We didn’t vote for him, either
July 20, 2012 at 8:22am
Joseph Muscat said yesterday that The People didn’t vote for a coalition government. Well, I hate to break it to him – he’s clearly forgotten already – but nobody voted for him, did they.
The only reason he’s got a seat in parliament is because he bought it off Joseph Cuschieri.
Imagine that, eh? A leader of the Opposition with a bought seat and not one vote, and then he talks about unelected people with influence and who voted for what, and so on.
Mhux ahjar jaghlaq halqu, jahasra?
What a skip, my God.
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“but nobody voted for him, did they”
Joseph, how very correct Daphne is.
You are the Leader of the Opposition without a single electoral vote to your name, with absolutely no constituency support.
We have here a Dr Zero No 2.
F’kelma ohra, it-tieni Zero.
In fact, I was pondering on the phenomenon how an elected MP can give his chair to an unelected person. Is this legal? I suppose it is since it’s already happened twice.
But can Jeffrey give his seat to a Labour person, thus effectively losing Dr. Gonzi’s right to act as Prime Minister and landing Joseph as Prime Minister without an election? Can he give his seat to a person off the streets?
This is getting very dangerous. I think I prefer an election and Labour winning it than having Labour governing inadvertently through JPOS’s dealings.
Joseph Muscat keeps forgetting that he has not one vote to his name.
Yesterday he said said that the ‘ball is now in Dr. Gonzi’s court’ – Well it has been so for many years now but it seems you, Dr. Muscat, has never been able to score a goal.
Any comments on the recent revelation by Dr Francis Zammit Dimech and Dr Beppe Fenech Adami that it was Joseph Muscat who informed the PN about the Mistra onslaught?
Is it possible that Joseph Muscat figured out that his chance to become leader was to oust Alfred Sant, and that could only happen if the MLP lost the election? The mind boggles.
[Daphne – I’d though of that already. He’s the kind of person who is always going to put himself and his ambitions first. It was in his interests that Sant should lose the election.]
I’m not sure if that kind of long-term complicated plan is within Joseph Muscat’s limited capabilities. He’s more of an opportunist I think.
Konna nghidulu il-poodle ta’ Sant. Imma mid-dehra kien iktar cavallo di Troia ghal Fredu.
I say it is.
A rumour had been going around Mile End how Joseph Muscat could have slowly gained Alfred Sant’s favour.
It stopped as soon as he was elected.
Truly a case of empty vessels making the most noise, in every sense.
Iehor bhal Dr Muscat fil-Partit Laburista f’nofs it-tmeninijiet konna nsejhulu Dr Zero.
U jekk jaghlaq halqu, mhux ovvju li ser jitkellem min x’mkien iehor? X’kull wahda dalghodu.
Hawn ma tantx naqbel miegħek.
Ħallih, iktar ma jitaħ ħalqu aħjar għax jgħid dak li għandu f’moħħu u nindunaw x’ jifisser Ħlief kliem fieraħ u paprati ma jgħidx. S’issa xejn ma qal ta’ suġu u ħlief duħħan ma ħarigx minn ħalqu.
GonziPN evil clique, your days are numbered! Time to give us back our nation. OUR referring to (us) the real Maltese.
You mean there are artificial Maltese too?
Zero iehor?
The second ZERO in the Labour Party. Thanks for reminding us.
The PL have a tradition of dumping us with unelected MPs. We even got ourselves a prime minister that way, once.
We used to call the last person to get to Parliament this way ZERO. I believe this name also fits Muscat perfectly.
he is another ZERO, that is what we used to call that idiot Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici.
Joseph tat-terremoti. L-iktar li nhass s’issa hu f’Tal Pieta.
He insists on the ‘incertezza’ when it’s clear at this point that he also has a significant role to play in the legislature’s tenure.
Saying this government is finished, accusing the PM of having distorted the democratic process, but refusing to consider a vote of no confidence has to be the underlying signature of his style.
Gloat, tease, jeer, create a crisis, then getting cold feet at sticking his neck out to attempt to resolve it. It’s the attempt which carries a risk that makes the statesman, anything else is plain bluff.
‘It’s a different situation’ he said, yes Joseph, of course, politics evolve and if Jeffrey’s pledge merits serious consideration, the statement that the PM lost his majority contradicts what he just pledged.
The PM has one role to fulfill in all this, maintain a government in working order. It is not up to him to decide whether it’s the one he’s most fond of, that was for Alfred Sant.
It’s called good governing and respect of the electoral mandate. It seems however that Labour have converted to the ‘Labour won 2008’ creed.
If that’s the case what’s holding him from approaching JPO and proposing joint motions related to his progressive and moderate politics anyway? He gets to practise prattikament prim ministru. Gracing us with his much needed policies, wouldn’t that be for the common good?
If, instead, the Leader of the Opposition is absolutely positive in what he says, there’s only one thing for him to do, call a vote of no confidence.
For the fourth time.
“All the PL wants is an election, Dr Muscat insisted.” (Maltasatr)
From the horse’s mouth.
From the horse’s mouth (Joseph) to the horse’s ass (Maltastar)
Very well said Daphne, keep them coming. You are hilarious
As we say in Maltese, “no one sees his own humpback”.
Some go further and relish pointing at the humps, real, imaginary or maliciously invented, on the backs of others.
Dear Daphne, illum ha nikteb bil-Malti.
Il-kummenti tieghek huma ta’ wahda ndannata, il-Malti jghid ‘ghal maghmul m’hemmx kunsill’, if you know what I mean. Il-Gvern ta’ Gonzi spicca u inti dan tafu ghax m’intix cuc, ok.
Ktibt bil-Malt ghax tahseb li nifmuk ahjar?
Daphne indannata?
Kemm ghad irid jaqdef Joseph biex jasal qrib ir-rekord tal-PN.
L-ewwel irid jirbah din li gejja, mbaghad naraw.
Nithassrek Carmel, ghax hekk titilfuhom l-elezzjonijiet.
Ghid li trid, imma ma tistax tghaddi gurnata minghajr li int tidhol f’dan is-sit biex taqra x’kitbet Daphne.
Carmel hi (pronounced hee), aqra kemm trid imma tikteb xejn hi, ghax hlief idejjaq in-nies ma tafx.
Jekk hawn xi hadd indannat huwa int.
KMB was Zero I. And now we have Zero II, just like Rocky.
Stallone’s character didn’t win in Rocky I, but he did in Rocky II.
Tajba, Daphne.
Nice picture of two friends.
Keep the fools entertained as they know that their days are numbered
OMG, spot ON! What does Michelle have to say to that?
I think in the end the whole country is suffering because we have the Nationalist Party, which I support, looking like it’s all over the place, while we have Labour who have learned absolutely nothing from all these years in Opposition and they seem so hungry for power that if they are elected it’s an ego boost and not how will the country be run?
All you convinced Nationalists, grumbling Nationalists, planning not to vote Nationalists, please keep in mind that the country did not fall into the serious economic problems that so many neighbouring countries are going through.
I live in Gozo, and the people who are registering for work here are either are already working or do not want to work.
There are people who gamble their incomes away so these people are not suffering because they have no income but because they are unable to budget.
We have to vote for new faces and the old faces that have brought prosperity and justice in their ministries.
For all those grumbling because they cannot find work with the government etc – bullshit, go get a life.