The candidates

Published: July 13, 2012 at 12:57am

Well, it certainly is good to see the eternally popular cardiologist Albert Fenech (all the ladies are going to rush out and vote for this one) and human rights lawyer Therese Comodini Cachia on the PN ticket.

There’s Mark Anthony Sammut, too – still in his 20s. I’ve never met him, but I tend to really like his views and his way of expressing them on his blog (

May there be more of the same.

Albert Fenech

Therese Comodini Cachia

25 Comments Comment

  1. Popeye says:

    I’ll vote for him if he’s on my district. He’ll make a refreshing change from all the wannabees.

  2. Philip says:

    Isma Defni hi, dejjaqtna ta. Allura huma ghandhom lil Bertu Fenech. U ahna?

    Jewilla m’ghandnix lil Joseph Cuschieri, Alla jbierku. Kemm kien helu’ jaqra d-diskors fl-Ewropa, vera bravu.

    Dawk il-MEPS kollha jisimghuh, imbellhin kolla kienu.

    Isma hi ta, Deff, ha nghidlek, dak ministru ghad narawh.

    Ajma ma, x’textix jaqbadni kif nisma l-isem Joseph. Gejja b’Albert Fenech l-ohra. Iss, aremm hej, zommomli. L-aqwa li ghandna it-two Joeys.
    Genna fl’art …….ommi ma, x’gej ghalijna.

  3. Angus Black says:

    Oh, but wait a minute. Look at the big guns at the Labour Party.

    Karmenu & George Vella, AST, Joe Debono Grech, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, Leo Brincat, Evarist Bartolo, Charlie Mangion, Anglu Farrugia, …

  4. canon says:

    It is heartening to see such faces. Well done.

  5. FP says:

    Loved the guy ever since he first appeared on TV. I’d trust my life in his hands anytime, be it as cardiologist or as politician.

    If Albert Fenech is not a vote magnet, I don’t know who is.

    Great to see you on the list, Mr Fenech. I wish you every success.

  6. Apolitical citizen says:

    I’ll give Professor Albert Fenech my vote for sure if he is on my district. We need more wonderful people like him in government.

    By the way, Daphne, it seems that you are the only person who knows the difference between a cardiac surgeon and a cardiologist. Yes, Albert Fenech is a cardiologist, not a cardiac surgeon. Surgeons do operations, cardiologists are physicians. Albert Fenech is the best cardiologist we have.

    Could we have more candidates like him, please?

  7. bookworm says:

    When will we know the list of candidates by electoral district? I’d certainly vote for Therese Comodini Cachia.

  8. Scoobs says:

    I must also say that Dr. Mario Rizzo Naudi is a welcome sight for the Nationalist Party hailing from a family of politicians and academics.

    He is an excellent Doctor and a very loyal friend. Glad that the Nationalist Party have an excellent alternative from Franco “cock” Debono in Hal Ghaxaq.

  9. Mario says:

    Welcome aboard, Albert. I wish you would stand for election in Gozo. You have so many friends and supporters here. Good luck, my friend.

  10. Interested Bystander says:

    Doesn’t anyone else see how odd it is that people think of running the country as something you do in your spare time, like a part-time cleaning job?

  11. Fido says:

    Is there a chance of having good calibre candidates for the South? It’s true that you don’t need much to find one better than il-Ministru tas-Sawt. But I think we deserve better.

  12. ANZ says:

    Albert Fenech – a real Star Candidate.

  13. Mark Spiteri says:

    You missed mentioning a new PN candidate Dr Mario Rizzo Naudi a popular family doctor on the 4th and 5th district. Residing in Hal-Ghaxaq…..a man of integrity

  14. cikku l-poplu says:

    is-super candidates ta’ Joseph lanqas jibdew ma’ dawn.

  15. ciccio says:

    You certainly picked the best names on that list. It is individuals like these who we need in politics.

    Now contrast that with Labour’s skip of recycled stuff.

  16. olive oil says:

    Good candidate, a free spirit and nobody`s fool. And not an ass-licker.

  17. Macduff says:

    Thank you, Daphne, for correctly calling Prof. Fenech a “cardiologist”, and not a “heart surgeon”.

    The Times fails even there.

  18. Hurrah Hurrah it`s a great list of sound, dependable candidates says:

    Hurrah Hurrah – it`s a great list of sound, dependable candidates. So glad about the people mentioned …… U Albert Fenech kif tfigh lil Franco Mercieca.

  19. PG says:

    I am happy to hear such good news. They have my full support.

  20. xmun says:

    Prof Albert Fenech is a great cardiologist and I just cannot describe his manners with his patients, encouraging them on. My dad can vouch to that. I’m sure he’ll be as successful if elected in parliament

  21. Dumbledore says:

    Daphne, what are your views on Manuel Delia?

    [Daphne – I have none. I’ve met him only a couple of times and know nothing about him.]

  22. maryanne says:

    Jeffrey has his Smile Clinic and the PN are going to have their Smile professor. Welcome on board, Profs. Fenech.

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