Somebody must have made a frantic call to The Times

Published: July 6, 2012 at 2:25pm

8 Comments Comment

  1. Not Sandy :P says:

    My reaction exactly. I don’t think it was Nicholas Sammut.

  2. toyger says:

    I wonder who called them to point out the mistake: either a terrified Nicholas Sammut or an irate and hysterical JPOS.

    Ma jmurx in-nies jahsbu li Gonzi nehhieh minn chairman.

    • PhiliP says:

      Ma nafx x’qieghed jistann Dr. Gonzi biex itajru minn hemm. Bill dan ic-“cairman” ghandu hafna erf.

      Nahseb li xi kultant jisthajjel li hu Einstein. Nahseb li hu kien wara s-sejba ta’ “New particle found, consistent with Higgs boson” il-gimgha li ghaddiet.

  3. Riff Raff says:

    Thank God he wasn’t marooned somewhere in Sicily.

  4. George Cutajar says:

    No big surprise. After all he still wants to hang on in there and might just make it to being re-appointed should Joseph become PM – he did give him a friendly welcome on one of the recent image building visits .

    • Jozef says:

      He got to know of the discovery via the article no doubt. Git.

    • C Falzon says:

      I wouldn’t be so sure that a Labour government would re-appoint him. I don’t see of what use he could be to them at that point.

      He will probably find out that he is of no use to Carmen either.

  5. Andre says:

    Can I just add that Nicholas Sammut is a wonderful scientist. He’s the sort of man JPO can never aspire to be – talented, humble and very clever.

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