Mr Modesty O’Cock writes to The Times

Published: July 19, 2012 at 3:23am

Does he ever wind down?

I cannot explain the motive except maybe that my popularity in the fifth district and my valid ideas and contributions in Parliament were considered by the restricted clique which has hijacked the PN as a threat to some people’s ministerial and leadership aspirations. Was the Schiavone episode used to clip my wings?

– Franco Debono, writing in The Times yesterday

14 Comments Comment

  1. Franco Polo says:

    My mother went to London and all she got me was a lousy T-shirt.

  2. P Shaw says:

    Clique (but pronounced click) is the latest buzz word.

    This moron has been badly screwed up, unless he was born that way.

    A person with half a brain would have realized by now that it is time to just let go.

    I really empathise with PM Gonzi that he had to endure all this in utter silence during the last four years.

    Any other person would have exploded and sent that pain in the ass to hell, where he rightly belongs.

    Now, I understand why Gonzi was not himself during the TV debate on the eve of the European Parliament elections.

  3. Jozef says:

    He got himself a blog now. Super One had it on their news.

    [Daphne – He’s so competitive, miskin. Now he’s going to be checking Alexa every five minutes to see whether he’s outranked me yet. Ahjar imur jitma dawk is-sriedaq li ghandu.]

  4. MMuscat says:

    “Was the Schi­avone episode used to clip my wings?” Shortly he will be talking about his beak, comb and wattle.

  5. anthony says:

    “ministerial and leadership aspirations” eh?

    If it is sick it is not necessarily Labour.

    It can also be Franco.

    The jury is out on whether Jeffrey is Labour.

  6. Spiru says:

    Would love to check out his blog but I don’t want to increase the traffic.

    [Daphne – Go ahead. It’s utterly dull.]

    • Toyger says:

      I have just been to Franco’s blog and posted this comment under his piece about loyalty and the Constitution.

      I agree, however you started off working that way and then you flew off at a very steep tangent when you let personal issues cloud your decisions. I’m Nationalist through and through, and i must say that your behaviour as well as that of 2 other MPs is disgusting…you had some good ideas, but the way you went about to implement them was totally wrong! Did anyone ever teach you the meaning of waiting and abiding your time/ of learning to walk before learning to run?

      If this is not published i’ll know that you’re a bigger farce than you show…..let’s see how biased this blog really is.

      • Toyger says:

        By the way, the last sentence was for Franco’s blog as well, not yours, Daphne.

        Not only did he not publish my comment, but now it’s not even awaiting moderation. It’s just been deleted.

        So we can confirm our initial inkling that he’s only going to publish the comments that praise him and agree with his brilliant and amazing ideas.

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