
Published: July 11, 2012 at 5:11pm

This is the sort of racist (and emotionally and intellectually arrested) remark you’ll find on anti-African-immigrant Facebook groups run by Maltese progressive liberals.

Charles Zahra
I think that it would be a good idea to buy a dinghi and buy some black polish go out to sea and put the black polish on my body so then I will be brought back to Malta by our nice patrol boats and apply for the 5000 euros so at least I will get some money back from the taxes that I had paid throughout the years. Is there anyone interested?
about an hour ago

But at least David Thake gave me a laugh this morning, an antidote to the stupidity elsewhere:

David Thake
Taht il-labour temperatura perfetta ikollna… ghax anki t-temp inghaqad mal-moviment ta’ Joseph…..

4 Comments Comment

  1. johnusa says:

    Pamela Love Rhayelle

    din favur is suldati maltin hi?????????

    22 hours ago near Valletta, Malta

    Ian Ellul Ghalhiex? Ghandek xi dubju?
    22 hours ago via mobile.

    Pamela Love Rhayelle le ax ma stajtx nifem sew jin maltija u mal maltin naqbez ax adejja minom bhalissa dawk jihdu kollox u jin ili bix nihu xi haga zmin jekk inkun naf li em il widnejn jisimew nikteb mux ahna maltin u nhallsu bolol u taxxi u dawk stmati aktar minna viva il maltin
    22 hours ago.

    Ian Ellul Ibghat messagg lil Sonya TAnti halli twassal lehinkom fuq it-tv
    21 hours ago via mobile · 1.

    Pamela Love Rhayelle tks mela ha nibatila

    • Grezz says:

      This “ma niehu xejn” (minn fuq il-gvern) mentality really gets my goat. The problem is that there are too many such people around.

  2. A Montebello says:

    And did anyone spot this in the Times?

    “Detention Service officer Dominic Seguna said that Mr Kamara would have ended up like a “black omelette” had he remained there overnight. The other immigrants were like “monkeys at the fence”, ready to tear him apart, he said”

    Did I miss something here? Wasn’t this said in a court of law? Was Seguna reprimanded or something?.

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