Situation: FUBAR

Published: July 14, 2012 at 7:28pm


One learns so much from members of the younger generation. In response to one of my posts about Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith’s Bronx drug-dealer scenario with the heavies at his shoulders, I received an email:

“Situation: FUBAR”.

I don’t understand, I replied. Please explain, because it’s been some years now since I last went to Paceville and I don’t know the names of the new bars.

The weary reply came back:

“What bar? It’s an acronym for F**ked Up Beyond All Recognition.”

Oh. I see.

9 Comments Comment

  1. Groucho says:

    See, this is the problem with all these acronyms being used too liberally.

    I have an acronymous issue and this blog is (you are) to blame for it.

    I am, as I assume are many, conversant with the acronym JBOD, which in computer disk-raid systems speak means, ‘just a bunch of disks’

    I’m also familiar with the acronym POS, which as we all know translates into, ‘piece of shit’.

    What’s happening is that every time you mention that little POS by the acronym JPOS, I automatically read it as, ‘just a piece of shit’, which I’m not sure I should be doing.

    It is unfortunate when one’s acronymed name translates into essentially what quite a few people perceive you to be…

    All I need to do now is to coin a term for this. If it doesn’t already exist I think I’ll call it Agrostonymy.

  2. Cannot_resist_anymore says:

    Or : Situation: SNAFU

    Situation Normal: All F**ked Up.

  3. P Shaw says:

    F.U.B.A.R. is an acronym for:

    1. F*cked up beyond all reason.
    2. F*cked up beyond all recognition.
    3. F*cked up beyond all repair.

    The third definition is most appropriate. The verb is fubared.

    I find the website below very useful.

  4. FP says:

    I’m not sure about how appropriate the FUBAR acronym is in JPOS’ case.

    ‘Beyond all recognition’ implies change.

    I don’t think JPOS has changed at all.

    It’s just that with every single day that passes we’re learning more and more how FU he’s always been.

    JPOS is not changing. Our knowledge about him is.

  5. Ivan says:

    FUBAR is from the 40s actually…

  6. TROY says:

    ‘Look into my eyes Ariadne,and tell me what you see?’
    ‘The tears of a clown’

  7. david alamango says:

    It gets better: FUBAR BUNDY.

    Look it up.

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