Populist, not liberal
timesofmalta.com reports on the prime minister’s interview on Radio 101 this morning. This is the bit that struck me most.
Dr Gonzi spoke about the immigrants taken into Malta last Thursday and said assistance had been offered by the AFM but it was refused by the immigrants who wanted to continue on their way.
The AFM followed the dinghy to provide assistance, should this be required.
It so happened that the dinghy started taking in water some time later and it was only through the AFM’s intervention that the irregular migrants who were on it did not drown.
Those who were not populist, did not have a problem taking such decisions, Dr Gonzi said.
He insisted that it was possible for one to stand by his values and at the same time safeguard the interests of the country. This was what his government always did, putting pressure on the European Union and on other countries for the illegal migration problem to be shared.
He noted that 1,000 refugees from Malta had been taken by the United States and Malta was to continue putting pressure on the EU for more countries to take refuges from Malta.
Another instance where Muscat chose to be populist, Dr Gonzi said, was when instead of admitting that the price of oil had increased all over the world, he blamed the increase on the government.
He had also been populist when he joined the General Workers’ Union in its protests against the privatisation of the shipyard even though this had been the best decision for Malta.(…)
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On the times today:
“Fear campaigns on the increase – Muscat”
With a very appropriate horror-movie style photo of The Leader
Definitely a Boris Karloff influence, but in colour. Blue, pink and ginger to be precise.
A good, and relevant, piece by Mark Anthonjy Falzon today:
The PM’s words give a sense of perspective.
I think it’s about time Labour were challenged to pronounce itself on whether these people are to be used as a weapon with the EU.
Joseph never divulged the details when he called for the rescinding of Malta’s international obligations. A leader of the left, member of the European Socialists who didn’t, in four years, acknowledge these people with a visit.
Such is the shame and spin he’s capable of. He thinks politics are still something done at the common room when a lecturer doesn’t turn up.
Every gesture, tone and word used coming from him, must carry the responsibility inherent to a contender for prime minister. I could dream on.
As far as Joseph Muscat is concerned, liberitine, populist, anticlerical, semiliterate and unprincipled is synonymous with ‘Moderate and Progressive’.
“The end justifies the means.”