If they can’t burn you down…

Published: July 6, 2012 at 2:54pm

There has been a massive, sustained denial-of-service attack on this website’s server and associated servers, starting at 4am today and still underway.

The aim of a denial-of-service attack, as the name implies, is to bring down a site.

Using Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith’s powers of reasoning, I shall have to assume that this has been organised by the Nationalist Party and I should expect a call from Michelle Muscat, offering me use of the Labour Party’s servers, with Jason Micallef as bodyguard.

12 Comments Comment

  1. Antoine Vella says:

    Ah, but Daphne, unlike Jeffrey, you’re not Joseph’s poodle.

  2. Jozef says:

    It’s all Simon and David’s fault, what with their U-turn on ACTA.

  3. Simon says:

    I’m not surprised to learn of this, Daphne.

    Some rather important people in Malta are truly terrified of your blog.

    In fact, I’m quite surprised the internet connection to Bidnija hasn’t mysteriously been cut by now.

    Keep up your great work.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Agree, Simon. Guess the fools didn’t know how to go about it. Daphne is so far up the noses of these idiots that they could try anything next.

  4. canon says:

    Keep it up, Daphne. Do not hesitate to ask for help if necessary.

  5. edward clemmer says:

    Well, that explains the troubles to sign on @ 16:45; but obviously, I’m in OK @ 17:45.

    What generally disturbs me is the underlying viciousness and vindictiveness, perhaps even the sense of entitlement, displayed generally and elsewhere by the true believing Labourite.

    Generally being out of power for a generation (after being in power for another generation before that), it seems that perhaps many Labourites explain their situation outside of power as the results of systematic discrimination (supposedly against Labourites by Nationalists), the product of an intrinsically “corrupt” Government, and other “mirror-images” as each “side” perceives the other.

    The role of logic and reason and correct historical analysis may be put aside in preference for essentially what is an emotional issue rooted in cultural identifications.

    It’s hard to conduct a rational election campaign when emotional cores dominate electoral choices. On the other hand, there has to be a passion in the electorate for a campaign (on either side) to be successful.

    The dangerous part as I perceive in the PL is the absence of any willingness for negotiation or compormise; and there seems to be an aspiration for power at all costs [even if a rational course for social-economic progress would be denied for everyone, and with that there seems to be a desire to impose a kind of subjugation as a form of “natural justice” against the perceived “oppressors,” supposedly for the PN’s generation of sins, tyranny, and “corruption”.

    Of course, it is the alleged “discrimination” of the Nationalists that has raised up a generation; provided the educational and infrastructueral tools for human development; defended jobs and the economy against the international onslaught; set our national path in an EU of opportunities outside of a natural insularity; and given direction to the hope for the considerable progress yet to be made as we have been running from strength to strength.

    I suppose, too, that it was the “vindictiveness” of the PN that advocated and chose George Abela to be President of the Republic. There have only been signs of an “ideal” of “Old Labour” seething beneath the surface, waiting to erupt, and neither accepting any rational denial of that purpose in its course.

    Attempts of denial of service attacks is only part of the portfolio, it seems, as the threats to impose power (even against the Constitution as supreme) are presently made manifest, as Judge Giovanni Bonello suggests.

    • Jozef says:

      ‘The dangerous part as I perceive in the PL is the absence of any willingness for negotiation or compormise…’

      It’s more than that, ever since Labour refused compromise, going back to the 50’s, there has always been the tendency to engulf everything in a logic of belonging and the enemy.

      The first thing Mintoff did, and with particular care, was to disrupt the fabric of rural communities setting up rival associations to the established ones. Equality was the keyword here, notwithstanding that it was irrelevant. The idea was an emotional call for recognition in its own right, emancipation via separation.

      What Joseph’s doing, is to request Malta’s consent to reduce its ‘Europeanisation’, putting into question the existence of rules and regulations which he snidely blames on the EU. Who needs ideas when we can come up with half a dozen ourselves? Half baked, silly, anodyne, but fresh and home made, so there.

      Just look at Mintoff’s projects, housing estates, how roads were built, the brutality disguised as function; There isn”t one of these which hasn’t had to be revised, updated, corrected. And yet the money spent, the time and effort seem to be an imposition.

      The call for generazzjoni success, the right to veto, the ideological alliance with populist movements and the patronising of the gay and muslim community in direct contrast with xenophobic statements is in line with this ideology.

      L-aqwa fl-ewropa needs Ixtri Malti to succeed. gonziPN mhux Malti. Just have a look at the comments asking for the PM’s head on the grounds that he’s betrayed the Maltese including true Nationalists.

      We’re back to ‘Taht l-umbrella’.

  6. Natalie says:

    I rather think you’re getting more traffic than the server can support. It’s an excellent site.

    [Daphne – No, it’s not that at all. The server has long since been upgraded to cope with the surge in traffic. But thank you.]

  7. anthony says:

    La verita’ offende.

    E come.

    Daphne, this is proof that you are on the right track, if ever any was needed.

  8. The Phoenix says:

    DOS attacks are illegal obviously and the police should investi…….oh I forgot, they only investigate Nationalists. They are busy proving to Joseph how Labour they are, and how well they kiss ass.

  9. Dee says:

    ‘Qed toqroshom fil-laham il-haj’.

    Good for you for giving them the cyber version of the middle finger.

  10. Marie says:

    So sorry to hear of such vindictive behaviour. But then again, I’m not surprised.

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