Leo Brincat: it’s chicken tonite

Published: July 27, 2012 at 1:06pm

I’d keep an eye on this man if I were you, Mrs Brincat.

Jidher li qed ihoss rasu, miskin.


Maaaaaa. Kemm hu COOL. Dalwaqt narawh throwing some funky shapes f’xi Club Numero Uno. M’hemmx aghar mil-irgiel bil-menopawza, ha nghidlek.

9 Comments Comment

  1. Andre says:

    He was round our area doing home visits yesterday. Xi dwejjaq. I wish they would stop coming round (particularly during dinner time)

  2. Marie says:

    Spotted yesterday around 8pm at zmerc city, Marsamxett Harbour (i was walking to my car after a long, long day working, not hobnobbing): Joe Cilia in a Raklph Lauren Big Pony shirt exactly like Rolex Franco’s, except that his Big Pony was red.

  3. Hibernating in Malta says:

    He doesn’t even know how to use a spacebar… ’12Olympic’

  4. maltawarrior says:


  5. Neil Dent says:

    X’menopawza hi? Leo must have been through around the time of the 96 – 98 Labour debacle, at the very latest.

  6. canon says:

    Where is Godfrey Pirotta when we need him to help us identify the symptoms of Leo Brincat’s menopause?

  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Nispera ma jigix Numero Uno meta jdoqq Paul Kalkbrenner. Ghax irrid nikkoncentra.

  8. Norwegian Wood says:

    Ahjar jghidilna jekk hux ser jerga jipprova bic-CET flok il-VAT. Come on Leo, pluck up a bit of courage and come clean.

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