The Movement (sigh) has sent me a video link…

Published: July 16, 2012 at 3:27pm

…and it’s best watched with the sound off.

29 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    Oh yes, some economic roadmap you have, Joseph.

    You are focused only (mehdi, as you say) in colluding with JPOS. You have a roadmap on how to dish out bits of information about Richard Cachia Caruana. Il-Guy, Joe Mizzi, Varist and now it’s Maltastar’s turn.

  2. canon says:

    My God. His head is getting bigger and bigger.

  3. Neil Dent says:

    That’s the ‘Partit Laburista’ back-drop this time. It just not blurred quite enough to be illegible Joe. More effort required.

  4. T Schembri says:

    Is Joey looking down on us? I think the Super One crew used the wrong lens. Either that or his head is extremely large.

    • A keen observer says:

      The pose and camera angle reminded me of the stereotypical school bully. If the camera were any lower we’d have the pleasure of looking all the way up dear leader’s nostrils.

  5. ciccio says:

    “Il-moviment huwa iffukat … fuq roadmap…”

    Here is the “moviment” (of extreme right wingers) checking out Joseph’s moviment “roadmap.”

    I can already see a few spoofs with this video once Joseph’s roadmap is out.

  6. A. Charles says:

    Too long.

  7. P Shaw says:

    I can’t understand why, but Jospeh Muscat reminds me a lot of the fat and vindictive prison director in “The Midnight Express”, which ironically was filmed in Malta.

    Muscat’s way of walking reminds me of that scene where he is walking in the prison courtyard holding hands with his two chubby sons.

  8. el bandido guapo says:

    What waffle. Lovely zejza-level camera angle, wonder why? Or perhaps not.

    • La Redoute says:

      It’s the Mussolini angle – the one favoured by short men to make them seem big and powerful. It’s also the angle favoured by Kurt Farrugia – mainly because he can’t reach any higher.

    • TP says:

      It is clear that the camera is set at the level of the teleprompter.

      • MMuscat says:

        Dear TP, it is the other way round. Teleprompters are adjustable to the cam’s position which, in this case, it is set on a tripod, even though it looks like it is docked on Kurt’s head. The viewing angle and the frame is a communits/fascist trade mark. You can see this style even in their posters.

        Still you were spot on when you wrote: ‘it is clear… teleprompter.’

  9. Jozef says:

    Just let it roll, sound off, pause it before the end, then click at random on the timebar.

  10. FP says:

    The whole country will be getting a 5-year long movement soon.

    Blue-flag beaches? Forget it.

  11. Carmel Said says:

    Is it just me? The more I see/hear of this guy the more repulsive I find him.

    Kandidati b’esperjenza u nies godda indeed.

    Roadmap must be the latest word of the week.

    • kram says:

      Probably they have a list of buzz words to use and they use one a week. This week, or whenever this was filmed, it was roadmap.

  12. K. Calleja says:

    Seems to have been filmed from a slightly awkward angle. Maybe Kurt Farrugia had the honour of filming this?

  13. MMuscat says:

    He looks like some bored Muppet or a heavy toad staring at the water. There is no conviction in his words. He used up all his energy on the first two big lies.
    “Il-Moviment” and “Diga hrigna bi proposti”

  14. C Falzon says:

    What’s with the lighting these days whenever the leader is in front of a camera?

    Are they trying to show us that he has a bright side as well as the dark side we already know of? Or is it just that they can only afford a single light bulb with all the ghaks and faqar that Gonzi was wreaked on us?

    Interestingly the right is always the dark side. That probably means something but I’m not sure what.

  15. Toyger says:

    Oh God, get me a barf bag. At least he slipped once and said IL-PARTIT LABURISTA at 1:16, but only in the context of its congress in a few weeks. So I don’t think it really counts.

  16. Joe pace says:

    “Roadmap” was first used by Alfred Sant when he was Prime Minister.

    He heard George Bush using it with the Israeli / Palestinian conflict.

    The next day out came Alfred Sant with his roadmap plan, and they haven’t stopped using it since.

    They’re not clever enough to come up with anything original. Copying is their speciality.

  17. Elena says:

    Daphne…. what on earth is a movement exactly? Has the PL changed its statute so that it’s no longer a political party?

  18. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    What were his concrete ideas?

    • ciccio says:

      His concrete ideas?

      Joseph Muscat’s promise that he will reduce bureaucracy is intended to hide the fact that when he takes over at Castille, his government will gag and dismantle the MEPA, rendering it a toothless non-authority to be ignored by government in its decisions.

      This will be done mainly through key persons on the boards.

      But the other promise of sowxjil impekt essessmint will also be used to overpower planning decisions.

      This will allow Joseph to implement his other idea. That of permitting unsustainable development anywhere in Malta, which, Joseph thinks, will be the key to economic growth, jobs, etc.

      Meanwhile, this poses a major economic hazard: that of endangering the financial system with unsustainable loans to financially unsustainable projects – this point has not been picked up sufficiently by our analysts, such as in the case when Joseph proposed land reclamation (soon after his visit to the Palm Islands in Dubai with MEP 456).

      Now to do all that development, he will need a lot of concrete.

  19. anthony says:

    “Tappa importanti” fir-road map.


  20. Buy one get one free says:

    Offerta specjali tal-Moviment ta’ bla isem – bidu gdid iehor:

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