Request for police action against Labour MP Joe Mizzi; Mizzi backs down
Richard Cachia Caruana, through his lawyer, has formally requested the police to prosecute Labour MP Joe Mizzi for criminal defamation.
Stqarrija ta’ Richard Cachia Caruana – Is-Sibt, 14 ta’ Lulju 2012
Ippreżentata kwerela lill-Pulizija sabiex jinbdew proċeduri kriminali kontra d-Deputat Laburista Joe Mizzi u kontra l-editur tal-istazzjon ONE TV
Aktar kmieni illum ippreżentajt kwerela lill-Pulizija sabiex jinbdew proċeduri kriminali kontra d-Deputat Laburista Joe Mizzi u l-editur tal-istazzjon ONE Kurt Farrugia rigward allegazzjonijiet li Joe Mizzi għamel fil-konfront tiegħi u li ġew imxandra fuq ONE TV
ilbieraħ il-Ġimgħa, 13 ta’ Lulju 2012.
L-allegazzjonijiet ta’ Joe Mizzi fil-konfront tiegħi u li ġew imxandra minn ONE TV huma infondati, inveritjieri, itellfu jew inaqqsu r-reputazzjoni tieghi u għalhekk huma libellużi.
Il-kwerela ġiet iffirmata mill-Avukat Joe Zammit Maempel.
Richard Cachia Caruana
And bang on cue, Mizzi seems to have realised that perhaps it’s not such a great idea to break a lying lance for Joseph Muscat and a Jo Said clone.
14 ta’ Lulju 2012
Stqarrija maħruġa mid-Deputat Joe Mizzi, Whip tal-Grupp Parlamentari Laburista
L-istqarrijiet għamilthom drabi oħra – Joe Mizzi
Filwaqt li niddikjara li m’iniex se nidħol iktar fil-battalji interni ta’ GonziPN, wara diversi mistoqsijiet li kelli mill-mezzi tax-xandir fis-sigħat li għaddew dwar il-punti li jien semmejt li jista’ jkun qed jirreferi għalihom Dr Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando nistqarr li dak li stqarrejt fl-aħħar sigħat stqarrejthom drabi oħra fil-pubbliku u anke fil-Parlament għal iktar minn darba.
Dan sabiex nikkonferma li jien mhux qed nitkellem issa għall-ewwel darba għax issemmejt fil-każ ta’ tkeċċija ta’ Richard Cachia Caruana.
Joe Mizzi
Whip tal-Grupp Parlamentari Laburista
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I think it is more a case of Mizzi letting JPO stew in his own juices now ,that the latter and his two co conspiritors have done their worse.
Mizzi is not letting JPO stew in his own juices. He is dropping him pronto as a very hot potato that was burning his hands.
‘nistqarr li dak li stqarrejt fl-aħħar sigħat stqarrejthom drabi oħra…’
Il-Whip tal-grupp parlamentari Laburista.
U din mhux tajba wkoll?
“il-punti li jien semmejt li jista’ jkun qed jirreferi għalihom Dr Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando”
Min sejjer jarah fl’awla tal-qorti meta tkun ghaddejja l-kawza? Tghid l-istess nies li hadu gost jaraw lilek, Daphne?
Hemmhekk mhux se jkollu lil Dear Leader hdejh u jaqbillu ma jaghzilx lil Toni Abela jiddefendih ghax jista’ jispicca veru wahdu.
Cute. Reminds me of a Big Blue Marble.
“I am not blaffing.”
“… dak li stqarrejt fl-aħħar sigħat stqarrejthom drabi oħra fil-pubbliku u anke fil-Parlament għal iktar minn darba.”
Jista’ l-Onorevoli Membru jikkwotalna eżattament kull waħda mid-dikjarazzjonijiet li qiegħed jirreferi għalihom, jindikalna fl-liema seduta tal-Parlament (Numru tas-seduta u data) kien għamel dan?
Dan il-lingwaġġ suppost familjari miegħu l-Onorevoli Joe Mizzi u għalhekk m’għandux diffikultà biex jifhem il-mistoqsija.
Iċ-ċans hu li ma jirrispondix imma wara ma jkollnix tort li inqisuh li qal gidba.
Isa bully wieġeb!!
Dan Mizzi mhux dak il-Laburist li kien qal li jekk jitla l-Labour isibu z-zejt? F’wiccu zgur li ma kienux ha jsibuh iz-zejt, ha nghidlek. Izda peress illi milli jidher dan wiccu w s*rmu xorta, kien ikollhom cans iehor isibuh band’ohra z-zejt.
If they keep backing down at this rate, they won’t even attend his wedding.
Joe Mizzi dejjem jibghatilna l-awguri bhal dan ta’ hawn fuq f’gheluq snina.
Lanqas haqq il-karta, l-flus tal-posta ghax kif tasal dritt ghal borza tar-riciklagg.
I got one too.
In my book backing down means withdrawing or retreating at least partially a statement or from a position. The statement of Mr Mizzi does not even imply any form of backtracking but states that he already stated the alleged facts on previous occasions.
[Daphne – Hello, Tedious Dave. He backed down as a witness. He has nothing else to back down from, now that he is staring down the nostrils of a criminal defamation case.]
As far as I know Mr Mizzi did not say if he is ready to be a witness. He stated on tv his allegations. However he may not wish to be a witness by an opposing party MP before the executive board of the opposing political party and I therefore understand his reluctance. On another but related point – are you still in favour of the abolishment of criminal libel?
Joe Mizzi’s claims that the statements that have now earned him the risk of a prosecution for criminal libel had already been previously made by him under the immunity of parliamentary privilege. This should teach him to confine such objectionable statements to the precincts of parliament.
He should also learn that the fact that he had made those statements before with impunity does not earn him the right to go on repeating the abuse indefinitely.
Joe Mizzi seems to have forgotten that outside parliament he’s not protected by privileged status and has to watch what he says.
Let’s not forget Joe Mizzi had another “yacht story” to reveal five years ago:
I know that this has nothing to do with this article but I have to say it. I really hate the name GonziPN. What are they? Five years old?
And the fact that they say it with a smirk on their faces is worse.
Do we really want these children in government?
It is really getting on my nerves. Grow the eff up.
Why is the term “GonziPN” suddenly bad news?
[Daphne – Because it’s associated with Labour sympathisers like you, Martin.]
BY what bizarre stretch of the imagination do you interpret that as “backing down”?
[Daphne – The man isn’t even coherent, Martin. ‘Something fishy’, indeed. Please don’t say you’re so unintelligent as to find him intelligible. Or that you actually believe such utter rubbish. Stick to Little Red Riding Hood.]
You dodged the question. How does Mizzi’s statement equate to “backing down”?
[Daphne – He has said categorically that he will not be a witness for Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando. He was clearly prepared to do so before, but then backed off and down when there was a request to have him prosecuted. So much for the courage of his convictions, the bloody fraud.]
Joe Mizzi – SMS spammer via shall we say “obtained without authorisation” lists of mobile phone subscribers.
Same as Chris Cardona.
Same stable, same stupidity.