They should run off and join a circus
July 5, 2012 at 9:13pm
On this afternoon:
Franco Debono says he deserves gratitude and not condemnation. And Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith says he isn’t bluffing.
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Jahasra kemm jahdem ghal partit, mhux bhal haddiehor. Qatt ma jimbarazzah lil partit.
Jien innutajt bidla dal-granet.
Anke lit-Times qabbzuha dawn it-tlieta.
There are more dignified ways to communicate the reforms to the PM. Franco’s selfish ways are only damaging the party who helped him to be in parliament.
Franco should resign today, because the PN really doesn’t need any stooges.
Daphne, didn’t one of the Mitford girls run off to join a circus? Or was it the Communist Party? I forget.
[Daphne – Jessica Mitford, sort of the Communists, I suppose. Then there was that other one who liked Hitler – Unity?]
I thank another became a Nazi, another a famous novelist and the youngest made it to Duchess of Devonshire so there’s hope for us yet.
The strikingly beautiful Diana was married to Sir Oswald Moseley, leader of the British Fascist Party.
In a short time the greatest circus is coming to Malta.
Dalwaqt naghtuhielek il-gratitudni, Franco Debono.
Meta tasal l-elezzjoni naghtuk il-gratitudni ghax l-inqas tohrog ghall-elezzjoni mal-PN ma tithalla. U jekk ihalluk, Ahseb u ara kemm ser titla. Forsi fil-qerq meta titkixxef x’ser jistaqsik Reno Bugeja. Imbruljun.
The Mistra wheeler-dealer isn’t bluffing. He’s just lying.