Just look at this bloated hypocrite, failing to mention that he, too, was a minister in the Golden Years, with Il-Guy

Published: July 21, 2012 at 12:32am

11 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Deborah Schembri, when did the PN do anything remotely comparable to Labour’s Golden Years?

    On the way down I see.

  2. Simon says:

    Joe Grim(a) is one of the most obnoxious slobs I’ve ever had to deal with.

    Dreadful man.

  3. elephant says:

    He is the chap who said in parliament that he regretted that The Times building was not burnt to the ground.

    Fire, then destroyed his radio station and the Nationalists (stupidly) gave him space on Net TV.

    • Gerry Mandering class 1981 says:

      Isn’t Joe Fat Controller Grima one of the Labour Ministers who in 1981 opposed the holding of fresh elections?

  4. Stingray says:

    Did I hear Lou Bondi admit that the Nationalist Party “innamraw ftit mal-Faxxisti”? Isn’t this like being partially pregnant?

    He should delve deeper in the subject next autumn when he resumes his talk show on TVM. There are still some Striklandjani around who could tell him more about “in-namur tan-Nazzjonalisti mal Faxxisti”.

    [Daphne – Please don’t talk bollocks. Nobody could have possibly been more Stricklandjani than both my maternal and paternal families. And Stricklandjani has a c. If the Nationalist Party were still right-wing and fascist, we wouldn’t be voting for it, rest assured. Today, the party dabbling in national socialism is Labour.]

  5. Stingray says:

    As always you are deflecting attention from the substance of my comment. I said that Lou Bondi admitted links between the Nationalist Party and Mussolini’s fascists.

    [Daphne – You people are unbelievable. Lou Bondi did NOT ‘admit to links between the Nationalist Party and Mussolini’s fascists’, no more than Richard Cachia Caruana implicated Guido de Marco in his attempted murder. Do you do and say these things deliberately, or is it just that your rational powers are so poor that you actually believe them, and that the same poverty of thought is the reason you vote Labour (read my column tomorrow)? Unbelievable.]

    You could ask your maternal and paternal families and they would tell you more about this.

    [Daphne – I don’t need to do so, Stingray. I was brought up in a family that discussed politics where others talk about the weather and grocery shopping.]

    Are you so sure that there is no one in the Nationalist hierarchy (oops, I was going to say ‘oligarchy’) who does not harbour the same political feelings of the thirties?

    [Daphne – Yes, I am sure. But that might be because I actually know these people you only hear about. The people who harbour those feelings are, in fact, the ones complaining so loudly because they now feel estranged. They are the ones who complain that the Nationalist Party is no longer ‘what it was’. Well, if it were still what it was once, then I for one would find it impossible to vote for it, leaving me with a massive problem in view of the other option.]

    But apart from this my point was to ask Lou Bondi to continue investigating in-“namur tan-Nazzjonalisti mal-Faxxisti” and I repeat, there are still many Stricklandjani (happy now?) around who would contribute to the debate.

    [Daphne – Yes, starting from the surviving older members of my family who would be only too delighted to tell you what they think of the Labour Party and why they vote Nationalist with conviction.]

  6. carlos says:

    Joe Grima like the rest of his colleagues is ashamed of his past.

    He was a competitor to Lorry Sant in many ways. He is part of the dirty past.

  7. Pallone gonfiato says:

    The bloated hypocrite used to present Protagonisti when things were going badly for Labour. Now he has changed tack. A typical and quintessential FACCIOL.

  8. Peter F says:

    Tsk tsk Stefan. Short-sleeved shirt under a jacket. Nitghallmu xi darba ta….

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