Mhux ta’ b’xejn hawn min se jivvota ghal Joseph. Why am I not surprised.

Published: July 24, 2012 at 12:04pm

26 Comments Comment

  1. Hibernating in Malta says:

    Do I hear cries of joy in the background?

  2. WhoamI? says:


    At 02:11, nahseb baghtlu SMS San Guzepp jghidlu biex izommu sew u ma jhallix nies jonfhu f’wiccu.

  3. Gakku says:

    Shouldn’t he be on medication? Or is it just a scam?

    • Grezz says:

      I think that all his followers should be on medication. He, on the other hand, is probably making a bomb out off it. (Jew jiehu gost jitne**ek bin-nies.)

  4. A. Charles says:

    I, together with many people in the “sawt”, consider Angelik to be a con man. His conning business started when he was a tal-Muzew member with peroxide blond hair.

    This continued later when he was a care worker at an adult training centre in Hal Far.

    Now it has arrived to the glorious, a` la Ron Hubbard, invention of a Lourdes-like apparition in an area which is an archaeological site of great importance.

    Where are the Roman Catholic Church authorities who need to give a clear indication to the faithful on this con man?

    • Grezz says:

      More importantly, is he still being endorsed by Fr Hayden, a representative of the Roman Catholic Church?

  5. Village says:

    The church authorities should stop this nonsense. It makes a mockery of religious belief and foments superstition, both directly connected with a low intelligence quotient.

  6. Matt says:

    I bet he will cut that black piece of clothing into pieces and sell it as “relikwi” to his followers.

    • Grezz says:

      Just that cloth? He’s probably got bales of similar cloth stacke up somewhere, ready for the market.

  7. Georges Bonello DuPuis says:

    Dan bis-serjeta?

  8. Aunt Hetty says:

    This man is a blasphemer. As a practising Catholic, I am shocked at the antics of this conman and I expect the authorities of the Roman Catholic Church here in Malta to shame him publicly and order any naive member of the clergy seen supporting him to go do a spot of missionary work in Afghanistan.

  9. Kenneth Cassar says:

    Somebody please explain to these gullible people that Jesus died aged 33.

  10. etil says:

    Weirdo – are those tatoos on his arms ?

  11. chully says:

    Because the Church has not pronounced itself publicly, it does not follow that it is not taking these occurences seriously. I know this as a fact.

  12. Brian says:

    Can’t really see the difference between these ninnies and the Sunday-best-clothes brigade.

    Faith, blasphemy…pfff, give me a break.

  13. Ronnie says:

    Religious fundamentalism is definitely not a good example why people vote Labour.

    If you look more closely at the people in the crowd you might spot Tonio. What is the big difference between Tonio and Angelik, one is articulate enough to pen the crap he believes in an article in The Malta Independent, the other acts it out (by crap I don’t mean the religion itself but the fact that the Madonna is interested in local politics).

    [Daphne – This is not religious fundamentalism, Ronnie. This is a wholly different thing. This is witchcraft and magic.]

  14. Becky says:

    That’s strange.. I remember the instructions to the three wise men about “finding a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger” but not the bit about finding the invisible baby wrapped in sweaty jacket by mangy liar.

    Mulej hudni.. (dak ta’ veru jekk jista’ jkun).

  15. francesca says:

    A conman should, one way or the other, bribe another person of his money or belongings.

    This man does not collect donations during these ‘shows’ so it makes one wonder when or how does he gain ‘easy’ money.

    What happens when he approaches one (or several) of the many vulnerable followers in private, telling them that ”il-madonna semmietek b’ismek biex tghini finanzjarjament?”

    This is what the authorities should investigate.

  16. AE says:

    I can confirm what Anthony Charles has written about Angelik.

    The family he has married into are known to be good and humble folk. This probably adds to his legitimacy.

    Angelik thrives on people’s gullibility and their faith. They are so eager to witness a miracle and probably cannot fathom that someone could be so despicable to lie and act in such a manner, that they believe him.

    From what I have been told, being from the ‘sawt’ myself, Angelik owed lots and lots of money to several people and was in serious trouble. That is when he started seeing his visions.

    These loans have since been forgotten and from what I hear people are continuously doing things for him since they believe he has a direct line to the Lord.

    His rightful place is not Mount Carmel but jail. Something needs to be done to stop this fraudster from conning people and mocking the Church.

  17. tal-misthija says:

    Daphne, jiena nahseb li l-aktar nies li qed jaghmlu l-hsara huma dawk il-mishuta fortune tellers u imbarazz bhalhom li qed issiru sinjuri minn fuq nies li huma vulnerabli.

    Jiena fuq il-kaz ta’ Borg in-Nadur ma nitkellimx ghax kazijiet fejn illum issiru pellegrinagi bil-miljuni hekk bdew, fuq kollox hafna mill-messaggi huma sabiex issir t-talb.

  18. jo says:

    Dan bis-serjeta`? U dik soru li qed tbus l-imbarazz li ghandu f’idejh? U l-knisja fejn hi? Ma nahsibx li wasal iz-zmien li twaqqaf dal-genn?? jew kulhadd ifarfar?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      It-twegiba tinsab quddiemek (mhux blowin’ in the wind):

      1) Angelik ghandu stamp of approval bhala Xarabank celebrity;

      2) Angelik huwa “orrajt” u “devot” u “taf kemm hu ragel twajjeb”;

      3) Angelik qed juza simboli Kattolici.

      Hence, Angelik is above reproach.

      Brand Malta – perpetuating idiocy since 1964.

  19. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Upp upp, isa għax ġabha! *produces thorn from mouth*

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