Labour – they just KILL me: ‘Google hengout ma’ Joseph Muscat’….and an empty office. Maaaaaaa.

Published: July 27, 2012 at 12:40am

53 Comments Comment

  1. N pace says:

    This process will handle a chat of not more than 10 people in one go. So restricted.

    • Snoopy says:

      The participants will be handpicked depending on name and telephone number.

      I would not be surprised if the questions shall be previously set, in this way he can prepare and use a teleprompter.

      It just becomes scarier and scarier, thinking that Hamburger Joe could be facing EU leaders, and be required to take decisions on the spot.

      Preparing to emigrate to Easter Island, at least there, stone heads are really made of stone.

      • Eddy Privitera says:

        Mid-dehra qisek qatt ma rajt lil Gonzi jahrab jigri mill-gurnalisti, hux ? Ara Dr. Muscat ma jahrabx mill-gurnalisti. Jaqaw tridu li numru ta’ GonziPN tippruvaw thassru l-programm kif kontu ghamiltu fl-universita , meta mortu hemm biex ma thallux lil Dr. Alfred Sant jitkellem u jfiehem lil min ried jisma l-argumenti, u mhux ic-cucati u tghajjir !

    • David Thake says:

      10 carefully selected people……

  2. Matt B says:

    And then they accuse the Nationalist Party of copying all that they say and do (God forbid, but anyway).

  3. Leonard Ellul Bonici says:

    X’hangout with Joseph Muscat?

    Il-leader hangs out at wine bars in Asti, and at Ta’ Cenc in Gozo.

    • Eddy Privitera says:

      And where does Lawrence hangs out ? In some convent ?

      [Daphne – One would think that after all these years of writing letters to The Times, Mr Privitera, you would have learned how to use verbs properly. Here’s a brief lesson. 1. Lawrence hangS out at a convent. 2. Where does Lawrence hang (no s) out?]

  4. Lilla says:

    ‘In-nies li ha jintaghzlu…”

    So someone like me, a card-carrying Nationalist Party supporter, will most probably not be asked to ‘hangout’ with Dr. Muscat and ask some uncomfortable question.

    And why do questions have to be sent in beforehand?

    Is the ‘prattikament priministru’ afraid he’ll fall flat on his face if he’s not prepped with the questions first?

    I would love to see how Dr. Muscat fares in an open debate.

    I’d put my money on Dr. Gonzi wiping the floor with him any day of the week.

    • Eddy Privitera says:

      Possibbli qatt ma rajt lil Dr. Muscat f’dibattitu ma Lawrence Gonzi ? Jew forsi, meta ndunajt li Dr. Muscat kien ferm superjuri, malajr qlibt ic-channel !

  5. P Shaw says:

    Inzertawh hin hazin miskin, kien qed jirranga t-teleprompter mal-bieb.

  6. The Shadow says:


  7. Gakku says:

    It’s more likely to be a hangover than a hangout after his trip to Asti.

  8. Spiru says:

    And on ONe news, people were asked to register on – Lanqas emial address ma jafu jiktbu ahseb u ara jmexxu pajjiz.

  9. Lupin says:

    And probably the questions have been ready for a while and he’s studying the answers prepared for him while on holiday. A spontaneous Gonzi wannabe.

  10. Groucho says:

    Dont’t be silly.

    That chair isn’t empty.

    It’s facing away from us.

    Mr Mettocracy is sitting there stroking a shaven off-white cat.

    On cue he’ll swivel around and face the camera.

    You can’t see him now because he’s short. And overweight, but that’s besides the point.

    He’s also a ginger, which is why on principle I could never endorse him. That too is besides the point.

  11. Joe says:

    Kieku johorgu b’xi ideja gdida. Copycats. U dawn jghajru li l-partit fil Gvern skadut u bla idejat.

    • Eddy Privitera says:

      Issa kellna l-isbah prova ta’ min huma l-copycats bil-Billboard ikkupjat ta’ 33 sena ilu !!!!!!!!!!!!111

  12. Stephen Ganado says:

    Well, why don’t we bombard him with relevant questions and see if he answers them?

    Q. Kif ser jorhsu il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma?

    A. Ghandna pjan tajjeb u sostenibbli biex dawn inrahhsuhom

    Q. Imma kif? Ser ikollkhom tghollu il-VAT, jew xi taxxi ohra?

    A. Tinkwetawx ghad-dettalji, ivvotawli u taraw kif nirranga kollox.

    Q. Jigifieri jien suppost navda lil xi hadd li bhal issa lanqas ghandu vot, u lanqas m’hu kapaci jaghtini hjiel ta kif ser jirnexxielu jikseb wahda mil-akbar weghdiet li deq jaghmel.

    A. Iva……..

    Yeah right……

    • FP says:

      X’int ottimist, ħabib.

      Qed taħseb li minn għaxar mistoqsijiet, ħa jagħtu tlieta lilek?

    • Toninu says:

      Hasra ma Muscat biss. Kieku kien hemm Anglu Farrugia konna nsaqsuh meta sar l-ahhar budget forsi tghallimha issa.

    • Eddy Privitera says:

      Dawn il-mistoqsijiet Austin Gatt ippreparalkom ? Ghax ma tiffurmawx club u ssemmuh ” GONZI_PARROTS ” ?????

      [Daphne – OMG. Eddy Privitera.]

      • Eddy Privitera says:

        Daphna , X’kien qed tibza tikkritika lil JPO issa ??????????

        Gvern immexxi minn JPO u FD – OMG !!!

  13. Neil Dent says:

    Ms Dalli swung the other way. She said Hunggout, rather than hengout.

  14. canon says:

    Joseph Muscat is trying very hard to imitate impeccable Lawrence Gonzi when facing the media.

    But he can’t do it without that extra help like using teleprompter, restricted audience, selected journalists etc.

  15. jack says:

    The following is an actual excerpt from an interview Joseph Muscat gave to the magazine The Executive. I quote verbatim.

    THE EXECUTIVE: Hedge funds have a vital role to play in developing the jurisdiction. How would an alternative labour government be committed to growing the financial services sector in the future?

    JOSEPH MUSCAT: Well, hedge funds are a new addition in relative terms to the country. We need to attract more people who take more decisions over here, improve the connectivity and accessibility of the country. This is where the role of Air Malta is crucial not only to tourism but also towards increasing Malta’s role as a hub for financial services and related market segments. We are not planning a revolution or propose the opposite of what is being done – our aim is continuity.

  16. Bidu gdid iehor tal-MLP says:

    Everyone should send in this one:

    Ilek tghid li se trahhas il-kontijiet. Ghidilna kif, meta u b’kemm u ta’ min.

    He can refuse answer a few questions, but he can’t refuse to answer thousands who call his bluff.

    • FP says:

      Erbgħa mistoqsijiet f’waħda. Mhix valida.

      Next question, please.

      Answer those four questions yourselves, with your vote.

      • Eddy Privitera says:

        You will soon know, as soon as Lawrence ovrcomes his fear and blows the whistle !

  17. Scoobs says:

    Can’t they even try to be innovative?

    The Nationalist Party starts an online question and answer and Labour follows. Obviously we then rope in a woman (as for Labour women are only there for looks) to entice people to ask questions. XI DWEJJAQ.

    • FP says:

      But you’ve got to hand it to her, Scoobs. She’s not bad looking.

      Other than her good looks, this one’s very persistent with her questions.

      She won’t take any answers other than the answer she wants to hear, as long as she’s interviewing someone from the PN side.

      I’d just love to see her suck out a decent reply from Joseph about the reduction in energy rates. That’s a twofold impossibility, of course.

  18. Rita Camilleri says:

    Huduh bil-mod imma, mhux kollha f’daqqa ghax thawwduh u jista jpannijka.

  19. DNA says:

    How amateurish. I cannot help but quote Bill Gates here:

    “Technology applied to an efficient operation magnifies the efficiency. Technology applied to an inefficient operation magnifies the inefficiency”.

  20. Toninu says:

    I have a question for Joey. How old was Malta’s youngest prime minister?

    Sincerely, I hope he doesn’t say anything less than 29 otherwise we’re screwed. Immaginawh jirrevedi l-budget lil dan kieku. Even if he replies with a lie to save his own face, at least we’d know he learnt the numbers in the correct order.

  21. L-Iskocciz says:

    Stil iehor ta’ kif jiccensuraw dak li ma jaqbilx ghal widnejhom minn ghajr ma jsemmghu il-kelma “censura”.

    Ghax din il-kelma xejn ma tinzel ghasel f’widnejn il-publiku Malta. Jergghu ifakkru lil poplu Malti fic-censura ta’ zmien id-dlamijiet.

  22. Maltafan says:

    Out of office reply – Dr. Joseph Muscat is currently out of the office and will be returning on the 5th of August in time for a hangout (ghax ahna hip u cool mhux imbilli tghid is-Sahhara tal-Wardija).

    He currently has limited access to email and phone, as he wouldn’t like to spoil his wine tejsting.

    If your question is “should an election be held?” the answer is yes, as il – Lijder is still adamant to become Malta’s youngest PM.

    Further questions are to be directed to The Coconut. He may be found at Gianpula. Please thread carefully.

    Moviment Bla Isem

  23. Johnnyb says:

    Pity li m’ghamlitux Nuxellina l-promo.

  24. Bob says:

    I do not want to hang out with Joseph. I just want him to tell me what he plans to do when he becomes prime minister. How about that?

    • La Redoute says:

      Hang out with him and ask all the questions he refuses to answer.

      That’s one thing he has in common with the man whose position he usurped – he always wriggles out of answering any question that doesn’t suit his agenda.

  25. Someone says:

    Dr Muscat, the cost of energy is currently inexorably linked to the price of fossil fuels.

    With the current cost of oil floating around the US$100/barrel mark, what would be cutoff oil price increase that would make your yet to be revealed plan to reduce utility prices unachievable?

  26. Someone says:

    The follow-up question from an astute journalist would have been simply “Dr. Muscat what is a hedge fund?”

    Looking forward to the debates between him and the PM. However, I have the hunch that Coconut & Co. will try to limit the number of direct debates as much as their Socialist friend Hollande did with Sarkozy.

    The French were then suckered in to voting for Hollande and they are now just realising that a change isn’t always for the better.

  27. OK says:

    Tant qatghu qalbhom li johorgu b’idejat originali taghhom li biex ikunu zguri li xi haga tigihom sew ikollhom jikkupjaw lill-Partit Nazzjonalista.

    Issa m’ghadhomx jippruvaw jirredikolaw lill-Prim Ministru talli tkellem mal-poplu online?

    Qed jaghmlu bhalu ja pappagalli? Mhux ta’ b’xejn li lanqas ghadhom lestew il-programm elettorali.

    Forsi qed jippruvaw isibu xi punti mil-programmi antiki tal-PN biex jinkluduhom ghax jafu li n-nies tinsa. Din is-sena ntroducew id-djalogu taht it-tinda li l-PN kien introduca 20 sena ilu. Daqshekk ghadhom lura dawn in-nies.

  28. etil says:

    Xi dwejjaq kbar ghandi – I am no longer ‘zghazugha’ and so I will just have to stick to hanging out my washing instead of hanging out with Joey.

  29. Il-Kajboj says:

    Questions deadline: 30 July
    Answers: 5 August (6 days later)

    If this man needs 6 days to answer a simple question, imagine how much he will need to take important decisions.

  30. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    President Obama has done this before.

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