defection to Labour will be made out to look like proof of how terrible the PN is even though what JPOS says is a load of rubbish.

      And I think that that is what the PL want. They don’t want him. They want him to defect to the PL just to support their idea that the PN is made up of brutes and tyrants.

      Once it happens, JPOS will get nothing.

      Eventually he will figure this out.

      But it will be too late by then.

  3. Pat Zahra says:

    Labour is making it obvious that a victory for them means a return to the good old days of favours and corruption.

    The added flavour, this time round, is that we’re getting our own home-grown Evita Peron, to whom Labour wives and mothers can go to plead for favours.

  4. Martin Gatt says:

    Joffrey has a new Facebook page. Check this out:


  5. Jozef says:

    Is access to Jeffrey over their dead body? Is he allowed outside the house alone?

    What’s the panic with Labour? Maltastar tells us it will ‘most probably be expulsion’.

    The Times reports otherwise.


    Franco’s distancing himself. Not that it matters, but after yesterday’s clarification by Jeffrey that Franco’s under his protection as well, things are starting to be seen for what they are.

    Interesting why he mentions his ex-wife’s children, one of them wrote on this blog once denouncing Labour’s tactics.

    Maybe Joseph still needs to balance social and energy policy. Or perhaps sharing an architect isn’t working.

  6. Angus Black says:

    Michelle Muscat offered protection to JPOS and ‘her long time friend’ Carmen Ciantar? (The Times today)

    Mela din x’ha taghmel meta tkun Mrs Prim Ministru?

  7. Adrian says:

    His daughter Jenny is not in Malta. She studies at UCL. Remember when he threatened to move with her so that he can divorce in the UK if the Yes campaign lost the referendum?

  8. Adrian says:

    Sorry, now I read the other article about his daughter who doesn’t live here anyway.

  9. sasha says:

    Who is to say that the ones sent to protect him aren’t the ones threatening him?

  10. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    Oh dear Lord, body guards? Being threatened? Is this just another repeat of his “my phone is being hacked” stunt?

    I find it curious how, after receiving threats, he gets help from the PL and not from the PN. Did he not tell anyone in his own party that he was receiving threats? And why not?

    And who is threatening him? As citizens of this country, don’t we have the right to know what is going on? What do the police have to say about it all?

    And what has Mrs Muscat got to do with it?

    JPOS is a liar. He lies all the time. There is no reason to believe him now and every reason to distrust what he says.

    This wouldn’t happen to be some sort of attempt from the PL to distract people from the racist Facebook page incident?

    Dr Muscat uses people. He has loads of tools within his party, in every sense of the word, and JPOS is just another one of them.

    He has no one else’s interests at heart except his own.

    He has no honour, no integrity and no sense of right and wrong.

    He will use whoever he wants and then leave them to rot. At least that is my honest opinion of the man.

    • Redneck Rabti says:

      “he has loads of tools in his party, in every sense of the word.”

      You, sir, made me laugh out loud.

  11. tinnat says:

    Precisely who is paying for this protection? The Muscat household? The Labour party? Someone else?

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