Tal-Lazy Corner goes to Brussil
Joseph Cuschieri, denizen of Sliema’s Lazy Corner, becomes a member of the European Parliament and takes his Lazy Corner habits and values with him.
MEPs get a daily allowance when away from Brussels, depending on where they sign in and how far they are from home and so on and so forth.
They are expected to use this to pay for a decent hotel and proper meals, but Mummy Parliament doesn’t do any policing because grown-ups like Joseph are expected to be able to behave like grown-ups and not like students or starving peasants.
The minimum daily allowance is around €385. This does not cover travel expenses, which are reimbursed separately.
When the European Parliament sits in Strasbourg, Joseph Cuschieri stays at a no-starred backpackers’ hotel for €50 a night and eats supper at the takeaway place next door, where you can get some pizza and a drink for €8.95.
This leaves him with around €320 a day to squirrel away on top of his – well, I would ordinarily say ‘package’, but Marlene Mizzi might be reading this and we don’t want her to get too excited or she might find herself in a tangle with a cat siut.
Insomma, ahna tas-Sliema lil tal-Lazy Corner bdejna nesportawhom.
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What a waste of bloody money.
I believe that Cuschieri will be remembered for this PQ.
Leġislatura IX Kategorija ORAL
Mistoqsija Numru: 9803 Data: 27/09/99
Seduta: 198 – 03/12/99 09:00 AM
Seduta Interim:
Titlu: Dipartiment tas-Sanita’ – Problema tal-ġrieden
staqsa lill-Onorevoli LOUIS DEGUARA (Ministru tas-Saħħa):
Jista’ l-Ministru jgħid jekk id-dipartiment tas-Sanita’ ssorveljax il-problema tal-ġrieden f’pajjiżna, jekk ir-risposta hija fl-affermattiv, jista’ l-Ministru jgħid jekk timżammx statistika ta’ kemm ikunu nqabdu ġrieden u mil-liema lokalitajiet jew zoni?
Jista’ l-Ministru jgħid ukoll jekk qatt sarx rapport jew isirx rapport min żmien għal żmien dwar il-problema tal-ġrieden f’pajjiżna lokal b’lokal, jew zona b’zona? Jekk ir-risposta hi fl-affermattiv jista’ l-Ministru jagħti d-dettalji f’dan ir-rigward?
Jista’ l-Ministru jagħti d-dettalji ta’ kemm inqabdu ġrieden matul l-1996, 1997 u 1998 u ta’ liema qisien kienu?
Ninforma l-Onor. Interpellant li d-Dipartiment tas-Saħħa, permezz tal- `Pest Control Unit’qiegħed kontinwament jissorvelja l-problema tal-ġrieden f’pajjiżna. kull xahar isir rendikont ta’ kemm daħlu rapporti minn kull raħal. Dawn jagħtu ndikazzjoni ċara ta’ liema huma dawk iż-żoni li l-aktar jeħtieġu attenzjoni.
Dwar l-aħħar parti mid-domanda, fejn l-Onor. Membru ried ikun jaf in-numru u l-qisien tal-ġrieden li nqabdu, nixtieq ngħidlu li fil-`Manpower Plan’ tad-Dipartiment tas-Saħħa m’hemmx maħsub għall-impjieg ta’ `Pied Piper’ u għalhekk la nafu fejn imorru jmutu l-ġrieden ivvalenati u lanqas il-qisien tagħhom.
Din bis-serjeta’ jew?
So anyone can go to Brussels.
Take heart, you more than qualify! By the meritocracy that Joseph Maximus preaches you would be right on top of the list. (but do you have an LP membership card?)
That photo looks really tacky. That man needs to mature before representing Malta in Europe.
Too late. The twerp is ensconced and has full licence to embarrass Malta.
Ara x’bargain għamel meta ċeda s-siġġu lil Joseph.