Jesmond and Luciano would be happier in North Korea

Published: July 10, 2012 at 11:21pm

The PM wouldn't save me from the Evil Blogger of Wardija, so I sulked and pouted.

Jesmond Mugliett apparently – I say ‘apparently’ because I’m quoting Malta Today – said in court yesterday that when I wrote about him on this website, he went to complain to the prime minister.

He was told that I am not in the prime minister’s control. He should also have been told to grow up, and reminded that he is not – thank heavens – living in North Korea or China.

How does Mugliett’s mind work exactly? Is he a covert Mintoffian or something?

“Prime ministers should tell political columnists/bloggers what to do and stop them writing mean but true things about Little Precious, failing which we will set fire to their building.’

Mugliett shouldn’t be surprised to see that he’s got support from that half-turnip in the Labour Party, Luciano Busuttil, who thinks it very strange that the prime minister shouldn’t seek to control me (what an awful choice of word – so Chairman Mao).

Luciano tweeted today:
Gonzi said he has no control over DCG. Lately he lost control over everything and everyone

What an idiot, honestly. Imagine actually wanting to live in a country where the prime minister and his government control what gets written on blogs.

They must be insane. Or just very, very ta’ wara l-muntanji.

18 Comments Comment

  1. marcus says:

    No, not really insane. That is what they truly believe.

  2. anthony says:

    This goes to show that our so-called University is failing miserably in changing the mentality of its graduates.

    It should do though.

    It is unacceptable that after five, six or seven years at University a peasant remains a peasant.

    Do we have a University or a glorified Sixth Form ?

    I wonder.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      I wouldn’t blame the University, Anthony. They have to deal with Labour-oriented concrete heads.

      Daphne has already commented, saying that you can take the peasant out of the village, but you can’t take the village out of the peasant.

  3. Not Tonight says:

    Insanity is certainly in their make-up, but mostly it’s the awful legacy that the Prime Fossil, Mintoff, has left behind of the government’s right, duty even, to control freedom of expression, so that it isn’t freedom of expression at all.

  4. Harry Purdie says:

    I apologize for introducing another similar ‘academic’ thought on this thread.

    We have, in Malta, recently been bestowed the opportunity and honour to be lectured by the Chief Justice of The Supreme Court of the United States of America, Mr. John Roberts, (note that he goes by Mr. not Doctor, as do our incompetents.)

    Mr, Justice Roberts was accepted and confirmed by the US Senate as a ‘conservative’.

    However, during the ‘Obamacare’ revolt by the Republicans, which went all the way to the the Supreme Court, he voted to uphold the Democratic ‘Obomacare’ bill that was passed, due to his vote alone.

    Now we have an article from a prominent conservative pundit in Washington who writes, ‘He’s in the Mediterrean now, on the island of Malta, lecturing to European lawyers
    on how to ‘grow in office’ by offering a ‘Welfare State’. (Wes Pruden)

    So far, no word in the local press. Shouldn’t little Joey at least shake his hand or acknowledged he exists? Thought he was all for handouts. Still won’t admit he’s a ‘gimmee’ Socialist?

  5. Joe says:

    They’re neither insane nor ta’ wara l-muntanji. They’re what they really are. A glimpse of future Golden Years. God deliver us.

  6. canon says:

    Luciano Busuttil et al are hoping that one day Joseph Muscat will be able to control you. Or would Joseph Muscat leave it to Michelle sort of woman to woman.

  7. Francis Saliba MD says:

    They are not insane. They are plain stupid for unconsciously revealing what they have in store for Malta if the voters elected them to govern.

    Say good bye to the fundamental human right to have an opinion and to express it without being beaten up..

    Welcome back, all you arsonists of the newpaper printing presses.

    Ring in the old and call it ringing in the new.

  8. Mister says:

    The University of Malta is more like a glorified primary school if we had to go by this mentality.

    Free press, freedom of expression, freedom to form an opinion and freedom of choice are seen as threats by the Malta Labour Party.

    They do not want people to think.

    • La Redoute says:

      They’re *unable* to think. How do they imagine they can keep control of the media as they did in the good old, bad old days?

  9. Omega says:

    It is this lack of human rights concept that made such people so compatible with authoritarian regimes such as Ghaddafi, Chairman Mao, the old Soviet Union and North Korea. I hope that during a future Labour government, the EU will be able to ensure that we keep our rights of expression.

    • etil says:

      We should not expect the EU to keep our rights of expression – we have to grow up once and for all and be capable of making sure ourselves that we keep our rights of expression, etc.

  10. Adrian says:

    Control freaks – they’re typically Labour. That’s where they belong. I think that one of the best decisions by Dr Gonzi was that of relegating Mugliett to the back bench. Pity he was allowed to contest in 2008.

  11. Evarist Saliba says:

    If these persons are stupid, then those who accept them as candidates for parliament are equally stupid, and this applies also to those who vote for them.

    What is involved is not stupidity but perversity, and this is not eradicated through instruction in any institution.

    Only an educated vote which marginalises such persons can improve the standards in parliament.

  12. Francis Saliba MD says:

    The MLP deprived the Maltese of the right of access to the European courts of justce as long as they were in power.

    Cynically they conceded that right only on the eve of being rejected by the electorate convincingly for the second time. (After their rejection at the previous general election they did not count the votes cast by the majority of voters. They counted the seats obtained by deceitful gerrymandering.)

    When the MLP finally granted access to the European courts of justice they made doubly sure that the facility would not be availed of as long as they governed, by hook or by crook.

    If the voters were to elect the LP at the next general election the facility of recourse to the international courts of justice could very well be suppressed again.

    The Labour Party artificers who made sure that the Maltese public would not be able to take its case against the MLP to international courts of justice during their previous reign are stll there.

  13. Norwegian Wood says:

    This comes as no surprise. Just history repeating itself. Remember 1971 to 1987?

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