Marru fuq vaganza mittilkless

Published: July 22, 2012 at 12:32pm

Elena Farrugia, Joseph Muscat, Edward Zammit Lewis, Michelle Muscat - marru wine-tasting f'nofs il-krizi ta' rasu.

I knew my extensive worldwide network of spies wouldn’t let me down. Mr and Mrs Leader of the Opposition are on a wine-tasting holiday in Asti and Barolo (not the perfect time of year, but there you go) with Labour star candidate Edward Zammit Lewis and his wife Elena.

So mittilkless.

29 Comments Comment

  1. gogemini says:


    This is akin to stalking. You are a sick bitch, aren’t you? Go on, admit it.

    [Daphne – Jahasra.]

    • Gordon says:

      she’s not sick – she sings to her master’s wishes and her master is telling her to stalk those who oppose Mr Gonzi

      [Daphne – Kemm intkom tedjanti. Please don’t come flocking back. I can see it starting to happen again.]

  2. Il-Kajboj says:

    And while Joseph enjoys his Moscato, Labour’s Kullhadd asks Alfred Sant about l-ahhar bidwi f’wied il-mistra:

    Dr. Sant, x’inhi l-fehma tieghek dwar l-ahhar mossa ta’ JP0 li rrizenja mill-PN u fforma ‘koalizzjoni ma’ Gonzi’?

    Ma nikkummentax dwar l-azzjonijiet u l-mottivi trasparenti ta’ persuna li ma ghandha u ma jista’ jkollha l-ebda kredibilità morali jew politika.

    Mintoff 1998 anyone?

    • Il-Kajboj says:

      And on Super One they serve this “persuna li ma ghandha u ma jista’ jkollha l-ebda kredibilità morali jew politika” for breakfast.

      Better run away to Italy with Michelle tal-Buttardi, Elena n-nutar u zewgha l-istar candidate.

  3. Jack says:

    Two words: “Who Cares?”

  4. anthony says:

    Too early for the tartufo but lovely part of the world for a holiday.

  5. Gordon says:

    allura!!!!!!????? trid tiddetta fejn mmorru vaganza sahhara tal-bidnija?

    • Gotta love the photo! says:

      Kellhom xi sponsor? Tghid, forsi, Sam Mifsud u Karmenu Vella tal-Orange Cruises, biex jikkompetu mal-free gifts ta’ Norman?

  6. dery says:

    Been there, seen that, done that. Even the Simpsons, America’s most famous dysfunctional family have.

    Instead of subjecting the Muscats to mild harassment you should have had some spies stationed at the residence of the Belgian ambassador on Saturday to report on the loud scene involving Alex Sceberras Trigona.

    There was shouting and much waving of arms. Get your spies to give you the details.

  7. Peter Pan says:

    Are they not like the new progressive?

  8. Fido says:

    Since it’s not the prime period, it might be cheaper. Don’t foreget that we are all at the risk of being below the poverty line (always according to Maximus).

  9. The Phoenix says:

    Jaf x’qed iduq dan? So naff…

  10. cesca says:

    Elena Farrugia used to think herself so upmarket. Now here she is with these people.

    Well, as long as they’re set to become Mr and Mrs Prim Ministru…

    • cinderella says:

      Elena.has always been best buddies with who can get her somewhere…….. Once there she ll forget you exist….. Or look down on you.

  11. Harry Purdie says:

    Daphne, just have to break in on this thread.

    Just finished reading your article in today’s The Malta Independent on Sunday. Most thinking people have long suspected that the vast majority of Labourites exhibit the tendencies you have so well illustrated over the years.

    Now, valid research studies have substantiated your thoughts.

    I sincerely hope the Maltese people, who will soon be called upon to vote, ponder your piece, think long and hard, and envisage how their future could be so jeopardized by making the wrong decision and returning such an unthinking, scary horde to power.

    • kev says:

      Don’t get skewed up, Purdie. There’ll hardly be a difference when Joseph is prime councillor.

      The unpayable national debt will continue to rise, interest payments will continue to soar in perpetuity, and higher taxes will ensure that growth can only be illusory.

      What’s more, national budgets will need to be approved by programmed EU technocrats, so Joseph will have to abide by strict fiscal and economic guidelines that ensure our enslavement is complete.

      And now, with a 75% debt-to-GDP ratio we’re well on our way to see Joseph taste some of Gonzi’s EU medicine – which he’s been sharing since the day of his atonement.

      So relax, Purdie. Pour yourself a nice drink and watch the eurozone nations forcibly collapse, doused with an ever-increasing supply of paper debt-money for which they’ll have to pay in hard labour while the EU seizes more power and Joseph plays Gonzi playing prim kunsillier to the tune of banni bannozzi ara l-papa gej…

  12. Gotta love the photo! says:

    Oh, so they’re into wife-swapping as well as wine-tasting. Fascinating.

  13. edgar says:

    Come on, Dery, tell us more about Alex Sceberras Trigona at the Belgian ambassador’s house.

    One guess from me. There must have been a fight and AST was involved.

    I had an experience with him once and he was all bluff and chickened out when I resisted him. This was election year 1987.

    Thought we heard the end of him then, but Joseph thinks that AST is modern and progressive. And I am the pope.

  14. sasha says:

    Oh then, that explains what they were planning in April with Mrs. Hamilton at a cafe.

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