KullHadd got the wrong Mark Dimech
July 14, 2012 at 10:08am
I have received this email.
Ms Caruana Galizia,
I am Mark Anthony Dimech.
I refer to last Sunday’s Kulhadd particularly Page 3 entitled “ Caruana Galizia tissindika lil min jaqbilla”.
Please note that the photo was taken from my facebook account; yet, I am not a soldier (bumbardier) and never been, and I never was accused of killing Zoto as il-Kulhadd reported.
They just used my profile on facebook, because I happened to “like” our Prime Minister, to make a story implying that you did not comment because I am a Nationalist. How very unprofessional il-Kulhadd is, reporting without checking any details, and hence,getting the wrong person.
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Why doesn’t Mr Dimech sue them?
Exactly my thoughts. Sue them, damn it.
If I were you, Mark, I’d be calling my lawyer and suing Kulhadd’s sorry ass.
Kulhadd: Lazy journalism at its very best.
I’d say this chap has serious and valid grounds for suing the pants off il-Kulhadd
Mr Dimech, the PL and it’s elves do that sort of thing all the time.
Dal-proxxmu m’ghandhux il-mezzi finanarjaji x’jahli biex ifittex lil dal giddibin tal-Kullhadd.
Jekk xi hadd jixtieq jikkontribwixxi nahseb li jkun lest li jaccetta li jfittixhom ghal mizerja ta’ 5,000 ewro skond il-ligi.
The Mintoffian legacy resurfaces. There it is again – the ruthless behaviour of the Labour camp. This is what they are best remembered for: frame-ups, illegal political arrests and beatings at the Police depot, harassment and intimidation on the basis of political belief.
Do not expect any better if Labour is re-elected.