Leo Brincat: it’s chicken tonite
July 27, 2012 at 1:06pm
I’d keep an eye on this man if I were you, Mrs Brincat.
Jidher li qed ihoss rasu, miskin.
Maaaaaa. Kemm hu COOL. Dalwaqt narawh throwing some funky shapes f’xi Club Numero Uno. M’hemmx aghar mil-irgiel bil-menopawza, ha nghidlek.
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He was round our area doing home visits yesterday. Xi dwejjaq. I wish they would stop coming round (particularly during dinner time)
Spotted yesterday around 8pm at zmerc city, Marsamxett Harbour (i was walking to my car after a long, long day working, not hobnobbing): Joe Cilia in a Raklph Lauren Big Pony shirt exactly like Rolex Franco’s, except that his Big Pony was red.
He doesn’t even know how to use a spacebar… ’12Olympic’
L-ewwel android fil-kabinett.
X’menopawza hi? Leo must have been through around the time of the 96 – 98 Labour debacle, at the very latest.
Where is Godfrey Pirotta when we need him to help us identify the symptoms of Leo Brincat’s menopause?
Nispera ma jigix Numero Uno meta jdoqq Paul Kalkbrenner. Ghax irrid nikkoncentra.
Ahjar jghidilna jekk hux ser jerga jipprova bic-CET flok il-VAT. Come on Leo, pluck up a bit of courage and come clean.