Libya holds its first general election today

Published: July 7, 2012 at 9:28am

Libya holds its first general election today. The situation there is not at all pleasant, but the transition from such a brutal and prolonged dictatorship was never going to be easy, particularly as there is no democratic or semi-democratic tradition to fall back on, as there was in the former Iron Curtain countries post 1989.

19 Comments Comment

  1. qahbu says:

    You need to update your clock to summer time…..

  2. ciccio says:

    “Libya: Malta should continue to be prudent.”

  3. Dee says:

    U dan meta xebaw jxandru mal-erbat irjieh tad-dinja li ma jaqrawx il-blog “ta’ dik”.

  4. David says:

    Today’s elections in Libya are the first general elections in recent history. However elections have been held in Libya in the past, the last previous general election was held in 1965.

    [Daphne – Yawn. David, you are so, so anal.]

  5. yor/malta says:

    Europe post-1945 was far from pleasant; vengeance killings of fraternisers and traitors went on for a time in the liberated countries.

    People like KMB, Dalli and Kev preferred things as they were in Libya.

  6. ud says:

    It-tuba tweeted:

    @farrugiaaaron: Lost my mobile contacts. Kindly send an sms with your name and surname (and preferably email address on 99829944. Many thanks – Aaron

  7. Angus Black says:

    Libya is voting, yet Franco, Jeffrey and Cyrus are still here?

    Franco can help Libya draft a new progressive, modern and fair Constitution.

    Jeffrey could embark on enlightening the Muslim majority that divorce is not only acceptable, but desirable.

    Cyrus could preach the equality between the unions of straight and homosexuals.

    What a missed opportunity.

  8. skalda says:

    Hi Daphne,

    I love reading your blog and finally I can give you some good information.

    Last Friday kont Kemuna ma’ shabi u rajna lil Jason Micallef fuq dghajsa ma’ xi haddiema tas-Super One. It was quite obvious he was drunk and he was also flirting all the time with two girls.

    Thanks a lot and keep it up. You’re great!

  9. P Shaw says:

    I remember that when the late Censu Tabone used to talk about the fall of Communism in the east and he used to mention Gorbachev’s name in our parliament, the MLP MPs used to boo him.

    Labour was repeatedly on the wrong side of history.

    • La Redoute says:


      • anthony says:

        Is and will always be.

        Looking forward and having a vision for the future presumes the possession of grey matter, brains, a thinking head.

        Call it what you want.

        Not for PL this.

      • P Shaw says:

        LA REDOUTE – you are right.

        Labour’s judgement is consistently questionable. The question we should all ask is – can we ever trust Labour’s judgement / decision making, and will it hurt Malta’s long-term interest (key industries such as tothe financial sector are extremely sensitive to the perception and reputation of a country. The first sign of an erratic and childish administration will scare present and prospective investors away by the droves)

      • La Redoute says:

        The answers are no and yes, respectively.

        But I guess you knew that already.

  10. Min Weber says:

    For those who care, Cuschieri MEP is back to “single” – check out his Facebook account.

  11. pocoyo says:

    Tghid Johnny Sargas jibghat counting agent?

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