Take him to rehab, Carmen. Imagine forgetting to send his letter to the supposed recipient and sending it to the media instead.

Published: July 12, 2012 at 8:38am

And with her hidden left hand, Carmen pulls the levers.

Here’s another twist in Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith’s whisky-sodden plot.

It is already bizarre enough that he:

– turned a political party forum into a kangaroo criminal court;

– summoned the Police Commissioner to supply it with evidence even though he’s clearly prevented from doing so;

– failed to inform the ‘court’, the accused and apparently almost all his own witnesses why they are required.

NOW he is perverting the course of natural justice in yet another way. Before the ‘trial’ has even started he is in public confrontation with one of his own witnesses, Gordon Pisani.

And he was so focussed on copying his letter with its list of witnesses to “real journalists” (i.e. not me or fellow members of my Evil Click) that he forgot to send the original to Marthese Portelli, the actual supposed recipient.

That is a Freudian slip of massive proportions. It shows that he’s thinking only of the media and that this to him is a media war.

6 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    If she does there is a chance that we might pity him.

  2. Omega says:

    Aren’t those horizontal stipes a Labour trade mark?

  3. john says:

    Carmen is a good housekeeper, I understand.

    He gets his divorce, she gets to keep the house.

    I hope Jeffrey was well advised before going to the notary.

  4. A Montebello says:

    He’s beginning to remind me of a Vaudevillain performer desperately tapping through his routine as the last remaining dredges in the audience, stand up and make to leave.

    Obscurity beckons… but the rot started ages ago.

  5. Norwegian Wood says:

    I still say that we are wasting precious time trying to understand what this non-entity is up to.

    Our sights should be on Joey & the Incompetents. We need to make sure that the need won’t arise for an ‘Is Malta Burning’ Vol 2.

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