‘Jekk dan ma’ jkunx bizzejjed, narmaw il-partitarji, kollha narmawhom…’
Now for a Labour apology from Leo Brincat’s website, so hip and intellectual you see.
The method here is to have to take it all in to be able to remain in the picture. If it is to be the dilution of Labour red into coalition blue why should it matter?
Is anyone surprised JPO and Franco must be in the news everyday? The story has to be the PN’s impending implosion.
The movement includes newspapers working incessantly to its success under the banner of independent thinking, given that Labour seems to have dissolved. Yeah right.
The bottom line when one sees through all this is that whoever advised the strategy started out with one basic premise: Labour with it’s history, symbols, language, choices and people is unelectable. It is in itself an admission of guilt without the consequences. Cheats.
“Kemm ghadhom lura! Ghadhom jaghmlu kollox bil-karti, jahasra.”
“Issa nuruhom kif titmexxa Kastilja” *bursts of laughter*
“Xieraq ir-rizultat ma jkunx li qed nistennew…” *even louder bursts of laughter*
“Mela xi tridu jkun?” *uncontollable laughter*
And this was at an event hosted by the Prime Minister, no less.
Then the conversation turned to the choice of alcohol available and it looked like they were taking down notes on their mobiles in preparation for next year’s event.
‘Jekk dan ma’ jkunx bizzejjed, narmaw il-partitarji, kollha narmawhom…’
Now for a Labour apology from Leo Brincat’s website, so hip and intellectual you see.
The method here is to have to take it all in to be able to remain in the picture. If it is to be the dilution of Labour red into coalition blue why should it matter?
Is anyone surprised JPO and Franco must be in the news everyday? The story has to be the PN’s impending implosion.
The movement includes newspapers working incessantly to its success under the banner of independent thinking, given that Labour seems to have dissolved. Yeah right.
The bottom line when one sees through all this is that whoever advised the strategy started out with one basic premise: Labour with it’s history, symbols, language, choices and people is unelectable. It is in itself an admission of guilt without the consequences. Cheats.
The story of Sabrina Agius explains how Labour is working.
I wonder whether there are other emails with others that we have not seen…
The Real Joseph will come out, but only after he walks up the stairs of Castille. Wait and see.
Is it only me who thinks the “pre-image consultant” version of Joseph is a spitting image of Dwight Schrute from The Office?
Some loud mouths having a conversation:
“Min jaf x’jixreddjaw bhalissa.”
“Jahsbu li billi ma jhallux karti ha j***una.”
“Kemm ghadhom lura! Ghadhom jaghmlu kollox bil-karti, jahasra.”
“Issa nuruhom kif titmexxa Kastilja” *bursts of laughter*
“Xieraq ir-rizultat ma jkunx li qed nistennew…” *even louder bursts of laughter*
“Mela xi tridu jkun?” *uncontollable laughter*
And this was at an event hosted by the Prime Minister, no less.
Then the conversation turned to the choice of alcohol available and it looked like they were taking down notes on their mobiles in preparation for next year’s event.