It’s never a great idea to treat a nutjob like a sane person
July 14, 2012 at 7:07pm
John posted this comment here. I tend to agree with him. I’ve never been a great one for treating nut-cases as though they’re normal, once I know for a fact that they’re pathological cases.
It pains me to see the Nationalist Party give JPOS the time of day and dignify his absurdity with a formal hearing next Tuesday.
It would be more appropriate to just shove his frivolous and vexatious accusations up his arse.
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Before reading this comment I was thinking about the defence of Richard Cachia Caruana.
Why is he going to bother with witnesses? He is more than capable of defending himself against JPOS. The PN Executive members are also intelligent enough to see who’s telling the truth.
I agree. Lessen JPOS’s importance and the sooner it’s done the better. U halluh jitkellem wahdu. Rob him of an audience. That is the greatest punishment you can give JPOS and Franco Debono.
I think the comment expresses the sentiments of all those who have had quite enough of JPOS using every available excuse to hog the media limelight on a 24/7 basis since his Mistragate scandal surfaced in 2008.
Why don’t those three simply resign THEIR SEATS and go quietly into the night with the last remaining shreds of their dignity?
In the current circumstances my humble opinion is as follows.
The PN ought to call an urgent meeting of its delegates tomorrow Sunday and fling Pullicino OS and Franco Debono out of the party.
Nothing less than this is now very much in order.
The harm these two rats are inflicting on the Party is immeasurable.
It is certainly unprecedented in the glorious history of the PN.
This is my personal opinion.
An opinion, may I dare add, based on a close analysis of recent events.
I have followed the history of the PN for a very long time.
I was introduced to it by my grandfather who was a school mate of Ugo Mifsud.
I know what I am talking about.
Or so I think.
I do not believe that these two are damaging the PN.
They are damaging Labour because they are exposing the Labour leadership as a bunch of individuals without any principles or integrity.
If anything, this is a fight between individuals, not about government policy.
I want to see JPOS deliver his “presentation.” Will he use Powerpoint, perhaps?
I want him to expose in detail the extent of his own collusion with Joseph Muscat and parts of the Labour Party.
Ciccio, you have to bear in mind that the vast majority of Maltese voters have an IQ that is less than half yours.
Your analysis of a particular situation does not necessarily reflect that of thousands of others including many PN supporters. The general perception of events as they unfold does not appear to me to be very favourable for the PN.
I sincerely hope though that you are right and I am wrong.
The PN simply HAS to go through this farce, at least to clear Richard Cachia Caruana’s name publicly.
Failure to go through with the proceedings will only lead to further mud being slung at him, and indirectly at the Nationalist Party.
It will be interesting to see what the party will do with the Botox king when all is said and done.
I hope that somebody will have the balls to ask JPOS how he could possibly accuse Cachia Caruana of colluding with the opposition while he himself literally shares his bed with an actual Labour activist and close friend of the Muscats. It would be interesting to see what his answer to that would be.
The PN executive is not a court of law, Vanni. It is not empowered to clear anyone’s name, nor to prevent any mud being slung.
On the contrary, any decision arrived at by the executive (and not conforming with JPO’s wishes) will undoubtedly provoke further outbursts and mudslinging from himself and his Labour buddies.
That is why RCC has asked the police to prosecute Joe Mizzi.
John, you are correct pointing out that the NP Executive is not a court of law, but what it has to adjudicate is JPO’s request to expel Richard Cachia Caruana from the Nationalist Party. It is purely a party internal matter.
RCC’s name has already been cleared since the Opposition motion which JPO voted for, failed miserably to prove any fault with RCC’s ethics while serving as Malta’s Permanent Ambassador to the EU.
So, yes, the Party can and the Executive has the power to clear his name, therefore negating JPO’s request for his expulsion.
The more importance and publicity JPOS is given, the more popular he feels. Let’s just forget about him and write him off.
When Parliament reconvenes the PN should move a motion for voting and we will then see how JPOS will vote.
Whatever the case, he will go down in history as a scoundrel who betrayed the very people who gave him support – when he didn’t deserve any.
It is easy to say what you are saying above. However, you cannot just decide that someone is crazy and start ignoring them – procedures exist for a reason and unless proven you cannot start considering a person crazy.
If we were to do that then we would not be living in a democracy but an autocracy.